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I want to build a stealth Rhino, need some size comparisons.

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Ok, so I want to build a stealthy Rhino, similar to how the Stealth Fighter/Bomber has no right angles. Originally, I was gonna cut up a Rhino and use plasticard, but it suddenly occurred to me that the humble Landspeeder has a lot of the angles I need.


Unfortunately, I have no idea (being a Chaos player) how well the various types of Land Speeder scale to the rough footprint of a Rhino. Could you guys take some photos of a Land Speeder Storm, normal Landspeeder and a Vengeance/Darkshroud next to a Rhino and post them up?


Many. many thanks in advance!



i don't have the models to hand to take photos, but they're a fair bit smaller. The Storm is about as long as a Rhino, but they're all really narrow at the cockpit - barely wider than two Marines shoulder to shoulder. The real issue is a lack of mass. They're really compact, only just enough hull to link two Space Marines, the engines and the guns. The Vengeance is your best bet, with a lot more mass behind the cockpit section.


Have you considered the hull from an Arvus Lighter? It's jut a bit narrower and a bit longer than a Rhino.

Trouble with that is that it's 60 quid for an Arvus, I want three of them and there aren't any on eBay or bitsandkits. I'm not too fussed about the cockpit being narrow, so the Storm might be a decent fit. I looked at the Vengeance, but I worry it'll be a touch too big. I'll be able to compare a Storm to a Rhino on Sunday hopefully.


As to the lack of mass, I'm happy to bulk them out with plasticard if needed.



i think the storm would work just fine for what you want to do; i wouldnt worry about mass when it comes to believably carrying 10 marines since the rhino itself cant even fit 6 stacked on top of itself over the troop bay.  same story with the land raider, which should fit up to 16 in the crusader.  so long as it has the same footprint as a rhino, people would be fine with any conversion you do.  its when you use something not remotely to scale to the original model that gets funny looks. (looking at you, ork players :P)


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