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Khorne Terminators and Icon of Wrath


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With Fluffy Numbers (8) is an Icon of Wrath worth the points?  Furious Charge and re-roll charge dice for ~3pts/model seems good...  


Does an Icon of Wrath give it's bonus to an attached IC if he has the Mark of Khorne already?  Like a Terminator Lord w/ Mark of Khorne?  


Let me know.



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Now this is just me, but I much prefer Icon of Wrath on a 20 man Squad of Chaos Space Marines with the Mark of Khorne attached to Fabius Bile and a Dark Apostle if you can afford it. that's a S6 Charge, 5 attacks each is just awesome, and Hilarious.

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yeah the banner covers an IC in the unit, so thats a S7 daemon axe on the charge ! I personally put a khorne unit in land raider with an axelord and either 4 khorne termines with icon or 8-9 berzerkers w/icon.
 That way, they usually can pull off quite a long charge.


On a foot squad, the enemy will just shoot those 8 terminators down, no one it their right mind will let that unit hit their lines.

So thumbs up for the icon, but you gotta take a land raider. Or put it in khorne bikes, but you asked about terminators.

Or, if you play apocalypse or use forge world, take a chaos spartan assault tank w/ daemonic hull and ceramite armour. Stuff 10 khorne terminators w/icon and an axelord or Khârn in it and rush the enemy. Cue evil laughter as you rip his line to shreds...

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But he's a terminator.  He's going to take the challenge, yes, but with a Pfist and TDA I give him 80/20 against most non-IC challenges; 50/50 against IC Challenges; and 35/65 against named ICs...


Just a thought to protect the points; granted he loses it if he Spawnifies or Ascends, but in that case who cares, he's a Khorne Daemon Prince, something will die HARD.



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if he goes DP he loses all upgrades and weapons and without wings , he will struggle to reach melee. also if he ends up in a challange he will use  all those attacks to kill 1 sgt. this gives your opponent 2 turns to move away , send someone to kill him , send another sgt to tar pit him longer etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, this is fine. I understand that a DP with no wings is liable to get the tar pit treatment, such is life. Still the question is;


Who gets the Icon? The Aspiring Champion or another regular terminator? I assume one with no upgrades that is kept near the back?



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  • 1 month later...

I dont think the champ gets it. His options only from the terminator wargear. A regular guy gets it. he actually should be quite safe, only heroes or with precision fire/stikre can pick him out and he's still a terminator.

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"one model in the unit...." so anyone can take it, i almost always put wrath on my champ b/c there is only a benifit on the charge, usually only get 1 good one a game, so if the champ snuffs it after that....oh well. the extra 4+ los till then is a nice add protection till delivery

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