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My Step-By-Step DIY

Brother Darkover

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So before all the actual writing of the DIY Chapter, credit needs to be given to The Dragons of Oricalcos: Step-by-Step DIY Creation thread for the inspiration to write out a chapter this way.  It is a nifty way of looking at the actual creative process and I recommend checking it out.  Now then, onto the actual Chapter.


After reading through a bunch of fluff, including BL books, Codexes and the B&C, I decided that I wanted to create a chapter for myself.  After various failed attempts, I hunkered don and began to write out the ideas bouncing around my head onto paper (or computer screen).  So, without further ado, here are a series of ramblings about a chapter slowly beginning to take shape.


An Idea Forms

First off, I wanted to find something to theme my bunch of future zealots and warriors around.  The concept that began to take place was one of deep meaning and philosophical weight.  Now dear reader, do you know the phase that most kids go through where they think that knights are awesome?  I never grew out of that, in fact, I added to it a random fascination of mercenaries.  That interest I can squarely blame on the character Jarlaxle from the Legend of Drizzit series by RA Salvatore.  Mashing the two concepts together you get a group of knights/mercs, because I think that sort of thing would be cool.  Now that I had an initial concept, I needed a parent chapter...


That will be all for tonight, as it is late and sleep calls, however I am likely to post on the morrow!

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So, continuing on!


Now having a concept that I really liked, I needed to get a parent Chapter.  For the knightly theme two Chapters immediately stood out; Black Templars and Dark Angels.  The crusading theme of the Templars definitely appealed to my sense of "Knights are cool."  Also, being a history nut in general, the Third Crusade in particular stood out as a cool potential subtheme for them, especially since it is one of my favorite historical events to study.  Making a force led by "Marshal Richard the Lion Hearted" was incredibly tempting.  But for me, the Dark Angels won out.  I love the backstory of the Unforgiven, and the fall from grace and redemption motif spoke to me.  Also, the marines in robes thing was awesome, especially with the new models that came out with 6th ed.  


The specific progenitor Chapter would be the Angels of Absolution.  If memory serves corrrectly, their blurb in the 4th ed. codex mentioned that they felt that the actions of the loyal Dark Angels absolved the Unforgiven of heir sins, although the Fallen do still represent a great shame to the Sons of the Lion.  Following a similar vein of "this seems cool" I dived into more research about them, which eventually led me to the B&C.  The IA on the Angels of Absolution was superbly done in my opinion.  The organization of the 'swords' gave me an idea of how to incorporate the mercenary element into the knight theme of the Chapter.  However, in the words of Bane, that comes later.  The founding I wanted for them was to be fairly early on, and I was thinking either the third or the fourth.  This was to establish a strong tradition among them and to show how the shape of a Chapter can change over time.  Now though, it was time to find a homeworld...


Also, here is a bit of fluff for what I imagine the Supreme Grandmasters of the Unforgiven did at the founding of my chapter


'Brothers,' says the figure in dark green power armor, addressing the assembled Supreme Grandmasters or their holographic representations, 'The High Lords of Terra have taken it upon themselves to call for another founding of Space Marines and they have chosen the blood of the Lion.'


'What have they chosen?' Asks a figure in black., the wings and cowled skull on his shoulder pad standing out against the sable of his armor.


The Supreme Grandmaster of the Dark Angels turns toward the marine who spoke, and only utters one word 




A figure in bone nods once and leaves the gathering, quietly giving orders to his retainers, preparations beginning even before he returns to his ship.

Looks like you're off to a solid start, then. I always especially approve using "successor progenitors". I'll be interested to see the development of mercenary ideologies alongside the DA background. The only recommendation I have right now is to replace your tags with something more informative (Yours appears to have duplicated, anyway). The Liber may soon be implementing some changes to the tags system, but for now there's the Tag guide here.

Thanks for the reply!  I will change them as soon as I figure out how to do so.  As to succeeding a successor, I have always felt that the First Founding Chapters couldn't support the various foundings on their own.  


So I have found out the specific progenitor and geneseed, now it is time to look at the homeworld!


As a disclaimer, I am terrible with naming, so I will ignore the problem until the very end of the creation process! The planet will be on the Eastern side of the Galaxy, since my two main opponents are Red Corsairs and Tau.  My thought processes here was that the upper echelons of the Dark Angels and successors wanted a Chapter to keep watch around the Maelstrom in case any of the Fallen flocked to that Warpstorm.  As to what they were doing during the Badab War, I feel that they would be helping a contingent of the Angels of Absolution chase after a band of Fallen, as well as fending off a few Tau probing attacks.


