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New Chaos player after some pointers


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hi all,


My new D.I.Y chaos chapter is nearing a useable/playable state and I was after a few pointers on building a list and finishing off some minis I have.


My list consists of (so far)

Demon Prince with Black mace, P.A, wings - as seems to be the norm

2x squads of marines, 1 with double plasma,1 with double melta (rhinos)

5-8 x bikers with metla and plasma

1x large lump of cultists

5x havocs with Auto cannons

3x Oblitorators



Now, my sister in law and her fella got me some raptor/warp talons for my birthday and im wondering which to build ?. Which would fit my current list and which would be more usefull in the future as my army grows?.


also, apart from a Heldrake, is there anything else I should be adding to make the list not competative exactly, but make it fun to play with and against.




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I would go for Raptors with 2 meltaguns. Warp talons are overcosted IMO.


If you are looking for a 'fun' unit that will allow you to keep your marine playing friends I would recommend Spawn with the Mark of Nurgle over the Bale Drake. 


I think the best addition to a chaos marine army is a Daemon army codex, their troops are a lot better than ours :P

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Wouldnt your sister in laws fella be your brother?


Yeah I say ditch the drake every now and again to keep things civil. The helldrakes got a bad vibe about it. Plus spawnspam is one of our best builds and they make for some pretty varied conversion choices!

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Wouldnt your sister in laws fella be your brother?


Yeah I say ditch the drake every now and again to keep things civil. The helldrakes got a bad vibe about it. Plus spawnspam is one of our best builds and they make for some pretty varied conversion choices!


Not if his sister in law was the sister of his wife...


And I agree with Shuggnuggath and add in some Daemons for variation.

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Hmm I would go the other way, you already have the chaos bikers with melta guns so it might be fun if you would include some Warp Talons, though not competitive they are still pretty solid killers of marine infantry. Great to take down some Devastators or other easy marine targets in the back field. 


I would add a basic Sorcerer in order to make your cultist with Discipline 10 and to fire of the awesome Psychic Shriek. For 60 points it is a bargain and no army should be nowadays without a psyker of some sort. 

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Wouldnt your sister in laws fella be your brother?

Yeah I say ditch the drake every now and again to keep things civil. The helldrakes got a bad vibe about it. Plus spawnspam is one of our best builds and they make for some pretty varied conversion choices!

Not if his sister in law was the sister of his wife...

And I agree with Shuggnuggath and add in some Daemons for variation.

Nail. Head.

I'm not a fan of Allies I like to keep to one Army. Should have mentioned that, my bad.

I do have a sorcerer mini, so will knock that up. Sounds fun after reading the rules, after reading the Warp Talon rules they don't (in my eyes) offer enough for the points, so i've gone Raptors. power sword and plasma pistol, with a melta gun. Incidentally, they are wonderful mini's, full of detail and character.

I've been a Templar player for years, so im used to close combat riding around in Tin cans. Bikes, jump packs and havocs are completely alien to me, but im determined to play differently

Heres a link to my W.I.P plog


I'm going all out with the paint scheme, but picking out the weapons in dark metal with orange plasma

thanks for the info everyone, thanks.gif keep it coming. Remember, id play for fun with occasional wins rather than tabling opponents

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