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Lets try and bring back some positivity!


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The sheer variety, choice and fun you can have with your fluff and modelling and warband. I'm a big believer in making your army your own, and chaos is the only army I feel I can do that with - that, and my HH Legion List.


Just starting at the top, with your HQ - the amount you can do to bling out and customise Chaos Lords with kitbashing all over the place, the fact that to me at least you can gear them awesomely, and then the fantastic stories and motivations you can assign to them.


Making your Warband can be great, and I feel with allies it got even better. Eventually I fully intend to (if it is still possible) run DKoK with my Warband, chaosed out and looking more terrifying than before, decked out with Night Lords regalia and similar trophies.


Just that sort of thing where you can fully tap into your creativity and go mad, do a couple of short stories and bang out an army that's alll you is appealing.

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I love Chaos, both as a modeler and a player. Its great for converting, collecting, and playing. No matter what anyone says, most of the Chaos Community will continue to act like whiny children but I couldn't care less. Our fluff is still awesome. Our models are still awesome, and our rules are decent. Good enough for me.

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Ok, you want something positive?


These threads.


Yes, im serious.


CSM fans never give up - EVER - even when they've sold off there armies they keep just a little back. Even when the dex drops like a fist sized kidney stone we dont give up.


Look at the names in this forum, constant wins, constant plays. IMO the only other group of fans as hard core are the poor Sisters, want bad support? Ask them what its like.



Personally, my fav aspect is the bad dex, because now I can run almost anything I want and be just about as competitive.


Also, A D-B loves chaos, cant argue with that.


Yeah im bitter....but that's our thing!

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Ok, you want something positive?


These threads.


Yes, im serious.


CSM fans never give up - EVER - even when they've sold off there armies they keep just a little back. Even when the dex drops like a fist sized kidney stone we dont give up.


Look at the names in this forum, constant wins, constant plays. IMO the only other group of fans as hard core are the poor Sisters, want bad support? Ask them what its like.



Personally, my fav aspect is the bad dex, because now I can run almost anything I want and be just about as competitive.


Also, A D-B loves chaos, cant argue with that.


Yeah im bitter....but that's our thing!


You and I see this threads in a very different light, my friend.

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Ok, you want something positive?


These threads.


Yes, im serious.


CSM fans never give up - EVER - even when they've sold off there armies they keep just a little back. Even when the dex drops like a fist sized kidney stone we dont give up.


Look at the names in this forum, constant wins, constant plays. IMO the only other group of fans as hard core are the poor Sisters, want bad support? Ask them what its like.



Personally, my fav aspect is the bad dex, because now I can run almost anything I want and be just about as competitive.


Also, A D-B loves chaos, cant argue with that.


Yeah im bitter....but that's our thing!

You and I see this threads in a very different light, my friend.


hehe, whether the glass is half full or half empty I think we can agree on what there trying to feed us....;)

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Ok, you want something positive?

These threads.

Yes, im serious.

CSM fans never give up - EVER - even when they've sold off there armies they keep just a little back. Even when the dex drops like a fist sized kidney stone we dont give up.

Look at the names in this forum, constant wins, constant plays. IMO the only other group of fans as hard core are the poor Sisters, want bad support? Ask them what its like.

Personally, my fav aspect is the bad dex, because now I can run almost anything I want and be just about as competitive.

Also, A D-B loves chaos, cant argue with that.

Yeah im bitter....but that's our thing!

You and I see this threads in a very different light, my friend.

hehe, whether the glass is half full or half empty I think we can agree on what there trying to feed us....msn-wink.gif

I don't think so, actually.

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I do like the bad codex in a way, because it means that it's easier for me to play in a casual meta. If I were playing necrons, it'd be too easy to win every time.


In that vein, I also like the sheer amount of random that can be had. It's easier to remember that it's just a dice game for fun when you have to roll for silly events every turn.


Competition wise these things aren't as true, but I don't actually play competative.. lots of people don't even know how morale works

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ADB's working on an Abaddon series. That's something to look forward to. And a lot of the horus heresy books are great. First Heretic in particular is pretty boss.


Also, as the archetypal bad guys of the setting, as long as the game continues we'll always have rules. Yeah, we might not like a given rule set too much, but we don't have to worry about going the way of the squats.

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Most of the fluff for chaos is pretty good... there are a few new things I don't like as much... butI ignore them. Models... Chaos models are decent, and the idea of chaos gives you loads of room to do what you want. The biggest problem with the models is that a lot of them are old. Then you have the dinobots thing which kinda divides the community. Oh and as a 1Kson player... They are annoying to build.


