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Beating Eldar/Tau Combo


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So one of the guys in my local club play's a slightly more tournament list  than most, I've looked at it and gone "errrr...." because it looks like it has a large amount of firepower and units that the Chaos Space Marine Codex would struggle to counter. So without further ado I present the list as best as I can remember, you'll have to fill in the blanks a bit unfortunately, but yeah, assume it's a tourny style list. It's 1500 points if that helps:

Tau Primary Detachment

Commander with Crisis Bodyguard

Equipment, Shield Drones, Something that gives a 2+ armour and invulnerable on the Commander and things that can improve shooting by stripping cover. not 100% tbh.

2 units of Firewarriors, about 8 man, just objective campers

2 tetra's

3 Broadsides with shield drones

1 Riptide

unit of Crisis Battle Suits (sorry cannot remember the size)


Farseer on Bike

8 Bikers



Yeah I know I'm being a bit vague. on the surface of it he looks like he has very little to place on objectives and would be vulnerable to Helldrakes burning off his scoring troops. I'm thinking that While Maulerfiends would hurt his army it would have to connect with it first. So yeah, any advice on these lists would be stellar 


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Your lucky he isn't running missilesides (broadsides with missile drones) they delete a units turn. Honestly, you summed it up, focus on killing his troops so he can't win, and try to win by playing the mission. You are likely to be very reliant on terrain, so insist on at least 1/3 terrain and plenty of los blockers or you will just die.
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For all I know he might be running missile drones (I don't think he is but there you go).


If I was trying to kill the list, including Daemons would be the way to go I would have thought. Grimoire, Jugger-herald and Flesh hounds would hurt, or Daemonettes on his Eldar (especially that blasted Wraithknight).


Of course that's reducing CSM's to an allies role, or would it work the other way around?

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Well the worse match up for pure tau is demons with no ally. Taudar is a bit more tricky[but not in the set up he is using]. It also depands on the terrain .

Right now if he loses 2 troops he won't win unless hvyies or FA is scoring too . That is a huge problem imo and should be exploited.

why is the WK so bad ?confused.gif

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I've never faced it tbh Jeske, so I don't know if it is really good. I've played the massed WraithLord/guard armies and they were a pain in the neck in the last edition so I figured that the Wraithknight would present similar headaches.


Care to elaborate on the goodness/badness of the WK as I've not had any experience with it.

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What the wraithknight does give you is board control, nothing that big should move so fast, being a jump unit means a 24" threat range with guns that can hurt any vehicle or mc, only thing it really fears is snipers and poison. Honestly they do seem useful to eldar, giving something to push back units trying to threaten the rest of the army. As to the model, well I'm still not sold.


But yeah, as the jeske said, its no riptide, but perversely scares riptides.

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It is a good MC with ok load up of weapons ,with nice upgrades in the supplement codex . IThey are  LRs that have 6 wounds and can get easier cover . But it does cost a lot . WK are  ok , but they are no riptides .


Aw, I'm not in the ballpark.

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What the wraithknight does give you is board control, nothing that big should move so fast, being a jump unit means a 24" threat range with guns that can hurt any vehicle or mc, only thing it really fears is snipers and poison. Honestly they do seem useful to eldar, giving something to push back units trying to threaten the rest of the army. As to the model, well I'm still not sold.


But yeah, as the jeske said, its no riptide, but perversely scares riptides.

+grav weapons. But yeah they are an ok shoting unit , that can also help with tar piting of stuff which is normaly not easy to tar pit, isn't easily destroyed . With buffs becomes very resilient





Aw, I'm not in the ballpark.

 Ma ton a evitan shligne rekaeps. on aedi tahw ouy neem

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