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Salutations Brothers


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Salutations there.


So first got into the mess that is Warhammer 40.000 when I was around ten years old and saw a game in a local game store, got an adress and met a few great guys who hung out in a mold infested garage they managed to rent, and so that journey was started.


Back in those days I played Chaos Space Marines, but eventually traded them in for loyalists after my faith in the Imperium was restored (Or I just got intrested again, one of those). Currently we lack any game stores at all in my city which isn't ideal but got a core group of friends who still keep playing, and recently started getting into it heavy again.


I play Ultramarine 5th Company, which I'll put pictures up of eventually.


Recently started with a small number of Chaos Daemon units, so far going heavy Khorne themed. Perhaps my faith in the Imperium is fading oncemore. Finding them fun, a more chaotic (pun intended) chance driven fun army, in contrast to vanilla marines. Also fun to try and be the odd one out since the vast majority in my area play Imperium loyal forces.


I'll see you out there.



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