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How to take care of Njall Stormcaller


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Hey guys


Soonish I will be running my Chaos army against a SW player who will most certainly be fielding Njall. Ive never played against him, but from what I hear he's the best Psyker out there when it comes to Psychic Defense.

Im wating to run a very fast attack-reliant army, with a number of Nurgle Bikers and Spawn the act as meatshields for the Slaanesh Talons / Khorne Raptors behind them. Im looking to field Huron and drop him in a blob of cultists and hope for good rolls to allow me to infiltrate 3 of the FA units.
For mid-field support Im looking a 2 x 10 (or 4 x 5) Noise Marines and about 2 x 3 Obliterator squads.

Was thinking that I want a Jump Pack Sorceror to lead the Raptors/Talons, give him a Brand and try some of the cool Slaanesh powers from the book to buff the unit/Noise Marines or get lucky with Iron Arm - the Issue I have is Njall's 3+ DTW rolls making it very possible that my assaulty Sorceror will be in his 3+ DTW rolls from early on and most likely not extremely effective.


Any ways around this?

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Its a 24 inch bubble, if you are using the brand cast any blessings outside that bubble, then move into the 24 and using torrent burn stuff. Honestly, he isn't that much more annoying than a std runepriest. If in doubt just butcher him in cc if you get there.
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wait you can infiltrate bikes and spawn, isnt one cavalery and the other bikes ?

Beasts and bikes, but yeah, though he could infiltrate the raptors as they are infantry, albeit jump infantry.


wait you can infiltrate bikes and spawn, isnt one cavalery and the other bikes ?

Beasts and bikes, but yeah, though he could infiltrate the raptors as they are infantry, albeit jump infantry.

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Another solution is to simply not take a Sorcerer. Our Sorcerers add little when it comes do defensive psychic ability, which means we take them to buff, debuff or just kill stuff.

If we face Njal, we still have no effective means of shutting him down, but our sorcerer can't buff, debuff or just kill stuff.


Best solution imo is to take something fast and just kill Njal the old fashioned way.

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