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Brotherhood of Pestilence ( Army Blog )


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Right lets start over shall we as my last thread was ruined by myself not knowing how to do photos :I

Im still very new to this whole forum stuff but im starting a new nurgle army and figured the best way to get me motivated is to start a blog.

There are a few things I hope this blog achieves ( providing I maintain it biggrin.png )

1. To showcase the progression on my army as it grows.

2. To write and detail battles that I have with my army against various opponents.

3. To discuss options and builds which we feel could potentially work.

4. To get feedback from you veterans about my greenstuff and painting skills so that I may become better at the hobbit I love!

5. To give you detailed background on my legion such as why they worship nurgle, who leads these brothers into battle and why they are still very loyal to one another despite the fact they worship chaos.

If I achieve atleast one of those points ill be happy smile.png

Now without further a do ill show you some of the work ive been doing over the last two nights:

apologies for the slightly blurred photos they are taken from my phone.


Not to happy with the face at the moment but im sure I can make some adjustments.


right side of my hadesfiend.


Left side of the hadesfiend


Front view of the hadesfiend.

One last thing to anyone who reads this I apologise again for mucking up the first thread sad.png and thankyou for taking the time to read this smile.png.

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Managed to buy my chaos marines box today so I shall be assembling my forgeworld plague marines tonight :)


I'm going to greenstuff each one with a tattered cloak that starts just below the backpack and covers the back of there legs :) hopefully works okay!

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First army list is up :) now I know this isn't competitive in the slightest but ill be playing for fun mostly anyway so that's fine, this is also based off the models that I currently own but he goes:


Lord, MoN, TA, Power axe, melts bombs


5 plague marines, 2 meltas, melts bombs


2 x 6 plague marines, 2 plasma, melts bombs






If my maths is correct is should be 998 which is a nice little start I believe :)

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Morning all I thought I would share a little passage I wrote whilst at work about my nurgle army and their leader : Morbus


I'm not writer so bare that in mind when reading :)


Morbus watched as the imperial fleet was annihilated utterly with concentrated lance batteries and torpedoes.


The fleet had put up a valiant fight but ultimately no one can stand against the brotherhood.


He gazed out the viewport window at the world below, its crystal blue oceans ans typical forests would look rather breath taking to a mere mortal but such trivial things were of little concern to a god like himself, he only had one goal to achieve, the same goal he had fought to achieve the last 9 thousand years.


To spread nurgles gifts to every corner of the universe.


He smiled at the thought of how many worlds had already felt such gifts and how many more were still blind.


Morbus took one final glimpse at the world before stridding off to prepare himself for planetfall.


Soon the inhabitants of the world shall fight for what little they hold dear


Soon they shall witness their world crumble....


Well that's all I have for now :) hopefully gives you a little taster of what the Brotherhood of Pestilence is all about.


Feel free to share your opinions :) its always welcome!

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Afternoon :) just a quick update and some pictures to show you of my Plaguelord Morbus, he isn't finished yet but im fairly happy with the progress so far :) again feel free to give feedback :D



A whole model shot taken from a bit further back though as his manreaper is pretty beastly.




Front of the model close up.




Right side of the model, still missing his shoulder pad.




Left side of the model, shoulder pad and back still need more greenstuff but over all nearly done.


Pictures were taken from my phone so a little blurry :( but hopefully you can see the general idea of what ive gone for :)


Have a good day all!

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Evening all I said I had a battle report from last night so here goes!


Firstly these armies are no where near competitive so bare that in mind and me and my friend were also knackered from work :D


Army lists first :


Brootherhood of Pestilence -


Chaos Lord, termy armour, MoN,  black mace, sigil, combi plas


3 Terminators, MoN, 3 power axes, 3 combi plas


2 x 5 plague marines with 2 plasma ans melta bombs.


Forgefiend with warp flame gargoyles


Defiler with warp flame gargoyles


This comes just over 1k points as my friends list came just over so I added Warp flame gargoyles to both daemon engines last minute.



Daemon army : This is off the top of my head so might not be 100%!


Daemon prince, MoT, ML3, 1 exalted ( porta glyph ) 1 greater.