Next, I will diverge a bit and go into the Founding. This is important because the earlier the Founding, the more I can allow the culture of the planet, as well as the internal politics of the Chapter itself, to shift over time.  Certainly there will be some oversight by the Chapter itself, but if it is a warlike culture that changes how it wars over time, then that could have an effect on tactics, although certainly they will not do a 180.  The Founding I feel that I want is the Fourth.  It is old enough that it gets that cultural shift, and it is also far enough from the Second Founding that the Angels of Absolution can be relatively well established.  So, after that tangent, back to the homeworld!


So this homeworld will have three main continents, with a series of archipelagos connecting them.  The continents themselves are heavily forested, full of flora and fauna, a good portion of which are deadly.  This wouldn't be quite at Death World level of terrifying creatures, but it is still incredibly dangerous.  Human settlements are scattered about the relatively clear areas of the planet, with feudal kingdoms constantly warring with each other and the creatures of the planet.  At one point in the distant past, a high king managed to unite all of these rulers, but that was back in the mists of time, mere legend.  At the time of the founding of my chapter, the primary means of making war was a series of powerful, semi-autonomous knightly orders.  Essentially, think of orders on the magnitude of the Knights Templar, or the Teutonic Knights and that is what is waging mass war against each other on behalf of a bunch of kings.  So naturally, as the dominant military force on the planet, this would be were pretty much all of the recruits would come from.


Now, this is where the mercenary element begins to come in.  At the time of the founding, the knights were generally supported by peasant levees.  Their main purpose was to be some sort of meat shield to blunt the charge of the knights, until their own knights could charge back.  Eventually growing tire of providing cushioning for hooves, some intrepid members of society decided to band together and learn how to fight properly.  Thus the first mercenary companies were born.  Over time, these began to expand and specialize until a remarkably diverse range of military services could be offered, providing of course the price was right.  The knights still hold considerable sway, but they now had competition.  The Chapter began recruiting from the mercenaries, adding that influence into the ranks.


So, where the Fortress Monastery is located.  For this,  I am shamelessly using a reference from Dr. Who, because it is an awesome show, and it actually works somewhat.  The original language of the planet is very lyrical and descriptive, with direct translation to Gothic being difficult.  So the closest approximation for the name will the it is located on the continent of Wild Endeavour, in the Mountains of Solace and Solitude.  It occupies a series of peaks within those mountains, carved out of the very rock itself.


So that was kind of a long post, but it is what I have so far.  Comments, questions, and concerns are always appreciated. I think I will get into more of the chapter organization next, for that allows the mercenary influence to be explained.  Also, I might look into some of the quirks in the chapter, or rather one in particular outside of the whole organization thing.

After a minor break due to school and life here is another update!


I didn't want the mercenary aspect of the Chapter to overtake the knightly part.  Thus, it is mostly prevalent in the Reserve Companies.  This is due to the bulk of the marines that came from Mercenary companies being left in the reserve companies, due to prejudice mostly.  However, despite this, certain exceptional individuals rose through the ranks, making it into the Battle Companies, and even the Ravenwing and Deathwing equivalents.  Naturally, as the centuries and millennia go on, a few go on to being Company Masters.  These then open the way for more advancement among the ranks, until all of the Reserve Company Masters are from Mercenary stock.  


Fast forwarding to the 41st millennium.  The way the reserve companies work is that each company has a different specialty other than the rapid attack mentality of the Battle Companies.  The focus of their training is on using their specialty in conjunction with the Battle Companies.  This makes each squad a far more autonomous unit in the Reserve Companies.  Say one of the Tactical Reserve Companies specializes in city fighting.  Each squad trains together on how to become a force maximize for the Battle Companies.  So when a Battle Company knows that there will be city fighting, it can request use of a certain squad, or group of squads from that Reserve Company.  It is up to the Company Master to deploy which squads he sees fit where.  Also, with this system, it is far more likely to see a Company Master commanding several elements from outside of his own Company.  On the flip side, a Reserve Company Master can request certain elements from the Battle Companies, especially if they know they need to be able to strike out against the enemy quickly.  Battle Companies are loath to break second squads out to other companies, so it is more likely to deploy with several squads in this instance.


Also, since individual squads are being seconded to the Battle Companies, it is far more likely for an extra squad or two to be raised for the Reserve Companies.  They tend to keep it quiet about these things but it has always been a source of conflict with the Codex Adherent Battle Companies.


This is what I have so far, as always comments, questions, and concerns are always welcome.  Also, next time I might start looking into the specifics of how each company is organized, and their specialties.  It will probably include the 1st and 2nd companies as well!  



Huh, looks like your boys are in the East too. EXCESSIVE CHIVALRY CONTEST!

Actually, seeing as I intend to create a little conflict with the Dark Angels in the Dragon's background, they'd probably not trust your boys that much. They're the opposite of sneaky and secretive.

Anyway, now for commentary. What you might want to try doing is playing up the contrast between the Knightly and Mercenary portions of your chapter, andreally let the prejudice and conflict show. There aren't exactly any serious divisions within chapters in the official fluff that do not end in some sort of heresy or renegade behavior, so watching it unfold would be unique and it would grant your chapter extra BBQ Sauce flavor.

