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Greeting from the xbox Dark Angels (Space Marine - Xbox)

Romulous xDAx

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Greeting Angels of Death, Sons of the almighty Emperor!



My name is Romulous, I lead the Dark Angels or xDAx a clan primarly based out of Warhammer: Space Marine the video game on XBOX.


As Space Marine the game itself has aged we are looking to bulk up our numbers for Eternal Crusade as it will be an open world PVP MMO, Thus you will be able to field full Companies of your clan on the battlefield instead of the 8-16 that consoles have normally restricted us too.


Massive Organised PVP operations are what the Dark Angels will be focusing on, we will be breaking the game down to its core sciences to best utalize what classes/weapon combitions used in teams to achieve victory on the battlefield, the xDAx has always strives to be the best that they can be at what we do. Thus we utilize a high level of communication on the battlefield and always stive to help each other improve. Acting as such has made us the top ranked clan on XBOX Warhammer: Space Marine for over a year now.


We are primarly an older aged organization that is lead my military veterans, We will be branching into other games during the wait for Eternal Crusade to fill the ranks, If your interested in joining an actual SM battle company for EC look no further.


To keep in touch with us we have a facebook page where we will keep everyone updated as we await Eternal Crusades release, if it is not released for XBOX we will be moving to PC as a clan for the game itself.



Or you can find me on xbox live at: Romulous xDAx



Thank you for your time Ladies and Gentlemen I do appreciate it,





There is no substitute for zeal.

Supreme Grand Master Romulous, Keeper of the Truth.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have we heard any rumors about whether or not this will be cross-platform? I'm a PS3 gamer right now, and may or may not have a PS4 by the time this game comes out. I'm all for semi-casual gaming. I don't like to take time away from my 'real life' but I'm all for contributing to a team and goal when I am on. 

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wallbash.gif xDAx..........................Noooooooooooooooooo!

Well said. I hope the behavior of the xDAx will be better on EC than Space Marine.

Far to often I have been the victim of players with xDAx in their gamer tag. Many lag on an unimaginable scale, often destroying whole lobbies, and utilize all kinds of glitches to gain further advantage. Hopefully EC will be better policed, and will be updated to remove anything that can be exploited, such as the 'jump swing' that so many xDAx are fond of using in game.

Also, how are they top ranked? Ranked according to what and by whom?

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I must confess that my friends and I have had nothing but bad experiences from playing with or against any member of the xDAx in the past. Unsportsmanlike behavior, abuse of glitches and inherently broken equipment loadouts. It was just an overall bad time in Space Marine. It is my hope that things have changed or will be better for EC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Laments of the weak are many...



Talking sportsmanship as if any clan on SM shows any? We have never received any as long as I can remember thus why should we return the favor when others cry foul at anything when they are killed? The street goes both ways, many seem to forget that.


For those of you that haven't had experience on xbox space marine what it really boils down to is this, over a year ago I recruited a majority of the top players on XBOX Space Marine. (Those players with the higher xp per minute/KDR) . We trained weekly on every map and game type and developed in depths tactics for every scenario and we built around the strengths of our best players. Our Chapter match record went past 50-1 and i stopped keeping count. Basicly we beat the piss out of everyone until they run from us the majority of the time they see us.


As for the "Broken loadouts"


Every game gives you certain weapons to work with, it is your choice if you want to use the actual effective loadouts or just dick-off with a horse around class. We use vengance/melta/payload and P-pistol hammers because they are the most reliable and effective loadouts of there class type. We dont always use these loadouts (mainly when we're just playing among friends) but the majority of the time we do. I dont feel a need to have to "throw" a game using inferior loadouts just to make someone else who doesnt care for me happy.


Space marine is the laggest, glitchiest game i have ever played on xbox, a lot of what happens you just have to shrug your shoulders and say "Oh well" I have been lag killed countless times like everyone else. Its peer to peer gaming.


Its a 3rd person shooter. Some people seem to forget that.




For those of you looking for an actual competitive 40k Space marine related clan who strives to be the best at everything they do, then look no further.



Thee official Eternal Crusade forums below,



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wallbash.gif xDAx..........................Noooooooooooooooooo!

Also, how are they top ranked? Ranked according to what and by whom?

