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Collaborative story - Whispers


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Brothers and sisters of B&C, I have returned from the wastelands of the internet to present to you a new idea (and hopefully one that'll not take six months to resolve msn-wink.gif ). As the title suggests, this will be a collaborative project but with one important twist: It shall be conducted in a similar manner to chinese whispers.

Essentially what will happen is that I will write up a short story (let's say one of a couple of thousand words) and post it up by the middle of next week. This will be the original story.

Now, the whisper part happens thus: The authors who have signed up to participate (let's say a fast and loose limit of about ten) will draw lots to see who goes in which order. The first author will be free to edit, add, remove or tweak the story as he or she so wishes (with conditions mentioned later*). The same goes for the second, the third and so on and so forth.

*Proviso number one: Entire paragraphs may not be removed. Individual sentences, words and phrases can.
*Proviso number two: Primary protagonists/antagonists may not be removed, but they can be renamed or recharacterized. Any other character can be removed.

Each writer has one week to make their changes before passing the product on to the next individual. Barring passing the story on, no private messaging involving the story is allowed, for obvious reasons - this is an exercise in chinese whispers after all. Should the writer feel they are ready to pass their story on early, then they are free to do so but must consider that they will have no further input regarding the work from that point onward. If the story is passed on early, then I will need to be notified, so that I may amend the schedule.

At the end of the cycle the story will be posted up. No further editing, no further proof reading, no further collaboration. Done and done.

So, all I need now is victims uh... volunteers. devil.gif


witchunter kraine

Battle-Brother Ludovic


Cormac Airt

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Thank you Grotsmasha, your words are too kind. I'm glad you enjoy my scribblings and hopefully, once I have a roster, this story won't disappoint either. ;) 

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I'm sure you'd fit right in, Cormac, and given that the order in which the writers contribute is random, you stand a good chance of being handed a work that's had several other people that have added their own creative input. With that framework, I think you'd do fine. ;)  

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Excellent. Welcome aboard gentlemen. 



EDIT: I was going to mention this tomorrow but now that I think about it, I suppose getting the idea up here is better to be done tonight. So, as suggested to me by witchunter kraine, what does everyone think of doing an epilogue each? It'd be something that you may all call your own and be uniquely representative of your version of the story. It doesn't even have to be that large - perhaps a handful of paragraphs. And, fortunately for you, you won't be limited to one week in constructing it (however the tail enders might find doing an epilogue somewhat taxing given their late involvement with the story). 

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So there is the meat of the story, provided by you and edited by everyone, in turn. However, everyone has the opportunity to provide their own epilogue, disconnected from the works of others and provided separately?

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Just a quick point I'd like to clarify that I thought of while I was at work - the whole 'adding' to the work thing. There are no restrictions on adding to the work, really. If you feel like beefing the word count, or creating an entirely new sub-narrative, that's absolutely fine. :)

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A Dropsite Massacre story? Intriguing!

30k > 40k!

Interesting indeed, but I don't know that much about Isstvan V (as I have a long way to go before I catch up on my HH reading).

Still, I'll give it a go happy.png

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There are only four things you need to know about the Massacre:


Seven Legions hit the Traitors.

Eight Legions hit the Loyalists back.

There were eleven Legions present.

Ferrus Manus got in over his head.

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There are only four things you need to know about the Massacre:

Seven Legions hit the Traitors.

Eight Legions hit the Loyalists back.

There were eleven Legions present.

Okay smile.png

Ferrus Manus got in over his head.

Badum tish! teehee.gif
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I know wikis are frowned upon, but give the lexicanum article a once over, if you fancy refreshing yourself of the important points, Aquilanus. I'd probably ignore the finer points just in case of inaccuracy issues, though.

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I know wikis are frowned upon, but give the lexicanum article a once over, if you fancy refreshing yourself of the important points, Aquilanus. I'd probably ignore the finer points just in case of inaccuracy issues, though.

I thought it best to get a general view on the events, but I'll research deeper if needed once this gets going smile.png
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Massacre is out, covering the main stroke of Isstvan V. If you got questions on specifics, I'm sure someone will have answers.

With any luck, I could be one of those people by this coming weekend. I'm kinda hoping by Wednesday, honestly. whistlingW.gif

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Massacre is out, covering the main stroke of Isstvan V. If you got questions on specifics, I'm sure someone will have answers.

With any luck, I could be one of those people by this coming weekend. I'm kinda hoping by Wednesday, honestly. whistlingW.gif

Having placed my order, I've acquired an pdf and am quite to answer any questions.



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