Yeah I really wanted to start exploring that tension in the fluff which I am working on, mostly through outright derision on the part of both the battle companies and the reserve companies.  The Chapter leadership would encourage it because of a healthy rivalry, but if it gets in the way of the mission, possibly have those responsible punished and then forced to work together.  Who knows though?  An idea I am toying around with is having the 3rd Company Master and the 8th Company Master, who conveniently dislike each other immensely, being tapped to be the next 1st and 2nd Company Grandmasters.  Once again, that is down the road hopefully after I finish this.



Time for another update!  This time, it is Company Specialties and the reasoning why!  Well not 1st and 2nd Companies, they get their own thingy along with the random quirks of the Chapter.  So without further ado here are the companies!


Beginning with 3rd Company and working downward, it is a rapid strike Company that favors drop pods to get where they are going.  They have gained a reputation of being glory hogs because of this, but none can doubt the effectiveness of fiery meteors of death spitting out armored killing machines directly onto an objective, or at the very least near it.  Veteran squads of this company are known unofficially as 'Roughnecks.' The story goes that a neophyte upon seeing a drop pod land, tumble over a few times and then deploy the squad within commented in the native language about the strength of spine that the squad members had to survive a fall.  The closest translation into Gothic was roughnecks.  Despite the Company Veterans vehement opposition to the name, it stuck. Their official title  is 'Skyhammer.' This is originates from an Imperial Guard Commander commenting on the effect a falling drop pod and its contents had on enemy soldiers.  The commander of the company is a brash individual, known for his daring drops and demanding to be the first to drop. Their tactics are  shock and awe, dropping directly onto an objective or into the enemy's back lines, wherever they are least prepared.  Assault Marines forgo the pods altogether, preferring high altitude drops and firing their jump jets at the last possible moment.


Fourth Company prefers the Rhino rush.  Citing this to being the closest one can get to the knightly roots of the chapter, they race to the objective, often in completion with elements of 3rd Company to see who can secure it first. Their ability to cover vast distances makes them an incredibly valuable element in a war front for their mobility, and ability to secure locations in a protracted campaign.  Veteran squads are known as 'Dragoons.' This is a reference to ancient Terran soldiers who were trained to fight both mounted as well as on foot. Their commander has a fiery personality, who is impatient at the best of times, he prefers to drive straight into the jaws of the enemy before unleashing the fury of the emperor as his marines deploy.  Their favored tactic is clearly the Rhino rush, driving forward to capture objectives before the enemy and using their mobility to attack where they want to with impunity.


Fifth Company uses razorbacks to great effect.  Great proponents of Combat Squads,  their heavy weapons brethren stay in the rear of the battle while the rest zoom forward.  Once free of their cargo, the Razorback drivers take great glee in hunting enemy armor, adding further versatility to the company as a whole.  Veteran squads of this company are likely to be smaller than the other battle companies, each having their own Razorbacks to use.  They are called 'Iron Strike' squads, due to their ability to punch above their weight so to speak with their Razorback support.  The commander of this Company is cool headed and calculating.  He plans methodically and has contingency plans for everything.  Their favored tactic is known as 'Sword and Shield.' The heavy weapons elements provide covering fire for the forward driving Razorbacks, providing the shield elements while the sword drives forward to secure objectives.


So these battle companies universally have more knightly motifs attached to them.  Markings on vehicles are likely to include swords, shields and quotes in High Gothic.  Members of these companies themselves speak highly of 'glorious combat' and put great stock in the 'honor of the Company.'  Company Champions are seen as the pinnacle of what a Marine can achieve outside of elevation to the 1st or 2nd Company and the Inner Circle itself.  Pretty much what you can expect from a fairly orthodox, Codex adherent aspect of the Chapter.  


6th Company begins the specialization madness.  They specialize in city fighting. Thus their squads prefer flamers and meltas to clear out dense areas and cut through buildings and opposing armor.  Their Veteran Squads are known as Firebats to reflect this preference for flame type weapons. In fact, the name originally came from the set of Centurion suits equipped with flamers that an enterprising Veteran squad... found... during a brutal city fight against the Tau.  On an unrelated note, certain brethren in this Company are, for some reason, uneasy whenever there is a chance they have to work with Brothers from (Insert Chapter here).  The Captain of this Company is also systematic.  He directs his squads with brutal efficiency, as can be expected from a lifetime of fighting in the mazes that are the cities of the 41st millennium.


7th Company are the defensive masters.  Essentially, if the Inner Circle wants an area to be fortified, then this is the company to do so.  Their Veterans are called 'Bastions.'  They are known for their stubbornness and unwillingness to shift from a point once there.  The Captain thinks in defenses.  Any area is immediately assessed and potential weak spots are identified.  Allied commanders find him to be exasperating as he is unafraid of pointing out these deficiencies to them.  Their tactic is essentially to pick a point and stay there for as long as super humanly possible.  


