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A short weekend project.


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My usual weekends have involved painting Guardsmen and tinheads.

 This weekend I have just one mini' I want to paint. I will no doubt work on other projects but This has to happen! 


After reading the "Space wolf Disadvantaged" thread which I really enjoyed. Much like the tribe of the kurgan, throwing the young to the dogs for sport, I had a very good laugh. But it got me thinking.

Flying terror, death on the wing... Hell Drake the apparent scourge of the forty first millennium.

Now I can't claim to have the answers but I am shooting to be proactive. I have long desired to add a Wolf Guard pack leader to my long fangs and now is the time!


I got him built today and will be painting him over the weekend.

Here is where I am starting.



You can see the floor littered with the dead.. He has already killed many.


 So the load out is combi plasma, Cyclone missile launcher and.. Should it be a frost blade? 


Well I will get back to this later in the evening with another picture.


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If I did that i would change his ccw to a wolf claw.I really wish I still had an ax for him. That would look much cooler. But the sword is something of a rarity amongst my TDA . The combi-plasma is going to stay, Points be damned! When he returns to duty with his pack. The all carry them. The sword is the only one off weapon. 

The pack he is going to "lead" fragged so many Chaos marines in their first game this edition. So many kills! They shot a nurgle daemon prince out of the air in one go. Such luck! Though they claimed skill of course... 



Update. primer is on and first coat will be on shortly! 

Best reply ever! 

I know I have been away from the Fang for a long spell. But this return, though it may be short for a while, I do have plans to be in more to see what the pups are up to.  But enough of that.


This is happening in close to real time this evening...And update.


First a black primer is applied via Airbrush.


Second a coat of Coal Black is applied as the base color.

Let dry.



Next a Zenith spray of Troll Blood Blue is applied.

A Zenith or Zenith high light. This is done again with an airbrush from around the 1200 noon position over the mini'. I don't strictly do that just more or less top down and a little around to catch the missed high points.

Let dry. I have a fan set up to speed things along.


Next A wash is applied. I have a wash that is dark blue/black much like the Coal Black I used but with a more blue color.


He's drying after the wash right now. Picture shortly.

I was going to do all sorts of updates through out the day but due to our down time I only have one picture to post. I posted the rest on my blog. ( linky in sig) But no reason to back track. 

Thank you for looking!


 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rRBfZbQ4o4E/UlmS-CXkYxI/AAAAAAAAB1c/3OgWVQ3MO5A/s320/229_0025.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hBdnV_IsPP0/UlmS-MXin3I/AAAAAAAAB1U/0lS2xTdBH7g/s320/229_0026.JPG

Not really done just yet but I'm getting their.

 I had to look at the other TDA wolf Guard I have already painted to make sure I was headed in the right direction.

 I like how this one is turning out. I may repaint and touch up the others as well. I am really amazed how much I missed or hadn't got to on the others. It's kinda going to bother me. 

It's still not an optimal choice, since to shoot the Combi, you have to not use the CML that you paid 30 points for, and that could provide you with two Krak missiles.  Your models though, so whatever floats your boat.

I tend to bolter on the move, supporting other shooting units. All the while moving toward the unit I want to assault. Then either if it needs to be softened up the plasma time.

In the event he dose lean my Long fangs then it is just another reason to stay away from them. 


I don't play competitive. I do play to win but I don't do tournaments any more.


http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2IZFekODCws/UlnTCiitZ-I/AAAAAAAAB1w/wX-M81A9_H4/s320/229_0028.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vdLyIuz_K4U/UlnTC7g9-1I/AAAAAAAAB14/EgD960q6Ou4/s320/229_0029.JPG




I spent a little time cleaning up a few things I missed on the other Wolf Guard. 



 It looks like I only have 2 more decals to put on. the new guy and the one that came just before him.

I think i am going to spend just a little more time on the Cyclone Launcher. Somethings missing.

So, let me make sure that I understand what you are saying.


1.  You've got 7 TDA models in your Wolf Guard pack, and all of them have a Combi-Plasma plus some other Special Close Combat Weapon; one of them has also purchased the Cyclone Missile Launcher.


2.  You pick out your target and start walking your Wolf Guard pack across the table toward your target unit.  6 of the 7 WGTDA shoot the Bolter part of their Combi-Weapons (no point wasting the once-per-game Plasma shot unless you're within 12" and can double-tap); the 7th guy doesn't shoot any part of his Combi-Weapon, and shoots two missiles from his CML.


3.  You get within 12" and decide you're ready to soften up the target unit prior to a charge.  If the enemy unit consists of 2+ Armor Save models (an opposing unit of Terminators, for example, then all 7 of your WGTDA double-tap with the Plasma part of their Combi-Weapons, and you don't shoot the CML; otherwise, if they don't have 2+ Saves, then 6 of the 7 shoot the Plasma part of their Combi-Weapons, and the 7th guy shoots his CML, instead.


That pretty much your plan?  As you can see, the CML guy is only going to use his Plasma in a very specific circumstance (attacking models with 2+ Armour); otherwise it'll never get used, and he'll never use the Bolter part of his Combi-Weapon.  At least if you stick with the Storm Bolter, you can shoot it and the CML simultaneously, and you'll get  8 or more shots with it throughout the game (depending on how many Shooting phases you spend not tied up in close combat.



