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the start of a plague


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Evening fellow nurgle players you may have seen my post about me coming into luck about buying a small nurgle army and thought as motivation to keep me going I'm gonna start a thread with progress pics and hopefully bat reps :)


Little question how to upload photos to this I'm trying to work it out but coming up blank :(

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I managed to pick up my chaos stuff today and i also got hold of some greestuff and tried ( most probably failed >.< ) at some nurgle scuplting. I started with the forgefiend:








I really hope these upload okay and that ive done it right! If not then i blame the other 3 gods for the meddling!!


ps if it does work be kind with your criticism its my first time using greenstuff.

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Not quite: you linked us to your photobucket, however if you copy the IMG link, then we can see the pics in the thread aswell 

[ URL=http://s1145.photobucket.com/user/TheDevourer1991/media/20131002_180841.jpg.html]http://i1145.photobucket.com/albums/o504/TheDevourer1991/20131002_180841.jpg[/url]


This is what you have to copy ;)


From what I can see, the greenstuff work looks really good ;).

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So I'm trying to think of a name for my new nurgle warband and I have a choice of 3 so let us know what you think:


Brotherhood of plague

Children of rot

Sons of disease


Those are the one I thought of but if anyone has a better suggestion then I'm all ears!

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Yeah a family themed name was along the lines I was thinking as in my fluff I want them to still be a tight knit unit of brothers essentially not a warband where they are hate one another!


Or does that make them sound too...good?

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