Nurgle herald 1 greater 4+ fnp


20 blood letters


10 horrors


3 flamers


3 bloodcrushers with blood hunter or reaper cant remember the name :D


3 plague drones with 3+ poison ( that upgrade was what put him over )


Mission was big guns never tire which I was so happy with.


Deployment was long table edge ( sorry cant remember the name )


we roller objectives and ended up with 3, 1 close to my deployment zones and 2 in the centre of the battle field, one direct middle and one off centre to my right.


Terrain was mixed we had a large hill on my side where I placed my defiler, we also had a large ruin on his side with a few spare other parts littering the centre.


I won the roll off and choose to deploy first and go first my friend failed to seize.


My lord and termies were smack bang in the middle of my deployment zones flanked on either side by the plague marines and a daemon engine on either side aswell.


He only deployed his prince, blood letters and horrors and kept the rest in reserve ready to deep strike.


Turn 1.




Not much happened I fire my forgefiend and defiler at the blood letters killing about 6, soul blaze went out, and moved my lord/termies and PM forward a little bit.




He mostly just shuffled about a little bit and waited for his reserves. 


Turn 2.




I again fired at his blood letters with my daemon engines and PM squads killing another 7, soulblaze also did its job and killed another 1!




He rolled his reserves and got everything but the blood crushers.


He placed the flamers directly infront of my PM squad on my right about 7 inches away.


His herald on the other side close to the left squad or PM and the drones near enough infront of my lord about 8 inches away.


Scattering..... His drones landed dead on! The herald scattered back 5 inches but other was fine! The flamers scattered 8 inches directly onto my PM squad and then my friend proceeded to roll a 1 and the unit was gone......


The prince laid the porta glyph behind the ruin and move out on the left side with the horrors following. His blood letters also moved out on the left side and ran towards the objective.


Turn 3.




I moved my lord/termies to the right a little bit to get a better view of his prince, both my PM squads also moved up and the left squad claimed the objective!


I fired the lord and termies plasma into the prince and did 2 wounds! I then fired my PM squad on the right at him causing 1 more wound!


I fired the forgefiend at the prince drones ( couldn't see the prince ) but only did 1 wound.


I then bombarded the letters again with my defiler killing another 3 and then another 1 with soulblaze, leaving only 2 left.




The porta glyph makes 4 more bloodletters


His crushers came into the game and deepstruck right into front of my right PM squad holding the objective.


His letters claimed the objective, while his prince and horrors moved forward a bit more.


His Prince fired into my PM squad on the left and killed 1 guy, the horrors also fired but did no wounds!


Combat! the drones decaled a charge on my lord, I overwatched and did nothing....


His herald also declared a charge at my right PM squad but failed!


My lord attacked first rolling a 5 on his black mace, he killed 2 drones before the could attack, the drones then killed no one and then the last drones got beaten down by my termies, netting me first blood!


Turn 4. I was feeling fairly happy with my current position.




I kept everything where it was and just went straight to shooting.


Right squad of PM fired in the prince and took off his last wound netting me slay the warlord :)


My lord/termies fired into the blood crushers causing 2 wounds, my other PM squad killed off the last 2 bloodletters while both daemon engines whittled the horrors down to 4.


I declared a charge with my lord/termies into the blood crushers, Lord challenged and was accepted by the blood hunter, my lord then went about beating his crusher to a pulp! The other 2 crushers failed to kill and termies before my termies took off the 4 remaining wounds needed.


Top. My friend was pretty much done but decided to do his turn.


Porta glyph didn't spawn anymore, horrors shot into PM squad on the right and failed again! the herald did killed 3 tho with some template weapon and then successfully charged the final PM, sadly both the herald and PM fluffed their attacks and that's where we called it.


I had first blood

Slay the warlord and 1 objective.

He had nothing.


Others things of note was that we did do the warpstorm table each turn it just did absolutely nothing important all game and both our warlord traits were also nothing of note.


I may have made some mistakes or forgotten something but im sure this is mostly correct :) It was also my first game for sometime so im happy to get the win, I hope some of you have actually made it this far :)


Leave a comment if you can id love to hear what you think of my pics or answer questions on the battle :)


Have a good day!

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