I tend just to pump out my load all in one go. So the plan would be 14 ap2 shots before a charge or what ever. I don't really care about 2 more shots with a Storm bolter. I still have the rest of my army. This unit might end up spraying something that another unit wants to charge. It's all subjective. I would rather kill with shooting what I might have wanted to charge over needing to charge. In a way the better option might have been a combiflamer. Just for over watch. I started this army last edition and am only new getting around to finishing it the way I wanted it. 

Ya man, I get it but forgoing one turn of missiles for a lot of plasma isn't hurting me at 5 points. After some extra reading I see that the stormbolter as extra shooting seems like an oversight on GW's part. would it really hurt any thing to get the combi shots as well. You do pay a lot of points for the cyclone. But regardless. The rule of cool took it's hold. 


I have thoughts now of a Land Raider Ccrusader and a wolf priest all pack together and scouting. Should scare one or two people I know.  I spent some time today looking t my other TDA Wolf Guard. They have Storm Shields and wolf claws. But they might drop the shields for more combi weapons. Still up in the air on that. We shouldn't rush into these things. 


I am also going to look for the rules for the land raider Achilles. Yet another vehicle I would like to see "flank" in. For larger games. I would like to see what that does to my IG friends mind. I want to see him panic.. lol.  

  • 3 weeks later...

I think I will do another small project this weekend. 


The back story is fairly short. A few years ago I ended up with my friends Logan wing. Not a lot of mini's maybe 25 or 30.

I was going to paint and Ebay them. Then I set them aside. My Step son asked to paint them to Ebay.  "Sure, go for it."

And Now he's in collage and they never even got more then a base coat.

But they turned up again and having ready another thread got me looking at them.  So I pulled a bunch out and started working them back together. Looks like I can start painting them this weekend. 

I will start them this evening and post pictures as progress is made. 

Thank you. I really like the neon colors for power , frost or rune weapons now. They just scream killy.



  And here's the first few pictures!

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-p8c6VYWvXRs/UnQgcYBTa0I/AAAAAAAAB8g/d_jDf2b5De0/s320/235_1775.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-z0KTAc1LkzI/UnQgaviMcNI/AAAAAAAAB8Y/cXhp79uP_e4/s320/235_1776.JPG


The color they used to be. 


I forgot to count the number of TDAWG I already have loaded with combi-plasmas.. 4 more for good measure. 2 with stormbolters that have the plastic shoulder pads with other company Icons on them. I am working on a small story for that. I think those two were at one point detached to the death watch at one point. After coming home they may have had problems being seen as outsiders by their packs or their company.  But our lords are keen to keep strong assets ans experienced warriors. It is not uncommon to to send some a warrior to lean from another company or to be sent as a body guard to pay off a debt for a time. The grate wolf will find a reason to send a useful warrior to where he sees fit for what ever reason he deems. Perhaps one of them was on the path to be a lone wolf. The Grate Wolf wont deign that path but may try to divert it for a time.  And so like many other Wolf Lords Ours has accepted two into the pack.


Well, something like that. Plus I couldn't find any unmarked shoulder pads at the moment. 

Once again things are moving fast. They always do in the early stage of painting. At least that's how it seems to me.

More pictures.

Coal Black base coat.                                                   Troll blood base

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cZ7STl-t6JM/UnQgjNj0-dI/AAAAAAAAB8o/_dhKEsP_T6E/s320/235_1779.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-m9Sz8t1V4FA/UnQgnuu0CqI/AAAAAAAAB8w/8Hw0B78ER9I/s320/235_1781.JPG


My black/blue wash.



I have also started the bolt gun metal and brown as well as put the first layer on for the flesh tones.

At this point things will now have to slow down. In fact I won't even look at them again tonight.


I thought I had read that you could have 2 pack leaders lead the same pack but they had to come from 2 different Wolf Guard packs. I cannot find this in the faq. Either way. But I was thinking 2 TDAWG with cyclone missiles in the same long fang pack.. Just for kicks. Also to shoot aircraft down with. Again just random thoughts.

As I have said some where before, the B&C seems to be the problem. But I will stick a direct link under each picture. 

Honestly the whole thing about the picture size confuses me. I have a suspicion it is camera related. 



But moving on. 




And two plasma cannon long fangs to soon to be.


No extra link for them they only have the two colors so far.


More around lunch time.

Thanks for looking.

I didn't get them all done. I decided to call it until later. So more pictures to come But I'm not in a rush to get done. 


http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Rn2NoO_uWT4/UnbraPZIs6I/AAAAAAAAB-I/lK-soQMrRs4/s320/237_1804.JPG http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8e_FWtxmfhw/Unbran2uKiI/AAAAAAAAB-U/DQF3ZSEoktc/s320/237_1806.JPG




http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--7u5MbHOp8Q/UnbradyNjhI/AAAAAAAAB-M/CzEVMzcuiFQ/s320/237_1807.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hfoHvSiHG6I/UnbrdpCtx1I/AAAAAAAAB-g/awJbBLuwuR0/s320/237_1808.JPG




Thanks for looking. More when theirs more to show.


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