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Lets try and bring back some positivity!


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That's a powerful excerpt.

Not saying it is not . Am also not saying that the books are not a good read . What I am saying is that with the base he has , in an enviroment he has , it would be impossible for him to exist . His problems aren't fake , the questions he asks are interesting , the action is good [fast paced where it should be , building up the thmospher where it should etc] . Problem is that an ex ganger turned super soldier in a sociaty of other exgangers super soldiers , in a race haunted by neurosis wouldn't be able to ask those questions.


Gangs or any criminal organistations [in fact this is more or less true to all organistations that use force as their main method of working] don't have such thing as honor . Or to be more precise , there is a always a legend of honor or about some special code[writen or not] , a whole mythology about stuff you can or can not do . But it has 0 to do with an actual life of a ganger . they are always disloyal , always snitch . Pick any organistation from any time in history . Samurai cast for example . Honor is the thing for them . they are so hardcore with the code that it is seen as more honorable to be under a bad lord , then under a good one , because keeping up with what the code of honor says under a good lord is seen as too easy [that is marine lvl loyality. they see their primarchs do wrong and still follow them]. But it is just legends in real life , honor is at best used explain why your cast is on top of the food chain , both to yourself and to the others . Honor is like a reed , it bends easy.

It is the same in w40k world . Some things just can't happen ,and it is not just female marines.







As for good sides . I also noticed that aside for the cheapness of the army , there is another realy interesting factor I like about chaos , it the greek tragedy type of fluff they have . they are premade , gods play with their fate , their actions are self ensnaring and what is seen as the greatest gift in the end only means a more painful death or even worse perpetual existance .

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Jeske, though I agree on some parts. The Night Lords are basically a criminal organisation turned into an army, and with that comes the loyality and brotherhood required to have a coherent force with a fighting chance. Honour comes in many different versions...

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That's wrong though. To assume there's no honour in a gang is wrong, without any doubt in my mind, and to assume they must all be the same is also incorrect. Honour WILL exist, and I'm speaking as someone with pretty personal experience. 


I'm not saying they will all exhibit strong senses of honour, or even that most...but loyalty to brothers does exist. It's just unrealistic to assume that all must be dishonorable. With the Night Lords, some of whom would've been taken before they could become ingrained fully into the criminal society and some of whom like Talos had relatively easier upbringings compared to others...Sweeping generalizations can't work.


EDIT: Sorry kursen, I'm going to stop dragging this off topic. If you wish to discuss it further jeske, please PM me or I can make another topic.

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Ok, ontopic!


I won't say anything about the codex: CSM rules, or lack of models or such, there is another thread for that and frankly, I think I've said it enough times already...


But chaos, the background, the fluff, the modelling opportunities!


The only thing that stops me from having at least three or four chaos armies is time and money. If I had those things I would have a 40k Thousand Sons army, a 40k Alpha Legion army, a daemon army, a traitor guard army, a 40k Death Guard army, a 40k Emperor's Children army, a HH Alpha Legion Army, a HH Thousand Sons army, a daemon world army, a 40k Khorne army...


...and so on. The ideas are all in my head, I got everything planned out, but as before, I lack the economy and time to make reality of it...unfortunately...


But this is the strength of chaos. One faction, soooooooo many options and modelling opportunities!


People often forget this, but you don't need to have rules for every single mutation or equipment. I started playing chaos back in 2nd edition, and my vision is still colored by those goggles. The 3.5 codex is a relatively new thing to me being two codexes after where I started, but my roots are still in the 2nd edition Codex Chaos. In that codex, you had cult troops, but cult terminators was a later invention. Marked CSM squads? What's that? Modelling your csm as khornate or tzeentchian back then didn't require rules for it...only the champions recieved benefits from that! And what rewards they recieved! You could have a mounted champion leading regular chaos troops, or in terminator armour, and with daemonic weapons or rewards...or other wargear. Only later, when more rule options came into being, did people start to expect rules for every single little mutation or wargear option (at least in my eyes)...

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It's the conversion possibilities that keeps me drawn to Chaos.  I want CSM, Daemons and Renegades.  Full armies for each so I can play them solo, or as allies with each other.  Just started playing this game but have been collecting Chaos since 5th (never played).  Never been more excited for a game it feels like.

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Why play Chaos?

what are your choices:

Space Monks

Angry mushrooms

space elves

evil space elves

mindless robots

space bugs

Grey skinned Xeno Filth

or the most murderous soldiers of destruction, hanging out with Daemons, blowing your world to dust, army (who for the most part look cool)


so the real question is why would you play anything other than Chaos?

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I think chaos is great because we got qiute a lot of really good BL novels dealing with us. Especially "Storm of Iron" and "Angel Exterminatus" by Graham McNeill, but also the novels by AD-B are strong forces pulling towards chaos. Also, ist happens that those Legions have the coolest color schemes and insignia in 40k, so what's not to like ;)


Rules change every couple of years, chaos is eternal.

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No, it was a fair point, I was just rattling off the things I see most commonly in chaos lists. I admit, I was speaking a bit heatedly, since a friend of mine is changing armies from csm because he's not happy with it.

And thanks, I'm still rather amazed.

Fair enough, you must be an extremely skilled player to have done so well with such a list, because, don't take this the wrong way, I mean no offence, but its not what I'd call top tier...

As to the mate dropping csm, that's a bummer, but hardly surprising.

Still, kudos, and any chance of some batreps being posted? Tbh that would generate more positivity than a million codex praise threads..

No offense taken, that's kind of what I liked about the list in the first place. And I was fairly surprised myself that I did so well. I could do some after-action reports, but my memory won't be clear enough to do full batreps.

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