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New tactical marines -- now with magnetizing tips!


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For the first time since I started this hobby in 1988, I'm painting models before I assemble them. I'm more of a modeler than a painter, but these new Tactical marines are a thing of beauty to me. I love this kit and I wanted to do a good job with them. I plan on taking more WIP pics of my models now that the camera on my phone does a decent job of it. Here are the first couple of (insanely huge) pics... 







It's weird... I really love posing them and the delay actually makes me more excited to paint. I feel for more productive this time around. I have a lot of poses planned out but I want to get everything besides green done first. Fire in my belly. I think it will be really rewarding to pose them and know that all I've got left are some green highlights and transfers.

Started some assembly. Here's another dump. 

IMG 2237

Will be the sarge eventually. 

IMG 2238

IMG 2239

A couple angles of the reloading marine. I actually got around to cutting out the stone from under the leg and taking off the crotch's purity seal. Not that you can see it in these pictures...

IMG 2240

The missile launcher arms in this kit are fantastic. They make it almost impossible to mess up. And you can really lean their eye right down the scope. Cool stuff.

IMG 2241

I like to think of this as the younger version of the Sternguard model from the sculpted kit, in a similar pose with Mk. 6 armor. Note the wrists as well, where I've removed the band to make them more Mk. 6 accurate. I've only done this on maybe three models but it helps me think it's more accurate. I also used the super old 2nd Ed. backpacks on this guy and the sarge. 

IMG 2242

The four together. 

IMG 2243

I paired up torsos and backpacks while I was at it. Note another old-style backpack. That one is pewter, and is from the way old Legion of the Damned models. I had to file off a bunch of Harley Davidson flames on the back. 
More coming sooner or later. 



wish I had the patience to work like this! great stuff so far mate, keep it up...


its a little off topic, but how did you get your pictures to go from massive in the first post, to regular size in the latest post? having the same dilemma with my log...

any advise would be appreciated


as I said keep up the great work, those lenses, I am envy!

Thanks! Oh man... The pictures... I can't figure out the 'right' way to do this. The smaller ones are uploaded here into a gallery on B&C and then posted in via the "My Media" button up there. If you click on them it takes you to a WIP gallery. The really insanely big ones are actually hosted in one of my personal web hosting accounts elsewhere (I have a bunch, since I happen to work for the world's largest shared hosting provider) and I added them with the "image" button instead. There's no way to size them. They just go in how they go in. Which do you prefer, incidentally? 

I normally resize my photos in Paint. 25 then to 75. Piece of cake 


back on topic....Models look awesome. Loving the green, very nice. Good job on removing the purity seal, never understood why one would go the inner thigh, well unless you want to protect the giblets when crouched. /shrug. 

hmm to be honest somewhere between the two sizes would be perfect!


I kid I kid!


with your painting ability go bigger man, when people view them from their phone, they are the perfect size...


as it stands im on my laptop and I can hardly see the smaller ones


I really envy your ability to paint them all separate like that, even just painting arms, weapons or back packs separately drives me up the wall


it would be sweet to get everything painted them work on poses, huh, what a joy that would be!

Alright. Let's try this larger format thing... Here goes. 



Run and gun, with no helmet on. His mother worries about him. 


This will be my special weapons guy. Anyone found a good way to magnetize these delicate hands? 


Getting a grenade ready, and looking extra tough while he's at it. 


Run and gun number two. This one is way more sensible, though. His mom is cool wid' it. 


Alright. Look... I know it looks like he's doing monkey arms right now, but just you wait. He's going to be awesome. Anyone who has played Space Marine knows how cool that little animation is when Titus sprints, and he tucks his bolter under his left arm like a boss? That's this guy. He'll be firing a pistol with the other hand. He looks weird now, but in test fits it's great. Already my fave, and all it took was a little hand repose and some greenstuff.


Here's a side view so you can get a better idea of the momentum he's packing. Don't mind all the little glue spots on the base. Sometimes those assault legs just don't want to stay down, and I wasn't as patient as I could have been when I was test fitting. 


I'm thinking it's going to be a while before my next post because now I have to paint up shoulder pads and weapons, including decals... And that's all before the red and green highlights seal the deal with this squad. I hope you're enjoying this kit as much as I am. Great models, I can't say it enough. 

I figured out an awesome way to magnetize the new tacticals! Forgive me if I'm late to the party and somebody else has done this. I was really excited when I came up with it... I was looking at ways to drill a magnet into the hand holding the weapons, and then it occurred to me that I was looking at the wrong side.


Basically, I decided to drill really deep into the arm. I tried to take an angled shot so you can see how deep this is. The magnet is nested close to the elbow but it's kind of thick. It stops right in the forearm.


That means I could just attach the other magnet right to the outside of the hand. No drilling required on the delicate hand area. Easy peasy.


You can see a few weapons here that all have a little magnet sticking off the hand. If you look at the top you can see an unpainted combi-weapon base that shows how it's attached. I super-glued it, then painted around the base with liquid green stuff to give it more staying power. I learned the hard way that if the magnet comes off in the wrist stump it's really tough to get out. I ended up making a channel on the underside of the arm to stick a blade tip in and pop the magnet out if needed.

One more note... Notice the angle of the canister on the flamer? Well, on the marine who carries the special weapon (you can see him in the corner up there, and you can even see the gap for the magnet channel I was talking about) I couldn't get the flamer into his hands because the canister sticks out forward. I was banging my head against it and then I remembered that the can is on a little swivel joint. I had always wanted to move them around before, and now I had a reason to. I just popped it off, smoothed it out again and reattached it and a different angle. Works fine and still looks fine because, frankly, the weapon looks like it's supposed to do that. tongue.png

Right! I felt like such a boss when I figured it out. Both the magnets and the flamer. I know they're not really that cool, but if just feels good to find elegant solutions to problems. I even think the flamer looks cooler that way, personally. 

Okay. Coming along nicely. Here's the next batch. 



What I like to call the action half of the group. 



The support side of the squad. 



My close-as-I-can-get-with-my-bits version of full Mk. 6 armor. 



Reloading guy. You see, he must shoot a lot with that cool little marksman honor, so he had to take a knee and pop another clip in.






Here are a few angles of the sprinting-with-bolter marine. I really like how that looks. 

Right? The new box makes it much easier because the weapons have the hands right on. There's another thread where someone had small enough magnets to sink into the hand itself but I think this method of drilling into the forearm looks sturdier? Who knows. Works for me. Nowadays you've got to get the most bang for your buck.


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