Records against the xDAx

White scars 0-1

Space Wolves 0-6

Night lords 0-3

Ravenguard 0-1

Imperial Fists 0-1

Legion of the Damned 0-4

Thousand Sons 0-3

Blood Eagles 0-5

DeathWatch 1-4

Disciples of Caliban 0-1

Blood Angels 0-2

Angels Sangiune (Clan Imploded 5 minutes before a chapter match against us after dodging us for 4 months)

Crimson Fists 0-1

Ultramarines (who died off a long time ago) 0-1

(we had more games against the blood eagles and some other minor chapters but im not going to count excessive wins against them due to most of there players being in-actives at the times of the matches)

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Have we heard any rumors about whether or not this will be cross-platform? I'm a PS3 gamer right now, and may or may not have a PS4 by the time this game comes out. I'm all for semi-casual gaming. I don't like to take time away from my 'real life' but I'm all for contributing to a team and goal when I am on. 



It is most likely only going to be released on PC.  Neither Sony nor Microsoft have been in talks with Behavior.  Eternal Crusade will only operate off one server and trying to get sony and microsoft to work together is next to impossible.

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So Mr. Romulous,


I am now uncertain as to whether you have any validity at all.  You call the people who were hurt and mistreated by your clan members "weak," and then proceed to slander every clan on SM, claiming that none of them have any sportsmanship or honor.  Even if I did not know better from personal experience, you make bold proclamations about the character of those you boast about treading upon.  If you feel that they are so far beneath you, what need do you have to insult them?  To attack the character of those who make claims against your group, rather than disproving or confronting their cases against you, shows that you are threatened by something in the accusations, or that you cannot refute their claims because they are true. 


Then, your clan's philosophy, according to you, is to forget about sportsmanship, honor, or pride in a good balanced and fun experience for all involved, because you think that no one else show is to you.  Having honor and true pride of accomplishment does not come from stooping to the lowest level possible, simply because you perceive others as being beneath you.  It means having convictions and standards, and holding yourself to them even when other people do not share them, or strike at you because of them.  Your current standard, by your own admission is to "beat the piss out of everyone," and you have done so until no one has any respect for your clan, and no one wishes to play matches against you.  What does is say about your clan, if the "majority" of people "run from" you and will not play against you? 


As for behavior, you simply make excuses for your members.  You use the most "effective and reliable" means in the game, which means the quickest surest kill possible, with objective of victory at all costs. The use of what you would call "inferior loadouts," is not to  "dick-off," "horse around," or make other people happy.  The use of less than instant kill or exploitable loadouts is for the challenge, to succeed after stacking the deck against yourself is worth more than winning a hundred matches by stomping on everyone else you meet.  You claim that the xDAx "strive to be the best at everything," yet you seek no challenge.  How do you know that you are the best you can be if you do not test the limits of your abilities?  Your goal will never be realized if you fail to challenge yourself to reach the higher level and if you give up your convictions for a temporary spotlight of your own design.


Also, giving us your own records of your win/loss ratios, is completely the opposite of answering the question you quoted.

You have simply produced the most biased version of your "record" possible.  It is invalid and unauthentic unless member of those clans were to confirm your statements, or an unaffiliated and unbiased third party kept accurate accounts.  Otherwise it is just more pointless and valueless boasting.    


Is there any line for you?  It seems to me that your clan motto should be "nothing is forbidden, everything is permitted."

Because that is how you behave and that is what people around you see you as.


Can you refute my arguments through logic or reason,  without resorting to personal attacks, baseless boasting, futile insults, or pathetic excuses?

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So Mr. Romulous,


I am now uncertain as to whether you have any validity at all.  You call the people who were hurt and mistreated by your clan members "weak," and then proceed to slander every clan on SM, claiming that none of them have any sportsmanship or honor.  Even if I did not know better from personal experience, you make bold proclamations about the character of those you boast about treading upon.  If you feel that they are so far beneath you, what need do you have to insult them?  To attack the character of those who make claims against your group, rather than disproving or confronting their cases against you, shows that you are threatened by something in the accusations, or that you cannot refute their claims because they are true. 


Captain I know a chunk of the people who post on this website whom play on xbox live and they slander us on a regular basis, im just nudging them back.  Several posts are of individuals complaining about my clan for reasons such as cheating to which end they cannot prove, they just make baseless claims over and over again.  Im not directing that opinion on every clan as a whole, just the chunk whom know me on the xbox community who send lavish amounts of hate mail to my members.


As for responds to there accusations, there are quite a few lies that go around about my clan and our record and how we operate.  There is even a website that is dedicated to this hate where your not even allowed to type my name in due to the childishness of the website owner.  We've been compared to child rapists and laughable rumors fly around about how we steal money from people over the internet and such.  The sad part is, that some people only hear all the bull:cuss that is fabricated to try and drive people away from us so thats all they know to believe.  Thus occasionally I give my haters a nice nudge back. 


This is my recruitment thread so when i see names of individuals that i know slander my clan when there not in chat with us come post here i'll feel free to respond as I wish.  I never go out of my way to post on anyone else's threads to slander them or denounce there opinion so why should I remain silent?



