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Thousand Sons Codex

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Thousand sons codex ideas

-special rule- rubric mastermind

any to hit roll of a 6 from a squad with an aspiring sorceror with the rubric mastermind special rule can be allocated to a specific model in the targeted squad. Roll to wound as normal.


Options for heavy bolters with inferno bolts in a squad.


Access to all psychic disciplines


Inferno fuel -ap3 heavy flamers



Each aspiring sorcerer comes standard with a strength 4 ap4 range 24 assault 3 witch fire power that does not require a warp charge. Furthermore the aspiring sorcerer has a 2+ save which may be taken if they roll perils. It is still considered a psychic power therefore , deny the witch, psychic hood,runic weapon,etc. may still be used.

a warp charge maybe spent to do one of the following-

1. Ignore cover

2. Lower ap to 3

3. Add +2 S


Aspiring sorcerers lose the special rule "Champion of Chaos"

If a challenge is issued by your oppenent you may accept with any model in the unit.


Tzeentch's enlightenment-

Warp charge 3 Blessing. Targets the psyker and accompanying unit. Whilst this power is in effect the psyker and accompanying unit are considered as having all 4 marks

of chaos from codex: chaos space marines.


Synapse type stuff- certain special characters will have a range to keep rubrics from going inactive. This will mean rubrics may choose to include an aspiring sorcerer rather than pay a 58 pt tax on each squad for a force weapon and tzeentch spell.

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After reading the some of the other supplements I don't think enough can be done to fix the thousand sons as a supplement.  Unfortunately, that's all we could really expect.



That being the case i'm going to make my suggestions extremely simple!


Thousand Sons Codex


Lose the ability to take Chaos Spawn, Possessed, Khorne Berserkers, Nurgle Plague Marines, Noirse Marines, and can unit that must take a Mark other then Tzeentch.  (i'm looking at you special characters)  [might want to add or remove some of these, I personally feel that any marine that's been mutated would of been destroyed.  But, you could in theory allow Daemons from the demon codex...]


Any unit still available if possible must take Mark of Tzeentch upgrade which is obtained for free.


May take upto 5 Sorceror's as a single HQ choice.


Thousand Sons Aspiring Champions gain the following powers.  This power is chosen not rolled during the psyhic power generation and if chosen replaces the powers found in Codes Chaos Space Marines.  These powers are automatic blessings that do not need to cast in order to work, and they will continue to work as long as the Aspiring Champion is alive.

1) X - the unit of Thousand Sons treats all there Armor Saves as Invulnerable saves

2) Y - the unit of Thousand Sons gains the ability to reroll 1's from shooting attacks

3) Z - the unit of Thousand Sons gain +1 strength for their shooting attacks


Change Infernal bolts to the following... instead of AP3, they give -2 to the armor and cover saves of the target.  For example, 2+ becomes 4+, 3+ becomes 5+, and 4+ becomes 6+.




This way, Thousand Sons can arguably be better at Shooting then Grey Knights.  (Although Grey Knights still have Assault 2 weapons, Force Weapons, are not slow and purposeful, and cost less)  The Sorc's get cheaper due to the free upgrade of mark of Tzeentch.  We are an Sorc heavy army after all.  We gain some diversity in the role Thousand Sons can be fielded in, but lose alot of diversity by what units we are allowed to take.

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A return to some of the things that we had in the 3.5 codex would be great.


For example: All sorcerers with MoT automatically pass any psychic test they are called upon to take.


All units consisting of 9 members add +1 to reserves rolls.


Legion-specific war gear/ spells.


And, of course, thrall wizards.

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Ah, never gets old does Thousand Sons wishlisting :)

- Something between an HQ level sorcerer and an aspiring one would be nice

- All sorcerers can take tutelaries (re-roll any failed psychic test)

- For a price sorcerers can get a form of save from a perils of the warp attack (perhaps a round of combat vs. a lesser daemon type creature is resolved immediately)

- Inferno bolts can be taken on heavy bolters

- A complete psychic page dedicated to all the different disciplines of the Thousand Sons

- Tzeentchian flame actually does something

- Psychic shooting cannot be prevented by deny the witch as they are too powerful either that or deny the witch is reduced by 1 when facing a Thousand Son to a minimum of not getting a save at all.

