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Biker Special Weapons

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I was not aware you could switch out the bike's bolters. They're not separate wargear, but a part of the bike, as I nderstand it.

Read the biker entry again...

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I was not aware you could switch out the bike's bolters. They're not separate wargear, but a part of the bike, as I nderstand it.

Read the biker entry again...

OK, just did. The wargear is listed as Chaos Bike, and the entry in the Armoury sction says a Chaos Bike is fitted with a twin-linked bolter. That suggests to me that the bolters are part and parcel to the bike, not a separate item that can be exchanged.


Has this been FAQed somewhere?

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I was not aware you could switch out the bike's bolters. They're not separate wargear, but a part of the bike, as I nderstand it.

Read the biker entry again...

OK, just did. The wargear is listed as Chaos Bike, and the entry in the Armoury sction says a Chaos Bike is fitted with a twin-linked bolter. That suggests to me that the bolters are part and parcel to the bike, not a separate item that can be exchanged.


Has this been FAQed somewhere?




I was not aware you could switch out the bike's bolters. They're not separate wargear, but a part of the bike, as I nderstand it.

Read the biker entry again...

OK, just did. The wargear is listed as Chaos Bike, and the entry in the Armoury sction says a Chaos Bike is fitted with a twin-linked bolter. That suggests to me that the bolters are part and parcel to the bike, not a separate item that can be exchanged.


Has this been FAQed somewhere?


Try again, start with actually reading the Chaos Bikers entry.


"Up to two Chaos Bikers may replace either their close combat weapon or their bike's twin-linked boltgun with one of the following:"


I prefer to swap the twin-linked bolters, Chaos Bikers have the advantage over loyalist bikers in that they actually have BP/CCW, so I prefer to keep that strength.  Also, it's not like you can shoot both, so either you get to shoot your special and have less attacks in combat, or you have the choice of shooting bolters or your special (not often that you'd pick the bolters), and then you get less attacks in combat.

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I was not aware you could switch out the bike's bolters. They're not separate wargear, but a part of the bike, as I nderstand it.

Read the biker entry again...

OK, just did. The wargear is listed as Chaos Bike, and the entry in the Armoury sction says a Chaos Bike is fitted with a twin-linked bolter. That suggests to me that the bolters are part and parcel to the bike, not a separate item that can be exchanged.

Has this been FAQed somewhere?


I was not aware you could switch out the bike's bolters. They're not separate wargear, but a part of the bike, as I nderstand it.

Read the biker entry again...

OK, just did. The wargear is listed as Chaos Bike, and the entry in the Armoury sction says a Chaos Bike is fitted with a twin-linked bolter. That suggests to me that the bolters are part and parcel to the bike, not a separate item that can be exchanged.

Has this been FAQed somewhere?

Try again, start with actually reading the Chaos Bikers entry.

"Up to two Chaos Bikers may replace either their close combat weapon or their bike's twin-linked boltgun with one of the following:"

I prefer to swap the twin-linked bolters, Chaos Bikers have the advantage over loyalist bikers in that they actually have BP/CCW, so I prefer to keep that strength. Also, it's not like you can shoot both, so either you get to shoot your special and have less attacks in combat, or you have the choice of shooting bolters or your special (not often that you'd pick the bolters), and then you get less attacks in combat.

I was just about to post exactly this! Sneaky ninja! smile.png

Most of the time, I agree, you'll want to keep two weapons for close combat, but if you equip your bikes with meltas and don't intend to send that squad into CC it could be a good idea to keep the bolters, more shots agains weak enemies. Also, they outrange flamers, and twinlinked gives them a better chance to hit flyers if you're desperate and they present an AV10 facing towards your bikes.

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Try again, start with actually reading the Chaos Bikers entry.


"Up to two Chaos Bikers may replace either their close combat weapon or their bike's twin-linked boltgun with one of the following:"

I don't know how I missed that. I guess this is where I blame my ipad, flee to the Eye of Terror, and plot your downfall for 10,000 yeas... :p

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Thanks guys, I plan on running 5 nurgle bikes with double melta and meltabombs with the aim of running up-field and wrecking vehicles/assaulting devs squads and the like. With that in mind it sounds like swapping out the Twin-linked Bolters is the way to go so that way the squad packs a cohesive 16 attacks on the charge. 

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Because A you will do challanges anyway . B its not 3-4 powers weapons , but 1[doubt your runing more then 1 squad] C t6 and 3A give you a good chance against the non crazy types of HQs . D +2sv tankers , terminators , MC do exist , having a power weapon as additional help to your melta guns is ok. It is fine to say am not going to charge those targets , but sometimes they charge you or you don't have an option to charge them or not .

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Because A you will do challanges anyway . B its not 3-4 powers weapons , but 1[doubt your runing more then 1 squad] C t6 and 3A give you a good chance against the non crazy types of HQs . D +2sv tankers , terminators , MC do exist , having a power weapon as additional help to your melta guns is ok. It is fine to say am not going to charge those targets , but sometimes they charge you or you don't have an option to charge them or not .

Yeah I can understand that logic, I'll playtest it and see how it works out. I was forgetting that they're T6, that changes the combat dynamic by making them able to survive the initial strikes they take.

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