Gameplay wise I think we are moving in the right direction, but the dex could use some work on internal and external balance... and maybe just a little bit more spice.

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ADB's working on an Abaddon series. That's something to look forward to. And a lot of the horus heresy books are great. First Heretic in particular is pretty boss.


Also, as the archetypal bad guys of the setting, as long as the game continues we'll always have rules. Yeah, we might not like a given rule set too much, but we don't have to worry about going the way of the squats.

Abaddon series well that is definitely something to look forward too :) I really liked how they portrayed him in the HH books :)

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No, it was a fair point, I was just rattling off the things I see most commonly in chaos lists. I admit, I was speaking a bit heatedly, since a friend of mine is changing armies from csm because he's not happy with it.


And thanks, I'm still rather amazed.

Fair enough, you must be an extremely skilled player to have done so well with such a list, because, don't take this the wrong way, I mean no offence, but its not what I'd call top tier...


As to the mate dropping csm, that's a bummer, but hardly surprising.


Still, kudos, and any chance of some batreps being posted? Tbh that would generate more positivity than a million codex praise threads..

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No, it was a fair point, I was just rattling off the things I see most commonly in chaos lists. I admit, I was speaking a bit heatedly, since a friend of mine is changing armies from csm because he's not happy with it.


And thanks, I'm still rather amazed.

Fair enough, you must be an extremely skilled player to have done so well with such a list, because, don't take this the wrong way, I mean no offence, but its not what I'd call top tier...


As to the mate dropping csm, that's a bummer, but hardly surprising.


Still, kudos, and any chance of some batreps being posted? Tbh that would generate more positivity than a million codex praise threads..

I'm still fairly new to the forum ( about 2 weeks ) so my apologies for not realising there had already been this thread before, I didn't mean to spam or offend anyone :)


But I do agree more bar reps posted would be a great idea! :)

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A quote as a reminder of how potentially awesome those who have turned from the corpse-god can be:

"I saw your Emperor. A handful of times, back in the age before he betrayed us all. And he was no god. Perhaps not a man, but never a god. Never a god. Know that truth, as you die."


And this one:

"Hear my warnings, unbelievers. Carried to your minds by the Prince of Excess himself. We have raised altars in this land so that we may sacrifice you to our gods. Veterans of ten millennia of unholy war wait to grind you beneath the treads of their mighty boots. The chosen of Khorne hunger to add you to their bloody tally. The Blood God himself has marked this land, and will claim your skulls for his throne. There is no hope in opposing the inevitable. Put down your arms, unbelievers, and bow before the forces of Chaos Undivided."

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How about no , just for the variety's sake.


Yeah, except too much of the variety that's generated is mustache twirling stupidity.  Guys being evil because they're evil because shut up, that's why.


Give me Talos, a horrible person who can still joke with his squadmates and honor an oath to protect and/or revenge individuals, and at the same time is willing to slaughter thousands and tear down humanity's empire solely because he helped bring it into existence and he'll be the one to lay it low.


You know what Chaos has that most other factions don't?  Characters.  Space Marines?  Psycho indoctrinated before they hit puberty, and they spend 90% of their free time squashing any thought that isn't directly related to how awesomely awesome the Emperor and/or Imperium is.  Get me some good old CSM who have seen the universe and made an informed decision to stop being children and make their own decisions.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I love the Boon table, and the warpstorm table. Stuff like that always gives me a giggle.

I've come to appreciate the warpstorm table, though it did take me a while. As for the boon table...


will post in complaint thread.



On topic, I'm really liking the more chaos friendly design philosophy behind the fire raptor rules, at least in their trial state. It has a more meaningful discount for the lack of machine spirit than we've seen in the past, on a vehicle that actually still works well without machine spirit, and there's some good chaos-only options as well.


So it's not the usual story of a loyalist vehicle at essentially full price, but without its best options, and minus special rules it requires to function.


Hopefully it makes it through testing largely unscathed, and we see similar consideration of chaos versions in future FW rules.

