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Chaos Fire Raptor, FW


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Guys, dont forget it also comes with 4 awesome missiles for hunting other flyers.


That is something chaos could use when Heldrakes are blasted out of the sky by Vendettas and Stormravens.

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sadly, the missiles are ordinance, iirc, making all other weapons you fire snap shots on the turn you fire one. I think against most fliers I'd rather fire the reapers at full ballistic skill than fire a single missile and have to snap fire he reapers.
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Machine spirit doesn't help with that. All it does is let them firemthe ap3 heavy bolter thing and a missile at the same time, but firing the missile is still shooting ordinance, so it still makes all the others shots snap fire. It really does relatively little for this vehicle. I doubt many loyalistsmwho have the option will choose to fire a missile and the main gun at the same time, anyway, better three guns at full bs than a missile plus thee guns snap firing.


Even if they fix the ordinance thing, so that the loyalist one can shoot the boltstormwhatever, both autocannons, and a missile all at the same time, at different targets, without making everything snap fire, thats still not that crazy an advantage that I'm going to cry over paying less points and having better turrets. especially since iirc those missiles are mostly meant for anti air? Am I wrong on that? Because the ap3 thing isn't so great at anti air, and one or the other will be snap firing, since the choice for a flier of sky fire or not is made per vehicle, not per gun.


That last bit hurts us, too. No firing the main gun at infantry while the turrets fire at fliers, not without one or the other being snap fire.


Anyway, again, on this vehicle I'm more than happy to trade potms for 20 point discount and better turrets. Due to the turret rules, potms really just isn't integral to how it functions. I really wish the land raider sponsons worked the same way.

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Dont see how it trumps the rules for ordinance, or the flier rule that makes the vehicle as a whole choose to have skyfire or nor at the start of the shooting phase, if it doesnt specifically say so.
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Potms allows a Landraider to fire a weapon after moving 12"

It allows a tank to fire two weapons normally after moving 6"

It allows a skimmer to fire 3 weapons after moving 12", or a flyer to fire 5 weapons.

It also overrides the need to snapfire a single weapon, as well as allowing you to chose a different target.


The wording is LITERALLY "it allows an additional weapon to be fired at normal bs than would normally be permitted, in addition the weapon can be fired at a different target"

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