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Close combat weapon


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I'm new to W40k and just going through the rules and there's one thing that bothers me. It's probably a noob question but hey, we've all been there ;)


So here's the question:

Do I take close combat weapon for the troops from the melee weapon list or do the xpts for close combat represents marine's knife/dagger or something like that?


I'm asking because chaos space marines doesn't have close combat weapon from the start (only champion have one), and I have to pay xpts for close combat weapon. So does that mean that I pay xpts for CCW, choose one from melee weapon list and than pay for it (for ex. pay xpts for CCW, choose power weapon and pay ypts for it, with total of x+ypts for this weapon).


And second question:

What happens in the attack phase of assault when troops in the unit doesn't have CCW? I assume they fight with their bare knuckles or are bashing with bolters. Does this mean that they attack with their standard strength value? I just can't seem to find this in the rulebook.

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In your example - the +2xts per chaos marine gives them a normal sword/axe/knife/chainsword/Chainaxe thing that simply counts as a close comabt weapon(CCW) (ie: is not a shooting/ranged weapon). This couples with their bolt pistol (pistols counting as CCWs in close combat) to give them an additional attack (so 1 attack from their stat line, +1 attack from having 2 CCWs, possibly another +1 attack if they charged that turn).


All troops are assumed to always have something that they can use in close combat, even if it is not specified in their equipment (for example - Imperial Guardsmen come with a Lasrifle, but are assumed to use it as a club in CC or use a knife or something). However, a Marine (chaos or Imperial) has a Bolt Pistol, which already counts as a CCW, so does not count as having an additional CCW unless you pay the extra points for one. 


If a model is allowed to chose upgraded weapons from the Melee Weapons part of your armoury/wargear list then it will be specified - usually this is only for characters/squad sergeants but there are exceptions for particular elite troops.

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