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It's entirely subjective, of course, but for me, the positivity of being a dyed in the wool Chaos worshipper right now lies in the abstract; not the technicals or mechanics. In terms of rules and battlefield presence, we've got the short straw, but in terms if background, ethos, imagery, character, mythology: Chaos will always be it; it is at the very core and foundations of Warhammer and Warhammer 40K; something that makes the universes distinct and fascinating. The metaphysics of Chaos is far more complex and intriguing than most people give it credit for: a universe in which there are indeed spirits and daemons; gods, devils and angels, BUT they are not what mythology generally asserts them to be: they are reflections of humanity rather than the other way around; products rather than creators; there is something highly enlightened in that acknowledgement, and something somewhat moribund and despairing also: Chaos is a reflection of the visceral darkness that underpins the collective soul and psyche of humanity; our own innate, inalienable sins made manifest to haunt and consume us. There is a kind of despairing glory in it that is difficult to find elsewhere, especially since the 40K universe is so morally ambiguous anyway: the Emperor's Imperium is a genocidal, fascist, oppressive theocracy that thinks nothing of torturing and murdering entire civilisations on more or less arbitrary factors. The Eldar are deluded, xenophobic, supremacist bigots or sadistic sociopaths. The Tau are imperialists who have simply managed to cloak their expansionism in palatable language and philosophy. it is an entirely despairing universe. Set against all of this, we have Chaos, which is neither good nor evil, but incorporates those notions and transcends them utterly, being a truth more fundamental and undeniable than any credo or ideology the species of the wider universe can provide, in that it EXISTS and provides the potential for hope, even if that hope is a dark and despairing one: glory in Hell as opposed to slavery in Heaven. It's quite, quite gorgeous the more you plumb and pare away the layers of interpretation, and we will always have that, even if the brute technicalities of the game go awry.

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Give me Talos, a horrible person who can still joke with his squadmates

and honor an oath to protect and/or revenge individuals, and at the same

time is willing to slaughter thousands and tear down humanity's empire

solely because he helped bring it into existence and he'll be the one to

lay it low.

Why there exist a concept of honor in any mob or gang sociaty [and that hyped up is more or less the background for all non terran NL] , the so called actual life shows , that no such thing exists . When one adds the fact that  those dudes have their brain chemistry drasticly changed and due to being NL suffer from multiple  neurosis Talos personality seems to be rather fake . Now it may be a good thing to read for some people , but does not change the fact that someone like him should not exist . It would be as if Khârn starting thinking if all the skull taking is worth the time .




Psycho indoctrinated before they hit puberty, and they spend 90% of

their free time squashing any thought that isn't directly related to how

awesomely awesome the Emperor and/or Imperium is.


All renegades underwent the same indoctrination and the legionary had the heresy , their primarchs alive and the legion wars to set their mind . Chaos character development stoped for most legions at the end of the legion war .






Slaughtering thousands is not a problem the human brain stops seeing a difference between 100-150 dead and that is for healthy people . Also the reaction to 1k or 10k or 100k deaths is the same . anything larger then the extanded pack [i think for humans it is something around 130-150 people been years since I had my psychology classes] , isn't realy comprehanded . And that is again for normal people , not for bio engineered people who are ment to be living weapons and to kill , who also happen to have psychological disorders as a legion trait.

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I'm confused. How are you figuring that Talos can't exist? The honour he displays, broken and worn as it is, seems perfectly reasonable as something to pick up in gang culture. And incidentally, one of the things I love about Chaos...



‘Brother,’ he said to Xarl. ‘A hero’s burial awaits.’
Talos rose to his feet, moving to his weapon rack. An ancient flamer rested as it had for years, cleaned of all rust and corrosion, its unlit nozzle emerging from a brass daemon’s wide maw. He’d never liked the weapon, scarcely even used it since first tearing it from the hands of a dead warrior of the Emperor’s Children five decades before.
A click of his thumb activated the pilot light. It hissed in the chamber, an angry candle flame casting a sharp glare in the gloom. He slowly aimed the weapon at Xarl’s body, breathing in the scent of his brother’s ruptured flesh and the chemical tang of old promethium oil.
Xarl had been there when Talos first took a life: a shopkeeper slain by a boy in the lightless Nostramo night. He’d stood with him as the gang wars swept the cities, always cursing with gutter invective; always first to shoot and last to ask questions; always confident, never regretting a thing.
He was the weapon, Talos thought. Xarl had been First Claw’s truest blade, and the controlled strength that formed their backbone in battle. He was the reason other claws had always backed down from facing them. While Xarl lived, Talos had never feared First Claw losing a fight. They had never liked one another. Brotherhood asked for no friendship, only loyalty. They’d stood back to back as the galaxy burned – always brothers, never friends; traitors together unto the last.
But none of it seemed right to say. The flamer hissed on in the spreading silence.
‘If there is a hell,’ Talos said, ‘you are walking there now.’ He aimed the weapon again. ‘I believe I will see you there soon, brother.’

That's a powerful excerpt.
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