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Allied BL implications. ..?


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I was musing (also deliberating) over the true advantage the recent BL expansion has offered us inbred followers of the dark gods...


What are peoples views on the extra FOC slots now available to us. I was thinking of the following two:


1) Additional HQ Cultist mob. We are now able to field 3 HQ cultist mobs in a 1500pt list. 1 Khârn blob is troublesome enough... Backed up by some other elements (that's already 108 bodies) could this cause any trouble to our opponents?




2) 4th Spawn unit. Those 45 T6 wounds moving at 12" now became 60. This would costs just over 700pts. Too many eggs in one basket? Maulerfiends and juggerlords? 4x 2 Obliterators to keep with the infantry saturation vibe?


I've already heard things about utilising the extra heavy slot for maulerfiend/forgefiend abuse. I really think in lower end standard points games such as 1500pt the extra FA and Heavy slots could make a bigger impact than what it seems.



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Besides the obvious extra Heldrake, my first thoughts were that if you want to take chosen with plasma, this is where you take them.  May as well make them scoring.  Other than that, I don't see anytihg to get too excited about.  Besides, I like my daemons too much to change allies now.

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I like the idea of a Spineshiver Daemon Prince with the Skull since it seems like a genuine alternative to the Mace-Prince. It gains an extra attack (Spineshiver does not replace his sword) and the guaranteed Eternal Warrior makes Mastery levels less important, so you can actually get a budget-Prince that keeps his spank on and can deal with some of the units that traditionally just ID Princes.


The book also takes an enormous pressure off of the Fast Attack slot and allows you to run a proper escort for your HQ, while still keeping the Heldrake numbers up. Maybe even branch into Bikes if you're feeling adventurous.

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I suppose a third cultist HQ blob I would run as 30 with flamers and a Dark Zealot with.Skalanthrax brand. 4 flamers on overwatch is nasty. Keeping them alive is a nice challenge.


Can't get the Dark Apostle with Burning Brand in the Black Legion Detachment.


I've personally been taking a bike sorcerer with the Last Memory of the Yuranthos.  Even if you only blind 1-2 units a turn, it's usually enough to have a pretty major impact on the game.

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Clearly you dont use him as part of your BL force. Sheesh,anything else you need written out slowly for you?

And a bike sorcerer...are you trolling me? :-p


I'm only hoping you're kidding.


Invisibility stacks with turbo boosting . that is enough to think about runing a 3xtele undivided sorc. So no , he is not trolling you.


Absolutely!  Stack on the Last Memory to make him level 4 and he can cast Invis and Hallucination in the same turn, or Invis and a 12" blinding nova.  Really, the Last Memory of the Yuranthos is the best thing out of that Black Legion book, just take a Spell Familiar for safety and you're set.

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I'm playing around with a Noise Marine base & Spawn assault list (yes, I know it isn't that good, but it has been a good change from my previous lists), but I like the Idea of getting a sorcerer in among enemy units for Last Memory.

I guess my question would be:

For a Last Memory bike sorcerer, like the one you and minionboy are discussing above, should I also get some bikers to be an escort/extra wounds for him, or should I just try for Invisibility and try to rely on the 2+cover to get me up the table?

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I thought that was only a worry the other way around, thatyou can pick out the lower cover save, but not the higher? Also, i thouht it didnt matter, because bikes only got their cover save for turbo boosting, which thhey can't do unless every model in the unit can do so, and spawn can't 'turbo boost'. Likewise, the spawn in the unit can't run, since the bike can't run?


So the main reason to stick bikes (aand disks) with bikes and juggers with spawn was that doing it otherwise cuts into your speed by preventing running/turboboosting, not for the picking out saves thing. Or did I have that wrong?

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