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Hi all!

I resurrected my login here and thought I should make a new presentation as well. I have started up a gaming group here in Eksjö, Sweden with several permanent gaming rooms and it was only natural to pick up the old drugs game, 40k, again. I have updated my gallery with my Grey Knights, take a look, and I have some Dark Angels still in boxes waiting for the GK to get painted.

Hope to get some inspiration and advice on list building, as well as some pointers on the new edition of 40k as I haven't played for a few years..

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Thanks all for the welcome!

My take on the GK is to go with the "rule of cool", I like the idéa of a small elite crack unit, quickly charging into the face of messed up, I also like lascannons and big models, so in my army I will include several small units of knights in razors with twinned lascannons, termies in a nice big stormraven and two dredds with autocannons, with all the super ammo they can carry.

Pure GK for now and probably way to expensive units for what I can do, but I like the models and what they can do. All my champs will have dual falchions as I think it look badass.

I also have a very "un-spacemariny" way of painting my vehicles in that I give them camo. The infantry can be all shiny as they will not hide from no-one, but on their way to the enemy a camo will give them respite from the odd AT weapon, or so I figure. Plus I got a new airbrush and wanted to try to paint camo. I think my take on urban camo actually works on the grey knights, as I still have some "bling" on the models, I also use a floruscent red instead of blue on the models to pop from the grey/silver.

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