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Lets try and bring back some positivity!


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Morning all!


I've recently started an army blog about me building up a chaos nurgle army but I have noticed there is a lot of negativity about in the chaos forum and I just don't think thats right!


I mean the most popular thread is the complaints one and I feel thats just putting people down! So let's try and raise our spirits again by talking about what we like.


Now this could be anything from a codex unit, fluff of a legion maybe even just a picture or quote you saw somewhere!


Anything that has made you choose chaos or maybe something that is keeping you from changing army!


I hope to see some replies on this as I think we all need a bit more of a positive attitude to raise our spirits :)


Please feel free to post link to pictures or quotes so we can all enjoy it :)


Have a good day!

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For all the flak they get about being 'Dinobots', I actually really like Maulerfiends. I think they are a very cool unit and a very solid attempt at making the AV12 melee-walker actually work. I think both weapon options are viable and it is indisputably a Chaos vehicle, rather than a Helbrute being a spiky Dreadnought. I find the image of a CSM army based on Maulerfiends and Spawn to be really cool and perhaps even effective in the current gaming environment. I also like the image of a big old Daemon-walker hurtling across the battlefield on 4 limbs like a gorilla to smash things up.


I also really like the look of Forgefiends, however on this front the rules fall down. The Ecto-head is particularly nice.


I think the majority of complaints against them are simply because we did not get the update we wanted, and so people pick on the newbies as a scapegoat to unload their frustrations. If the rest of the book were up to par I don't think the 'Fiends would receive anywhere near the amount of criticism that they currently do.

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IMHO, Chaos has the best fluff and background of all of the armies out there. Combined with some pretty sweet colour schemes, great conversion potential, and the overall awesomeness of Space Marines in general, they are easily one of the most satisfying armies to collect.


And this isn't even considering the possibilities of including Daemons or the Lost and the Damned!

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Err, we had one of these start the same time as the codex complaint thread, it disappeared after it got two pages of posts, you may want to keep that going, rather than spam positivity threads, it was called something like codex praise thread.


On topic, honestly the only positive to the codex IMHO is the heldrake, a unit so broken its worthy of forge world. ;)

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Chaos is cheap . There is almost no problem with what to ally with , so again army is cheaper the let say tau or eldar. Lot of people were/are selling their armies post 3.5 , post 4th and 6th ed codex , so it is easier to get the army cheaper then those which were less popular and/or switched to different models being good.

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Chaos is cheap . There is almost no problem with what to ally with , so again army is cheaper the let say tau or eldar. Lot of people were/are selling their armies post 3.5 , post 4th and 6th ed codex , so it is easier to get the army cheaper then those which were less popular and/or switched to different models being good.

Jeske, mate, that just about sums it up perfectly! I wish I could like more than once.

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The best thing that comes playing as Chaos Space Marines is that almost all community sites are filled with people selling their CSM. With a few trades and auctions I have an Apocalypse worthy army with several formations too boot. People are almost literary throwing their old CSM at you...oh, yes this is supposed to be a positive attitude topic, not the cynic topic,... ahem... we have the god of chickens on our side?

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You want some positivity? Chaos can still be awesome. I placed 3rd at the FoB open this weekend with CSM primary, allied Daemons. And I had no Obliterators, no Soul Grinders, and only one Daemon Prince.


My favorite part about playing chaos is that I am able to overwhelm my opponent with fast-moving threats. It's an incredibly fun and effective tactic. I'll be the first to admit I had some lucky breaks in the tournament, but I also had some incredibly rough matchups where I had to scrape for it.


Personally, I couldn't be happier with the combo of CSM/Daemons, and I have gotten a little sick of people saying that CSM sucks.

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You want some positivity? Chaos can still be awesome. I placed 3rd at the FoB open this weekend with CSM primary, allied Daemons. And I had no Obliterators, no Soul Grinders, and only one Daemon Prince.


My favorite part about playing chaos is that I am able to overwhelm my opponent with fast-moving threats. It's an incredibly fun and effective tactic. I'll be the first to admit I had some lucky breaks in the tournament, but I also had some incredibly rough matchups where I had to scrape for it.


Personally, I couldn't be happier with the combo of CSM/Daemons, and I have gotten a little sick of people saying that CSM sucks.


What was in your list if you don't mind me asking?


I've played around with the idea of demonettes and slaanesh furies with a slaanesh herald and fast moving csm pieces, i'm wondering if you did something similar.


What I like about the chaos codex is the wide variety of options available, now, not all of them are 'good' but there's still a lot to sift through. 


We don't do anything spectacularly well, aside from evaporating 3+ infantry with our hellchickens, but we do a lot of things pretty good.


You can build an infantry heavy list, using big squads of CSM (20 man marine squads are still unique to Chaos), you can build a monster mash list with demon engines and princes, and we have some of the cheapest troops around, 50 points for 10 cultists! hell we even have tools to deny over-watch, though driving a rhino within 6" of your enemy's broadsides is a tall order....