[Then, your clan's philosophy, according to you, is to forget about sportsmanship, honor, or pride in a good balanced and fun experience for all involved, because you think that no one else show is to you.  Having honor and true pride of accomplishment does not come from stooping to the lowest level possible, simply because you perceive others as being beneath you.  It means having convictions and standards, and holding yourself to them even when other people do not share them, or strike at you because of them.  Your current standard, by your own admission is to "beat the piss out of everyone," and you have done so until no one has any respect for your clan, and no one wishes to play matches against you.  What does is say about your clan, if the "majority" of people "run from" you and will not play against you? ]


We have been together in the publics for over a year steadily.  As I said not everyone is treated this way we have plenty of friends on space marine.  Over the course of the year there has been so much nonsense that you literally just stop caring when those whom demonize you come into a lobby, it wouldnt make a difference wether we used bolters or VL's we will still be :cuss talked either way and its been this way for as long as I can remember, this all derives from a split between me and another section of dark angels and the fact several of the top players out there joined us from other clans to which there clans they left preached hate of us because there best members left them.  I have went out of my way to try and have conversations with those whom hate my clan to just be told to F*** off....  So why should I bend over for those type of individuals to begin with?  This is a video game. 


As for the spawn camping claims, yes it happens sometimes but it is done to us as well, I do not allow my members to spawn camp but what they do when im not around i can not control, I try to be a realist about it.  If a member of my clan is spawncamping then i need those individuals that are being camped to send me a message and ill deal with it.  I play to win but i do so without cheating or picking people off from outside there spawn.  Most that play against me regularly know i rarely even go to uncap the enemies homepoint and if im leading a team of xDAx we normally dont even push the enemies home flag unless there space wolves because they'll spam tele/rapids so you need to do constant uncaps to counter it.



So Mr. Romulous,



As for behavior, you simply make excuses for your members.  You use the most "effective and reliable" means in the game, which means the quickest surest kill possible, with objective of victory at all costs. The use of what you would call "inferior loadouts," is not to  "dick-off," "horse around," or make other people happy.  The use of less than instant kill or exploitable loadouts is for the challenge, to succeed after stacking the deck against yourself is worth more than winning a hundred matches by stomping on everyone else you meet.  You claim that the xDAx "strive to be the best at everything," yet you seek no challenge.  How do you know that you are the best you can be if you do not test the limits of your abilities?  Your goal will never be realized if you fail to challenge yourself to reach the higher level and if you give up your convictions for a temporary spotlight of your own design.



We play multiple loadouts until those individuals whom talk loads of trash enter our lobbies, I do not treat rando's the same.  Again i cannot speak for my entire chapter because I cannot contol what someone uses on any given day. 


As for not making things challenging I accept all rules to chapter matches set by the other team that means weapon restrictions as well.  we will put away our hammers and VL's in matches for other people if they will do the same.  I have made this offer several times.  Though you wont hear that from those who would speak ill of us, they just ignore the offer.



So Mr. Romulous,


Also, giving us your own records of your win/loss ratios, is completely the opposite of answering the question you quoted.

You have simply produced the most biased version of your "record" possible.  It is invalid and unauthentic unless member of those clans were to confirm your statements, or an unaffiliated and unbiased third party kept accurate accounts.  Otherwise it is just more pointless and valueless boasting.    


Is there any line for you?  It seems to me that your clan motto should be "nothing is forbidden, everything is permitted."

Because that is how you behave and that is what people around you see you as.


Can you refute my arguments through logic or reason,  without resorting to personal attacks, baseless boasting, futile insults, or pathetic excuses?



To the first, the individual who questioned my record (angelfire he goes by on xbox) and a few of the people who liked his post all belong to clans i have defeated in chapter matches, I have offered more matches to all said clans with whichever rule sets they wished to run.  He asked the question why I believe we are the best and what im basing it off and I gave him my reply.


To the second, Do you play with me actively on xbox?  I dont allow spawn camping or cheating yet as I have said several times, baseless claims are always being made.  If one of my members has actually killed you as your just walking out of the spawn door then you need to send me a message on xbox live and I will handle the situation.  You do not actually know me captain so to say you have knowledge of my demeanor on the actual console would be an exaggerator claim.


  You can see me as whatever you wish, this is the internet where normal people act eccentric because there not in the public eye or just act immature because they know they can just shut off there xbox and walk away and not have to worry about repercussions.  Im not hear to please anyone, I came to do the best that I could at what I wanted to accomplish now we as an organization are growing and moving into several different games to be competitive on different platforms.



I hope my answer satisfied the questions you had sir.




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