8th Company is the stealth and infiltration company.  Although difficult to represent on the tabletop, their job is to sabotage,, assassinate, and pretty much do very un-Marine-y things.  Although not nearly as good at this sort of thing as the Raven Guard, they still cause terror and wreak havoc on enemy supply lines and their organization in general.  In fact, pretty much any tactic, be it propaganda, terror tactics, insurgencies, and more, they are likely to use to get the job done.  This is a particular bone of contention with the Battle Companies especially.  It is also more likely for Marines of this Company to be deployed as individuals, since a single well place operative can do uncountable damage.  Veterans of this Company are known as 'Phantoms.'  These squads deploy at the heart of the enemy, and are like vengeful ghosts, striking and disappearing before the enemy can mount a defense.  The commander is known to be a cold, unapproachable individual who will do what it takes to win.  As a side note, I am toying around with naming him William Tiberius Sherman for this tactic.  On the battle field they hit and run, striking where the enemy is weakest.


Finally, the 9th Company are siege experts.  They have a friendly rivalry with the 7th Company.  Veterans are known as 'Breakers.'  They boast that no edifice can withstand their guns given enough time.  Certainly the 7th company begs to differ.  The Captain of the 9th has a fondness for explosions that others find disturbing.  He also tends to point out weaknesses to allied commanders, but he goes into great detail about how he would attack it.  They favor Razorbacks as transports for their fire power and also, Vindicators are held in particular regard, each lovingly restored each time they are damaged.  It is considered to be a great honor to be a part of operating the Vindicators.


Well that was a long post!  So I will add names for the commanders and captains at some point, however I am terrible at naming things, so I shall shamelessly delay them.  As always, comments, questions and concerns are appreciated!





So your chapter is full of experts that each specialize in a very different strategy that would make the respective expert chapters blush with no reasoning why the chapter adopted such an unusual, unorthodox and of course unsustainable combat doctrine. It seems to me that you want your chapter to be special, but special in every way, take the 3rd and 4th compaines for example. The 3rd company are shock troops that get where they are going and fast, then the 4th company do the same, but with rhinos instead. The fifth company also do this, albeit with a razorback.


With so many specialists where are the regular marines? I think you need to pick one specialization, maybe two at a stretch and then build on it, instead of adopting the strategies of multiple chapters and even companies that specialize in tactics.

Yeah that is fair enough!  The idea I had in my head was that they were all good at it, being Marines after all, but not as good as the Chapters that specialize in it completely.  For example, with the 8th Company, their efforts at stealth are good for normal human beings, but would be laughed at by the Raven Guard.  For the Battle Companies, I might homogenize them more, but I like the idea of the reserve companies being specialized.  I do realize that in this format it comes off as my dudes are the best dudes, but certainly the Imperial Fists, and many of their descendants, would be better fortress builders and siege makers than my fellows could ever be.  It is more of those Companies which specialize in it are better at it than the others if that makes sense

As the marines are in the reserve companies they need to have a broad range of training in all aspects of war at an equal skill level as they dont know which company they will ultimatly end up. In a codex chapter the reserve companies are composed of marines who have an affinity in one field, such as melee weapons or heavy weapons but they are not experianced enough to be, well, experianced. The chapter as a whole has a specailization which comes from their geneseed and thus the whole chapter trains in a certain way. Even BA devs know about the strengths and weaknesses of close combat fighting and so can defend the assault marines better knowing this. Some DIY chapters take this further by saying a dev has done some wrong and is assigned as a dev for punishment.


I would like to give some help on how you can achieve this with a DA successor but I dont know which direction you want to go.

The direction I want to go in is to highlight the contrast between the more knight themed, conventional Battle Companies, and the more mercenary, unconventional Reserve Companies. So since much of the Chapter leadership came from the knightly orders, those Marines which were originally recruited from the Knightly orders tended to rise through the Reserve Companies more quickly than those who were from the mercenary companies.  So this leaves a situation of some more experienced Marines stuck in those companies due to background more than anything, which gives them time to establish their specialty.  It also creates some friction with the Battle Companies since there is some resentment there about that prejudice.  Does that help?  

So as another minor update and looking at the mass of text above here is a sort of evolution of that idea. So prety much to sum up the above rambling, the Chaper boils down to basic doctrines. The first is the glorious combat idea the Battle Companies have which comes down to overwhelming force applied at a location. The Reserve Companies prefer a doctrine of total war. Doing whatever it takes to win a campaign. Also, I can keep the specialist bit in there by having the Veteran squads having preferences, since they have been together long enough to develop them.


As always, comments and criticisms are welcomed!


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