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Emperor's Children Wishlist army list


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trying to design what i want my collection to be, which is a goal of 2000-3000 pts all said and done.  so far i'm looking at doing the

following.  Yellow stuff is alterations made to original list



Praetor - 170pts

Archaeotech Pistol, Paragon Blade, Iron Halo


Apothecary - 55pts

Artificer Armor


Rapier Weapons Battery - 55pts

Laser Destroyer



Legion Tactical Squad - 290pts

20 guys, Additional Chainsword per dude.


Veteran Tactical Squad - 230pts

10 guys, 2 Plasma guns


Legion Recon Squad - 175pts

5 Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks


Legion Recon Squad - 175pts

5 Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks


Tactical Support Squad - 310pts

10 guys, 9 Plasma Guns




Predator - 100pts

Heavy Bolter Sponsons


Heavy Support Squad - 185pts

5 Volkite Culverin


Heavy Support Squad - 285pts

10 guys, 10 Autocannons


comes to 1745pts at this point.

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I would honestly start with that as it will be a large investment. I bought a LOAD of stuff when I first started and it seemed insurmountable. One adjustment to the list is that I'd put the additional chainswords on the 20man blob since they will be either running or eventually mounted in a Spartan. It's become common place to see this unit on the table and its very effective. You could turn the 10man squad into a veterans squad or a support squad as well so its still troops and supports the large blob.

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I have the apothecary and the predator, and I could make the 10 man into veterans with 2 plasma guns with spare bits I have right now. The rest I gotta buy over time. Thanks for the tip on the big blob, I haven't had much chance to play since the local gamers are still scared it's all OP stuff. Is the vilkite heavy squad worth it? I threw it in cause the guns sound interesting for what they can do. Anything you guys would suggest adding to hit 1750?
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