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Dark Angels (87 marines!)


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So we have been a bit AWOL lately working on many projects and we are finally doing this stuff full time! Yup, we made the jump! hahaha


So to start, I dont have the full army photographed yet but heres some stuff to start! (its mostly the same tacticals anyways)


We borrowed the plasma effect from https://www.coolminiornot.com/316979?browseid=6780575


Any non DV tactical marine had the icons freehanded on the shoulders


Temporary army shot while we work on setting up with a nicer background!!
Here's the new command squad pics, Captain, Librarian, Zarael, Watcher, Standard Bearer, Apothercary and Vets!!!
All the vets in their blended robes! Took awhile but I think it was worth the time!! 
Tacticals, simple yet glorious, but boring if the vets and command squad didnt break up all that green!!!!
Devastator squads, lots of las/plas!
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It looks like there was an airbrush used somewhere in there?


While the paintjob is, obviously, excellent this style isn't usually my cup of tea. That being said your OSL and freehand on the banner really shows your competence as a painter, very well done. The choice of colour (the brighter green than the usual deep dark green, blue for plasma and eyes and purple on weapons) are, in my oppinion, excellent and they compliment each other really well.


If there is anything a humble average painter could give as constructive critisism it would be the bases. When you see stunningly good looking models like this it is a bit disappointing to see bases that does not really live up to the model. I understand it is very hard to do much when most of the base is covered by the robes, but it would still get the entire model a better appearance if the base lived up to the standart of the mini. 


Good job and keep it running. 

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@slyfox, in most cases I would adjust, but the issue is Ive had 2 Azraels with swords broken at that point... Its not a fun piece to pin, in fact it makes em cry, so I will let it be tongue.png

@Jeff, wow, I didnt even notice myself(Minx), just asked Malleus and he intended it, good pick up!!!

@Brother Nez, Thanks! took some serious patience working through that vet squads robes... I cant tell you how many times I thought I was almost done only to realize I had 5 more waiting on Malleus' bench.... it was... horrrible hahaha

@Validar, what style do you prefer? There's not much to this style, just a bit of gradient blending, it still has the GW edging and lining

As for the bases, they are a simple mix we use on many projects, these match the Deathwing(same client) Fancy bases add considerable time and cost to a project like this.

The other issue, is when doing complex bases, you have to pin every metal miniature in, and ensure each model and base line up. While I can agree nice bases can make a big difference, and we certainly do many interesting bases, it can make a project twice as much work!!

Thanks for the comments, and we love hearing comments and criticisms, helps us analyze our work!

PS we added pics of the librarian to the original post!!

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Minx, the minis look fantastic, I do think the green is a little too bright, but that's just a personal thing. I applaud the restraint to not paint the vents on the weapons with the plasma glow, because with the glow in the center of the coils, it makes absolutely no sense. I do think the bases could be a little more involved, but that banner is fantastic! Major points to Malleus on that!
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Thanks everyone! We added freehand to the Captain and Azrael, just simple stuff, felt they lacked, will have new pics this week along with a small chaos army!



Minx, the minis look fantastic, I do think the green is a little too bright, but that's just a personal thing. I applaud the restraint to not paint the vents on the weapons with the plasma glow, because with the glow in the center of the coils, it makes absolutely no sense. I do think the bases could be a little more involved, but that banner is fantastic! Major points to Malleus on that!


The plasma glow is something we really like the result of! Others have painted the vents to glow, its extra work and we felt unnecessary so Im glad you agree!


As for the green, I always found DA green to be too dark, when accompanied by the light beige, plus I like strong lighting, it really helps bring out shapes! :P


Annnd bases, yea I can agree, the chaos will be the same. Extravagant basing is time consuming!


However, while we have no fun basing projects for 40k, we do have some coming for other commissions. Once we get a facebook page up, we will put a link in our signature so you guys can check out the other work we do!

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@Freakiq, They ran out of hand signals and decided to be funny tongue.png

@facmanpob, dont worry, we have a weird system of waiting until the end pre-shipping to drill bolters... not sure why, just a tradition it seems!!

PS, we are going to have some great sculpted/converted characters for the Deathwing posted soon so keep checking the WIP section, will likely have some pics up tomorrow!! They got bumped back in the schedule but they are now all due for end of Oct!! All painted to GD quality, so should be a fun show!

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Sorry I updated the original post, and then realized they dont have bolters drilled hahaha


Oh well, I will drill them before shipping!


I keep saying it, but we really need to drill bolters BEFORE painting... I dont know why I never do it until the end

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@Ciaphas, if you mean the plasmas, its pretty much as it appears, dark(near black) then the medium blue towards middle, then blue white then white, then you glaze the edges of the area around the coils with the blue then highlight the edges with the blue white.


its the harsh contrast and speed of change from blackish to whiteish that creates the glow effect.


The same sort of deal with the eyes except you dont need the black, you start from the medium blue, then put a dot of white, then the blue glaze around the eyes, then the blue white, then a final edge of white only in front of the brightest spot.


We dont use an airbrush for glow effects because to do it right takes too much time, and the way many do it we find just looks awful and looks airbrushed and sloppy. I can do a pair of eye glows in about 1-2mins by brush so airbrushing is more work! I mention this because many people ask us if we use an airbrush to do our glow effects or blending.


The only airbrush work we do is bulk highlights and colour tones. the rest is by hand.(including all those robes!)

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We use P3 paints for most of our work...


Bastion Grey

Bastion + Menoth white Base

Menoth white base

Menoth white base + skull white


its not a layered effect, but those are the mixes I used to develop the gradients

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