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The Death Guard cometh!


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Embarking on a new Legion... here is a taste of things to come.


My almost finished Death Guard contemptor... waiting for his base to be prepared and the decals to arrive.


In the mean time, here he is in all his loyalist crushing glory... 


Untitled by SultanGrayus, on Flickr







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Thanks everyone for the kind words :)


I'm currently working on 10 Tactical marines and a Fellblade, albeit I've run out of white paint (Tamiya flat white)!


I've also got 5 deathshroud, 10 more tacticals, Betrayal, Massacre, decals and bits for a custom Praetor on order :)

  • 2 weeks later...

not sure of what list i'm going to run yet... but I do like the idea of an infantry heavy army alongside some big big tanks...


my camera does not show shading very well at all... so unfortunately the below model looks very washed out... 


Untitled by SultanGrayus, on Flickr

He's looking nice and grubby atm, brother. What else is left for you to do on him?

cheers man, have to weather his green pads and add a few decals before basing him and working on his bolter. 


may weathering the green using white - as if the green painted has been scratched off to reveal the original ceramite.


got an urge to paint his backpack pipes amongst a few other things. anything else you may suggest? 

Great looking stuff you got there. I do prefer the dirtier look on that second marine. DG shouldn't be pristine white, leave that to white scars and the occasional non blood spattered world eater haha. What colours did you use for that green and streaky shading?

Agree with Olisredan on weathering his feet, Would feel alot more connected to his base that way.


Keep up the good work and am most assuredly following this.






reason for edit: changed 'leak' to 'leave' haha

Great looking stuff you got there. I do prefer the dirtier look on that second marine. DG shouldn't be pristine white, leak that to white scars and the occasional non blood spattered world eater haha. What colours did you use for that green and streaky shading?

Agree with Olisredan on weathering his feet, Would feel alot more connected to his base that way.


Keep up the good work and am most assuredly following this.



Them be fighting words


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