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obscured, Ignores cover jink question,


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Hi guys, i want some help with the following,  Questions, 


Ignores cover  : Cover saves cannot be taken against
Wounds caused by weapons with the
Ignores Cover special rule.


So against VEhicles? you will say me Page 75 right??


page 75 :If the target is obscured and suffers a glancing
or penetrating hit, it must take a cover save against it,
exactly like a non-vehicle model would do against a


So if i fire against a vehicle that has jink does it jinks count as obcured or other type of cover like holofield serpents etc??? 


Cause if it  doesnt count i dont think it does benefit from ignores cover special rule, as ti says "obscured" right? 


Please anwer plz! thx in regards!


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Jink is defined as a cover save.  Ignores Cover USR does just that... ignores cover...


Ignores cover? yes look the  rulebook as i wrote above, i try to find a solution, i do the devils advocate now, as i see a hole in all this thing, ignores cover against wounds, vehicles if they are obcured they take cover as non vehicles model so ignore cover can be used,,,, i think


BUt if not obscured? just shield of sanguinius? jinks? all types that are cover and not obscured? i cant stay on that rule , cause the "MAIN" rule says OR ignores cover against wounds, OR you are obscured and you take cover as non vehicle model, so you must be obcured,


Anyone Admin or something???


Obscured Target = cover save


Ignores Cover = cover saves may not be taken


Can you say me if there is something in rulebook written that says obscured= cover saves? or cover= obscured?

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Obscured is defined as a special rule that provides a cover save.


Jink is defined as a special rule that provides a cover save.


Ignores cover is defined as a special rule that ignores any and all cover saves.


So, while you are not ignoring Obscured and Jink, you are ignoring the cover saves they provide.

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so we can disagree with opponent? IGNORES COVER = vs wounds right? the exception is against wounds from obscured cover saves, sorry i want to be as bad as possible as an opponent can be.


main rule ignores cover vs wounds. (so only models with wounds)      page 75 : obscured vehicles take cover saves as wounds.


are items that make vehicle models "obscured"  or give them a cover save? cause if there are then all will be different to me.... so  i wll  have right i think..


Page :75 : Obviously, vehicles cannot Go to Ground, voluntarily or
otherwise. If the target is obscured and suffers a glancing
or penetrating hit, it must take a cover save against it,
exactly like a non-vehicle model would do against a
rVound (for example, a save of 5+ for awood and so on).
If the save is passed, the hlt is discarded, no Hull Points
are lost and no roll is made on the Vehicle Damage table.
If a special rule or a piece of wargearrnakes a vehicle
obscured even if in the open, this is a 5+ cover save, unless
specified otherwise in the codex.

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hm....  I ask,  Ignores cover works against covers like flyers? cause the rule says  obscured vehicles doesnt obscured means that must the vehicle be  behind something 25% to get obscured target?        flyers or other item-rules that give the vehicles cover means are obcured?         


For example ,            Librarian (blood angels ) casts shield of sanguinius  and 2 rhinos are near 5+ cover each,        in the open,   


and something with ignores cover e.g Tau unit ,     fires at them why should the ignores cover work? cause those rhinos arent obscured by something they have from psychic power, so


If the target is obscured and suffers a glancing
or penetrating hit, it must take a cover save against it,
exactly like a non-vehicle model would do against a


they have 5+cover from psychic so arent obscured,      and the rule of ignores cover works with this sub-rule that means they must be obscured by something to take a cover like wound ,,, 


Am i right now?        Explain me someone, obcured means every cover a model takes? even vehicle by items- psychics-abilities? 

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Ah okay.


You are putting too much emphasis on the wrong words. "Obscured" is merely a condition, and having a cover save is the result. So if a model (of any kind) has a cover save and wants to make use of it, they are not allowed to against attacks with the "Ignores Cover" special rule. It has nothing to do with being obscured, psychic powers, smoke launchers, terrain, etc. All that matters is that the cover save [insert rules] gave it is unusable.

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Ok cool, Seahawk, thanks, if you can answer my following questions, would be thankfull,


1) does grav guns give cover or not?  against vehicles ? (there is a thread closed and still not a resolution on this matter,


2) If a stormraven gets locked velocity by immobilized result, can disembark units with skies of blood? or its disembark restriction? :)

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Ok cool, Seahawk, thanks, if you can answer my following questions, would be thankfull,

1) does grav guns give cover or not? against vehicles ? (there is a thread closed and still not a resolution on this matter,

2) If a stormraven gets locked velocity by immobilized result, can disembark units with skies of blood? or its disembark restriction? smile.png

The only thing different aout Grav guns is how they would out their to wound roll so yes you do get a cover save against them.

Although the Grav effect v a vehicle is "suffers and immobilised result" I think you would still get a cover save as now where does it say that cover saves are ignored by Grav weponary.

Being immobilised doesn't restrict disembarkation, so yes the guys inside would still be able to jump out.

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