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Exo-Lords questions


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Just bought some EXO snipers and have started painting one...... (please forgive the wip nature of the shot and poor lighting)



and some of the robed exo lords (please forgive the copious amounts of bluetack)....


As you can see with the bottom picture, the Anvilus pattern backpack from the Chaos Marines set fits perfectly, as does the GW head (barring too much bluetack making it stick up out of the socket). I haven't tried GW shoulder pads on it, but I have a feeling they'd work fine.

I find them to be a pretty good match and an excellent way of adding some variety to your army. My advice is to mix and match Anvil and GW parts on the same model. If you use all Anvil parts, they can look noticeably different. However, if (for example) you combine Anvil legs & torso with a GW marine head & shoulder pads, they blend in pretty well.

Of course, you can also just say that your marines are equipped with rare, Anvil pattern power armour produced by a nearby forge world msn-wink.gif

Here's a link to some of my models: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/279834-the-jagga-crusade-a-tale-of-three-battle-brothers/ Scroll down to the Black Guard models at the bottom of the page.

Hope this helps smile.png

It all depends on how you work them in the army. Kit bashing pieces here and there is one way to do it well, another is if you plan on having the Anvil models together, as models and a squad, have there be a reason or a different type of squad. Having two squads of basic Space Marine Troops with one GW on Anvil, would look out of place.


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