Where we can really get down on ourselves is when we come up against new codex match ups (Eldar, Tau, even new grav wielding marines), and have a really hard time dealing with their awesomeness... we get jealous instead of planning to get even.


All in all, its a game, have fun with it, and I think Chaos really allows you to do that.


If you're trying to be super competitive with chaos, you're going to have a bad time.

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Personally, I couldn't be happier with the combo of CSM/Daemons, and I

have gotten a little sick of people saying that CSM sucks.

But primary demon and csm ally works smoother.






How many heldrakes?

hmm I don't think that matters much . It is not like more helldrakes makes army win more[and no this is not sarcasm].

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^ I was more addressing the elephant in the room of stating that taking no obliterators, soul grinders and one dp was avoiding the net list, tbh, of those options oblits are useful, dp too, but both can be covered by other options, and the soul grinder is hardly broken, its just focussed like the defiled should have been.


And just for clarification, I wasn't being snarky, kudos on the third place, its just that of those options I'd only consider the oblits vital to a good csm/demon list.

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depends on the anti-air you'll be facing, and your luck with reserves.  if your luck is good, and the enemy has no anti air, then yeah, one's enough.  but the second one makes reserve rolls much more reliable, and can let you overwhelm enemies that only take the minimum anti-air.  More than that's only helpful if running against heavy anti-air, and even then you might be better off skipping planes entirely at that point.

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How many heldrakes?

One, because dammit I worked hard on this conversion.


What was in your list if you don't mind me asking?


Chaos Lord - Mark of Khorne, Juggernaut, Sigil of Corruption, Axe of Blind Fury, Veterans (175 points)

Ally - Daemon Prince of Nurgle - Mastery Level 3, 2 Greater Rewards, Daemonic Flight, Warp-forged Armor (335 points)



5-man Chaos Space Marine Squad - 1x Meltagun, 1x Combi-bolter, Chaos Rhino with Havoc Launcher (135 points)

5-man Chaos Space Marine Squad - 1x Meltagun, Chaos Rhino with Havoc Launcher (132 points)

5-man Chaos Space Marine Squad - 1x Meltagun, Chaos Rhino with Havoc Launcher (132 points)

Ally - 10-man Plaguebearer Squad (90 points)



5-man Chosen Squad - 4 Plasma Guns, Chaos Rhino with Dozer Blade (190 points)


Fast Attack

Heldrake - Baleflamer (170 points)

4 Chaos Spawn (120 points)


Heavy Support

Maulerfiend - Magma Cutters (125 points)

Maulerfiend - Lasher Tendrils (135 points)

Maulerfiend - Lasher Tendrils (135 points)

Ally - Skull Cannon of Khorne (125 points)


^ I was more addressing the elephant in the room of stating that taking no obliterators, soul grinders and one dp was avoiding the net list, tbh, of those options oblits are useful, dp too, but both can be covered by other options, and the soul grinder is hardly broken, its just focussed like the defiled should have been.

And just for clarification, I wasn't being snarky, kudos on the third place, its just that of those options I'd only consider the oblits vital to a good csm/demon list.

No, it was a fair point, I was just rattling off the things I see most commonly in chaos lists. I admit, I was speaking a bit heatedly, since a friend of mine is changing armies from csm because he's not happy with it.


And thanks, I'm still rather amazed.

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Lol, how many "lets think positive" threads have we started that all got derailed into complaining...


Anyhow, Chaos Marines are good at a few things for sure.  They are a fantastic opportunity for kitbashing and converting, I think everyone agrees on that.  Also, they are one of the only MEQ armies that has good assault units, and they have them in nearly every FOC slot.  As Kaika87 mentions, CSM can bring a fast army that quickly overwhelms their opponents, and this is probably their most viable build.  Something that people often overlook is that CSM bikes have 2 hand weapons, while loyalists do not, (almost) all of their Fast Attack choices are extremely good, and they're no slouch for Heavy Support options either.  Sadly, their Elites are kind of lacking, but FW has been kind enough to give us some good options there too, such as Chaos Contemptors (which have a nasty 4++ against flances), and the unbelievably great deal that is the Giant Chaos Spawn.


Overall, if you want a fast combat marine army, CSM are one of the better options.  If you want an army you can convert a ton of, then it's even better.

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  Sadly, their Elites are kind of lacking, but FW has been kind enough to

give us some good options there too, such as Chaos Contemptors (which

have a nasty 4++ against flances), and the unbelievably great deal that

is the Giant Chaos Spawn.

FW does not fix stuff for people else most legion players would be playing 30k lists.

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Well this thread doesn't just have to be about the codex :) just what makes you happy about collecting chaos!


I'm sure some of you have some awesome models that you feel just captures what chaos is all about or a story/piece of fluff that when you read it you become sold chaos was the army for you :)

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