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My vision would be:


Sorcorer Commands - Squads with this rule have slow and purposeful. If led by an aligned Psyker, they replace Slow and Purposeful for Relentless


Inferno Ammunition - Models with this rule -2 AP on ranged weapons to a maximum of 3+ (AP - > AP 5, AP 5 > 3. AP 2 stays AP 2)


The Rubric - All psykers possess a 5+ feel no pain vs perils


Special Characters: 




Kadin (support character)


Thidias (makes chosen troops)


Probably one or two more


HQ - 

Sorceror Lord (Chaos Lord profile, Mastery 1, upgradable) All disciplines


Sorceror (Current Sorceror) (cheap hq) Current allowed disciplines + telekinesis


Sorceror Command Squad (Aspiring Sorceror Cabal 0 - 5, does not take up HQ slots. Can be added to units ala Wolf Guard, and highly customisable, can take familiars, discs, and terminator armour to match units they can join or form their own units ala disc riders) Tzeentch/Pyromancy/Telepathy/Telekinesis


Elites -


Rubricae Terminators


Rubricae Dreadnoughts (Psyker Dreadnought upgrade?)


Chosen (as is)




Rubricae (sans Aspiring Sorceror + Heavy Bolter/Flamer options)




Fast Attack:


Silver Prism (mini Silver Tower? The armies flyer)


Chaos Spawn (collecting the detritus of other factions for shock troops)


Heavy Support : 


Rubricae Predator/Vindicator/Land Raider


Rubricae Havocs



Reevaluation of Tzeentch Lore


Something like that

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Whilst not a current Thousand Sons player (hopefully in the future though) I am fond of them and have had ago at dreaming up some house rules in the past.  In particular I thought about ways to add variety to the list whilst keeping the sorcerer led rubric marine identity.  Anyway this is what I came up with using the cults of the thousand sons as a way of adding some variety. 


The Aspiring Sorcerer must choose one of the five cults listed.  The sorcerer and his squad of rubric marines benefit from the additional rules listed for that cult.  Furthermore, whilst remaining mastery level 1, the sorcerer generates two psychic powers, one from the discipline of tzeentch and one from the discipline associated with his selected cult. 


Pavoni/Biomancy - Inferno Bolts are Poisoned (4+).


Corvidae/Divination - The squad may fire on overwatch, despite having the slow and purposeful rule. 


Pyrae/Pyromancy - Inferno Bolts have the Ignores Cover and Soul Blaze special rules. 


Raptora/Telekinesis - For every successful invulnerable the squad makes against a shooting attack, choose an enemy unit within 6".  That unit takes an automatic hit at the strength and AP of the original shot. 


Athanaean/Telepathy - Inferno Bolts have the Pinning special rule. 


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Warlord Traits: Roll a D3 to determine your Warlord's trait.

1-2: Architect of Fate: As long as the Warlord is alive, you may roll a single D6 during any turn.

3-4: Master of Deception: D3 Infantry units in your army have Infiltrate.

5-6: Your Warlord has +1 Mastery Level. 

Mark of Tzeentch:

-Psykers choose powers from any of the five 40k disciplines, if they are the appropriate Mastery Level. In addition, they may re-roll any failed Psychic Tests.
-Models with the Mark of Tzeentch have Hatred: Mark of Nurgle/Dedicated to Nurgle

Champion of Tzeentch:
-If a model with this special rule kills an enemy character, roll a D6. On a 4+, immediately choose a power from the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook. The psyker knows this power for the rest of the game. Their Mastery Level is unchanged.

All is Dust:
-Rubricae/Rubricae Terminators with this special rule re-roll failed armor save results of 1. Vehicles with this rule ignore Shaken and Stunned results on 2+.
-Rubricae/Rubricae Terminators are Slow and Purposeful unless their unit contains a psyker with the Mark of Tzeentch (in which case they're Relentless)
-Models with this special rule may never be replaced with another model (such as a Squig, Chaos Spawn, Herald, Greater Daemon, etc.).
-Models with this special rule are Fearless.

