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Hi from Lincoln UK


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Hi, my name is Jon, I am fairly new to this forum, Known about it for ages, but never got round to joining. I have been into 40k since i was 12 and I havnt stopped since (dread to think how much it has cost me) Been playing space marines from day one, but have dabbled with other armies, I currently play both Tau and Eldar alongside my marines. I am keen fan writer and have writtain the odd fluff and fiction to go aslong with battles, some have been good some have been terrible, current projects include my own SM codex focusing on one of the lost legions which are called The Forgotten (named them that before I found they were known as the Forgotten and the Purged lol, shear fluke, the codex itself has taken me nearly 3 years on and off to complete), supliments for Tau and Eldar, and my latest project is warhapper 41000, taking the game past the current status quo, and introducing a new heresy/rebelion just to shake things up a bit, also along with this I am writing a minidex for a new xenos factioned that is tied into my SM chapter/legion. Cant say me and my freind are a fan of the current rules (we both started in 2nd Edition) so we are currently trying to bring a sense of realism to the rules, such as adjusting weapons to make them more realistic and things such as vehicle movement, gun stabilisation etc... many things just to give it a better feel to the game, so far its going well, but I dont think such idas go down well with the majority of the GW fans, If we find a rule that sounds daft or just doesnt work we either revert to a previous version or adjust it.


well thats enough about me, hope to see you all around on the forums, and perhaps if your in linoln, come and say Hi, I work at the Collection


If anyone is wondering, no my name is not klingon, its the Primarch of my Legion :P

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