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Mechanicum Thallax/ Centurion comparison

The Sandman

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Can I ask why you're after a centurion replacement? You planning on a mechanicum counts as you just not like the model?


If it's the latter try looking at the following thread, candleshoes has done an excellent conversion and howto on the centurion and makes the models look decent, no small feat:



A combination really of, much preferring the thallax aesthetic, more brutal and less awkward...and yes I suppose there was the SLIGHT temptation to avoid paying for a forty plus pound unit. Maybe.


Very good shout on the link though, can't beat a good modelling and fluff combination.

I also have considered the same. I think they are suitable. My argument would be with no "human" bits inside, the metal limbs, etc, justify the tough factor.


I am waiting to see what else comes out though. I am doing a Sons of Horus / Night Lord / Mech army.

If you don't mind waiting, there a number of amazing mechanicum units coming out from FW in the next year or so. One of them might make a better replacement for centurions.

Check out the links contained here in : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281124-gamesday-2013-pics-and-info/


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