Blood Feud:
-Units with this special rule have Hatred: Codex: Space Wolves

Weapons of Change: *Weapons of Change have the Daemon Weapon special rule, as described in Codex: Chaos Space Marines.
Slayer of Kings: R: Melee, Str: User, AP: 2, Daemon Weapon, Ego Slayer (In a Challenge, use the enemy model's Leadership as the wielder's Strength)
Bedlam Staff: R: Melee, Str: +2, AP: 4, Daemon Weapon, Bedlam (Once per game may be ranged weapon: R: 12", Str: 3, AP: -, Assault 4D6)
Warp Blade: R: Melee, Str: User, AP: 3, Daemon Weapon, Strangle (May nullify enemy Psychic Powers within 24" on 4+ instead of using Deny the Witch)

Ahriman: 230
Warlord Trait: Architect of Fate
-Mark of Tzeentch, Champion of Tzeentch, All is Dust, Psyker (Mastery Level 4), Aura of Dark Glory, Blood Feud
-Bolt Pistol with Inferno Bolts, Power Armor, Frag and Krak Grenades, The Black Staff of Ahriman (C:CSM)

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Lord: 100 (2 Thousand Sons Sorcerers may be taken per HQ slot)
-Mark of Tzeentch, Champion of Tzeentch, All is Dust, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Aura of Dark Glory, Blood Feud
-Bolt Pistol, Inferno Bolts, Power Armor, Frag and Krak Grenades, Force Weapon
*May exchange Power Armor and Bolt Pistol with TL- Bolter and Terminator Armor for +25pts.
*May take a Weapon of Change for +30pts

Rubric Terminator Squad: 135pts
3 Thousand Sons Rubricae Terminators:
Mark of Tzeentch, All is Dust, Aura of Dark Glory, Blood Feud
-Twin-Linked Bolter with Inferno Bolts, Terminator Armor, Power Weapon
*Add up to 7 Rubric Terminators: 45pts Each
*Add dedicated Chaos Land Raider with All is Dust: 250pts

Thousand Sons Squad: 150pts
4 Thousand Sons Rubricae
1 Thousand Sons Sorcerer
Mark of Tzeentch, All is Dust, Aura of Dark Glory, Blood Feud, Psyker Mastery Level 1 (Sorcerer Only)
Power Armor, Inferno Bolts, Bolter (Rubricae only), Bolt Pistol and Force Weapon (Sorcerer Only)
*May add 15 additional Rubricae: 23pts Each
*Sorcerer may take melta bombs: 5pts
Add Dedicated Rhino with All is Dust: 50pts


Yep. I know there's no Boon of Mutation/Chaos Boon Table, chance to turn into a Demon Prince or a 4+ Invulnerable Save. 3+/5++ with re-rolling armor saves of 1 is sick. Divination (and being able to select Psychic Powers) covers a lot of the Cults that people want to use from A Thousand Sons, without providing extra Special Rules. Pyrae? Just take Perfect Timing on a couple Aspiring Sorcerers.

My close friends and I enjoy this ruleset for our campaign.

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Indeed, I like all the above:


Now my wishlist/suggestion:


- Psyker Hellbrutes, we need them and we need to make the models useful in some way. If the same pattern of the BA dreaddy is applied we should be happy with the results. 


- Aspiring Champion upgrade to Aspiring Sorcerer.


- MoT: instead of a ++ it should be a reroll of 1's for armor saves. 


- Ignore Cover across the board, we are the faction specialized in mind bullets.


- Rubic Terminators with AP 3 combibolters and an Aspiring Sorcerer as leader. 


- Aspiring Sorcerer conclave, a way to team up to 9 sorcerers into a formation which would have a power that would rely on the squad numbers to act as Strength and Attacks modifier. 


- AP 2 spells, we need them more than the rest of chaos. Our Tsons are an AP3 unit, we have to have a way to deal with terminators. Or a Grav like thing or a direct AP 2 power. I would favor a sort of spell that would act as an improvised Grav Gun, levitation or crush perhaps. 


...more later. 

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The problem with changing Mark of Tzeentch to re-roll armor save results of 1 means that we'd be giving models who aren't Rubricae the abilities of Rubricae. The Sorcerers (or anyone who is not a Rubricae) can have access to Divination powers that let them re-roll stuff, so the armor save results of 1 thing is out of place, in my opinion.. but I won't deny that it'd be pretty damn awesome.


I'd like it if Inferno Bolts gave Ignore Cover instead of AP3. We can get Perfect Timing, if we taken Div. Army wide Ignore Cover is asking too much!

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