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leinmann's Call of Chaos VI Thread


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Greetings chaps and ladies, this will be my Call of Chaos VI thread. I'll post all updates in here. Hope you enjoy. 

Unit 1 (10 Chaos Space Marines) Update 1:

originally i was using the Siege Vanguard Assault list from IA10, so thats why they're modelled with shields (representing Siege Mantlets), but imho they also represent ubergrip (in the confines of corridors they can batter the opponent back with the shield while firing point blank range). anyhow, they are also one of my fave units and i'm glad to be putting a paint job on them. 
Unit 2 (Sorceror) Update 1

this chap has been made specifically for this comp and has a couple of scavenged parts. i'll be painting him after Unit 1 so as i can spend more time on him, just need to think of a paint scheme and a name. 

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will do as soon as i get some paint on and they're finished, you can see better detail then. when they're undercoated i just don't think it worth trying to capture or worry about getting the detail on film as all you'll see is a sea of black or white covered plastic. doing the basecoat as we speak smile.png

Unit 1 Update 2 (group shot again) basecoats down, managed to get this done before starting work.

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i'm hoping to finish this unit in the next couple of days so clearer pics will be up soon. loving the detail on the shields though, might have to continue this theme yes.gif

Unit 1 Update 3 Unit Finished. The pictures don't do them justice but hopefully you can make out the detail. I love 'em and i think i might continue this theme throughout my army.

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The squad Icon Bearer, the banner reads: Remember Terra, Death to the False Emperor and his Palace. With my limited freehand skills i didn't want to bodge it with a massive chaos icon or image etc.

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The Aspiring Champion, Plasma Gunner and Heavy Bolter.

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The last 2 images are of the squad's ubergrit marines. I had a lot of fun modelling the shields and doing the details with this unit, as i say its something i'm looking into continuing this theme in future units. They were largely inspired by Insane Psychopath and his units of Breacher squads thanks.gif for the idea geezer.

By the blessing of the Dark Gods I declare Unit 2 finished. Here is Update 3:

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Sorceror from the front. I don't know why i chose purple, but imho it worked well and i think at some point i might continue the scheme on a small unit at some point in the future.

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From the left. I decided his chapter badge to be part UM as if he's from a successor chapter. 

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OK this is the only part of the model i'm not that keen on and one where i realise i need to work on in the future - blending. the idea is he has only recently started manifesting an affinity with the warp and begun manifesting pyromancy based powers. that said i tried to work a flame onto his arm, and imho didn't d it justice. i'll come back to this at a later date and retouch it. i just need to practise for the time being. 


Well, with this done, my part in the Call of Chaos VI has finished. I've got another project on the go (finishing stripping my marines) but i look forward to seeing everyone on the winning side of the Warp. Leinmann out. 


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