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Dark Ravens


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You've got a good colour scheme going, and the painting's pretty good, but seriously - cover up that graffiti.  It's crass and looks like a 13 year old did it.  It detracts majorly from the whole army.  Now, if it was imperial guard (perhaps a less disciplined/eg penal regiment) it might be *slightly* more fitting, but it would still be pretty...off putting.

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I'm dying laughing at that razorback but

  1. I really hope you don't expect anyone to take this army seriously with decoration like that, and
  2. I'm reasonably sure there's a forum rule about profanity being violated here somewhere, just as a heads up

Not that I wouldn't like to see more of this army, of course. I definitely would.

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    really hope you don't expect anyone to take this army seriously with decoration like that, and

     Afcourse not ^^) Its just for fun.



but seriously - cover up that graffiti

 Thx for the comment.  But I will live them as they are. ^^)

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I, for one, miss the old days of marines with graffiti on their equipment. Not all marines are warrior monks. Or at least, at one point they weren't. Did you take down the offending pic because the only thing I saw was on a chainsword. I couldn't see the graffiti on the rhino or razorback. While I don't know how well it fits in with your army here, who have a fair amount of bling, I think for chapters recruited from savage feral worlds it can be kind of cool to have mottos, slogans, or phrases painted on. I almost never see it on loyalist armies and it's a bit of a shame. Who doesn't remember "Kil kil kil"? 

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I was gonna say I don't see it either. Also while I do agree that most chapters won't use graffiti, I'm sure some chapters would. Not every chapter is knightly or honor bound. You wouldn't see any chapters in the first few foundings doing it, but some of the later ones might.

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Yes and you can paint your Space Marine chapter pink with purple dots and yellow stripes as well...but you wouldn't do that either now would you? 

Personally I think it's totally not matching the fluff of the Space Marines.


Graffiti is something that you would put on Imperial Guard vehicles or Chaos Marines...but not loyalist Space Marines. I am sure they will respect their wargear way too much to cover it up with stuff like that. 

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Problem is, there is precedent for graffiti in Space Marine literature, even the badly mispelled variety. I understand what you were going with, I think, but the issue is it makes them look more like uneducated teenagers than psychotically inchoate killing machines.


Aside from that, I like the colour scheme and your painting is nice, well done :)

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Yes and you can paint your Space Marine chapter pink with purple dots and yellow stripes as well...but you wouldn't do that either now would you?

Dident emperors children do that?

side from that, I like the colour scheme and your painting is nice, well done smile.png

Thx. Thats what matters ^^)

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Yes and you can paint your Space Marine chapter pink with purple dots and yellow stripes as well...but you wouldn't do that either now would you? 

Personally I think it's totally not matching the fluff of the Space Marines.


Graffiti is something that you would put on Imperial Guard vehicles or Chaos Marines...but not loyalist Space Marines. I am sure they will respect their wargear way too much to cover it up with stuff like that. 


Not every chapter in the fluff seems to really care about their wargear given there's an entire chapter that seems more interested in simply taking wargear from other imperial armies. Also this is 40k, there are more marine chapters probably than marine players. While not the norm, (and probably frowned upon by the more established chapters) there is really no precedent I've seen that says you can't do something like that. The only precedent I've seen is people saying it is uncool and the lack of it in the "official" artwork.


I wouldn't do it for my marines because they are crusaders and knights, but they are just one of the many chapters in the void of space.

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i like the scheme so far. try working on where you put the highlights though. not every edge needs a highlight. try just doing the edges that are facing upwards if you know what i mean. the power weapons look really nice too.


as for the grafiti.....each to their own. certainly there are chapters/legions that do it (Alpha legion for one) my problem is more with what it says ( or said before the pics got pulled ). its a little childish maybe? dont get me wrong, i swear like a drunken angry sailor but there is a time and a place for it. i duno, if it were me and i realy wanted to put that on there i would do it in another language, like celtic or latin etc.

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  • 5 months later...

 recon0321,  black spray paint. Codex grey as a base colour, for red parts doombull brown for red. Wah it with nuln oil. Then start to add the second lair of administratum grey and high light the red with evil sunz scarlet.  Wah the grey parts with nuln oil again and high lightt the edges with a administrarum grey, then add a second higl light of a max of administrarum grey with white.

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