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Tragedy has befallen me

I am Legion

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I am at the point where I have very little of the last vials of old citadel colour that made up my colour scheme. I have tried to colour match blood red and a few others but to no avail. At this point I'm discouraged to continue painting my blood angels as it will not look the same. I've tried vallego and a few other brands but nothing matches exactly. I ask my brothers for help now, for if I can't match it I will have to sell off my army sad.png
Please help

Edit: spelling errors

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Army Painter Pure Red matches Blood Red exactly. 

Yup. Also, it's much faster to get your base colour down, from where you can start. You don't need a primer with the Pure Red Spray, but it doesn't hurt if you apply one before basecoating with Red. So basically, you stay within your colour scheme and tone(which you can alter with some glazes) and save some time while painting. Win-win!




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Are you trying to match older citadel blood red paint from the pot or citadel blood red spray? I recall the paint from the pot was always a bit brighter than the paint from the spray.


I do recall using older Reaper Dragon Red as a color match somewhat, but this might have been post to applying ink to the red spray paint.


A while back I made a comparison experiment of the old citadel red spray paint and army painter pure red spray paint. Yes I still have a working can of the old citadel spray paint. :)


Here is a post with pictures to show army painter pure red is a good match.




I was in the same boat as you and had to find a viable alternative plus an alternative ink source as well. Plus army painter spray does not need a primer at all as it has that built in to it.


For further help, I recently finished spraying 20 assault marines so I can show you how the spray looks on plastic.

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Wow that was a great comparison link!

So far I have taken your advice, reached out to my local gaming store and begged them to get me a bottle of army painter red paint. I hope you guys are right because I'm seriously down about this and I do want to continue my blood angels. Thanks for the help everyone :)

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Why not just have them look a little different, even the eavy metal army has different reds, it makes for a more interesting looking army smile.png

If a person has any traits close to OCDish perspective like me, the inability to match a color an move on can stop a person easily.

Hopefully the OP can get the Pure red spray.

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You nailed it it on the head assassinawoken. I'm not too old about much in life but due to the amount of time and effort and money I spent on my blood angels, I absolutely want it to look uniform as much as possible. the pure red is on order but it won't be in till next weekend....
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I was trying to explain this to my wife when the old paint range was discontinued. My reds just looked different after even though I got it pretty close and others can't tell the difference. They still look different to me and that's what matters.


@ Irwit

That picture in the BA dex where it is extremely evident that the 2 tac squads are different reds is my least favorite part of our dex. 

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Yeah, Army Painter Pure Red is very close to Blood Red. If you are using the spray can version though, you need to be very, very careful when spraying. The can gives out a lot of paint, and it's easy to mess tiny details with. The main reason I'm nowadays using GW Spray Gun for basecoating.

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My store needs another week to get it, though in the meantime I've continued searching. The store owner tried to do some research for me as well and says its possible that a company called Cote De Arms made the old citadel paint line and they have a blood red as well, so I ordered that just in case. I know the name sounds like a coincidence, but I gotta try. Also Khador red from privateer press may be a close match, . If anyone has any information on those, please let me know.


Also, good news! I just found 32 space marine legs in my bits box so I'm gonna build a buttload of marines once I get that red! Also, I've done the interior of 2 tanks, so now I gotta do the details, put them together and airbrush the red as soon as it gets here......sigh.....thanks again for the help, and a special thanks to those who understand what an ordeal this is for me

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Why not just have them look a little different, even the eavy metal army has different reds, it makes for a more interesting looking army smile.png

If a person has any traits close to OCDish perspective like me, the inability to match a color an move on can stop a person easily.

Hopefully the OP can get the Pure red spray.

Man, the real military would drive you nuts.


Edit: I don't know if this helps, but I find that I can get really good results by mixing slightly different paint shades within units. I come to 40K by way of Historical wargaming, and a lot of real-world units tend to look like a hodgepodge. Instead of trying to match everything, I paint figures in batches. I'll paint a dozen figures with one shade of uniform color, then another dozen that are close, then another dozen. When I mix them all together they all look roughly similar, and the slight differences equalize out. I can also integrate new figures into the army without worrying about a perfect match.

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Hahahaha I hear what you're saying!!! I also come from a background of researching military vehicles, units and strategies. But this is a Zen hobby for me, and this is the one part of my life that I like to keep as much chaos out ad possible :)


So yeah, the rest of the army will not be exact, but all I want is for it to be as close as possible. I strongly believe in uniformity for my blood angels.

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Hahahaha I hear what you're saying!!! I also come from a background of researching military vehicles, units and strategies. But this is a Zen hobby for me, and this is the one part of my life that I like to keep as much chaos out ad possible smile.png

So yeah, the rest of the army will not be exact, but all I want is for it to be as close as possible. I strongly believe in uniformity for my blood angels.

Zen hobby?

The Four Noble Truths (Cattarri ariyasaccani) teach us that we suffer (dukkha) when we try to hold on to things that are constantly changing. Loosen the grip of ego and embrace the path to cessation of suffering - that is, don't be afraid to mix up your shades of red...

(Yes, I'm an ex-Marine Buddhist who plays 40K.)

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