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Faeit rumors.


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Spireguard as cultists with a mandatory mark of tzeentch for an indispensible 6+/6++


Soul blaze on everything! Upgrade soul blaze with soul blaze for double soul blaze, put soul blaze on your soul blaze so you can blaze souls while you soul blaze! Cool tzeentch fires that give your enemies FnP! New warlord trait table, everything on it is soul blaze. What's that? Divination? Haha no. Divination is for ultramarines. We have no idea what to do whith tzeentch on the tabletop but that isn't going to stop us from dedicating an entire supplement to demonstrating it. Rubric heldrake. Life is a meaningless hell

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I love Tzeentch, hence I am jaded.


I would really love to see the daemonic god of magic chickens rise to glory again but if there is something that the BL supplement revealed is that one needs to be very cautious when we speak of Chaos, for GW is a sinister thing.


My only, sole, request is the following... I want more magic. Be it psychic powers, be it magical items, be it magical units, matters not, what I want and what I wish is that Tzeentch would be the faction of sorcerers, magicians, psykers and magic in general. The terribly dangerous, colorful and utterly random way that only Chaos magic can be. I care not if it is competitive or not, all I care for is knowledge, for knowledge is power, especially if it is the knowledge of an intricate chaos ritual that would once per game turn an enemy squad into an unit of Horrors. 


Oh...and yes...it must be utterly inimical to the Space Wolves fauna. 


Really I am going to burn BL down should they give the shaft once more to the Thousand Sons. The dogs of Russ must die, I want their corpses convulsing with spasms from forced Spawnhood, I want their canines torn out one by one and I want their axes turning to daemonic weapons beheading their wielders. I want them to suffer for every spilled drop of Prosperine blood and woe beholds should I not be on equal level with their army. I care not for the other factions as long as the Space Wolves would die again, and again, and again as long as Tzeentch would give me life. 

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Really I am going to burn BL down should they give the shaft once more to the Thousand Sons. The dogs of Russ must die, I want their corpses convulsing with spasms from forced Spawnhood, I want their canines torn out one by one and I want their axes turning to daemonic weapons beheading their wielders. I want them to suffer for every spilled drop of Prosperine blood and woe beholds should I not be on equal level with their army. I care not for the other factions as long as the Space Wolves would die again, and again, and again as long as Tzeentch would give me life.

This made the warp-fires of my heart feel warm and fuzzy...thanks.gif

I have high hopes for any Thousand Sons supplement... but as a former GW employee, I am deeply afraid...

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Man, I hope these rumors are true.

I must admit, however, that I'm just a little concerned that these rumors sound an awful lot like the FW heresy release for the burning of Prospero.

Having said that, I really, really hope that I am wrong.

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