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New Guy

Lord Rust

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Hi B&C

Been lurking on the forum for a while now, so I figured Id finally come out of my hole and join the community.

Ive been a chaos player from day one, mostly Khorne. Its a wargame, who wouldn't want to play the forces of the god of war? First time I played 40k was about 20+ years ago (yep Im an old guy), fell in love, but I didn't have the currency to start an army, nor a stable group to play with. I picked up a pack of the plastic berserkers (you know the 5 pack of monopose twins) which sat with the rest of my roleplaying stuff, until about two years ago.

Then low and behold a close friend decided that he was interested in 40k. He decided that he was a loyalist sort and started collecting a sizable force.

Hoping for someone to play with he gifted me with the Chaos Space Marines battleforce (the one with the defiler, 2 squads of dudes, some spawn, etc, and the 5th ed codex) which was totally awesome of him. Since then my army has grown to a fairly large size, I estimate about 8000 points, and Ive even played in a few local tournaments as well as bringing four of our mutual friends into the addiction.


I will be starting a painting log that will hopefully help keep me motivated, got about half the army to go.


If your in Wisconsin, hopefully Ill see you across a table sometime.

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Welcome to B+C! happy.png

Your friend is a generous one indeed smile.png 8k points is not an easy achievement! I used to have a Black Legion army way back in the late '80's early '90's and had some Berzerkers in it (and a Khornate Genestealer army, so I hear you on the dedication to the Blood God smile.png ) Your name is quite interesting - you aren't a fan of the Discworld books by any chance? smile.png

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Actually I have read some of the Discworld novels, although I don't recall a Lord Rust

I appreciate the welcome guys, and pics of my force will eventually make it onto the board, as soon as I figure out this new digital camera wallbash.gif

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