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Independent Characters, Artillery and Instant Death

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I'm sure it can be guessed what the question here is. I've been told that an Independent Character attached to an Artillery piece benefits from the Toughness value of the Art. piece, but once a wound which would cause Instant Death by dint of double toughness has been inflicted on the IC from a shooting attack, the bonus Toughness is discarded and the model's original Toughness value is used.

This makes sense. It is not how I read the rules as written, however. I know wounds are allocated on a model-by-model basis, but the Artillery rules are clear that all models part of the unit enjoy the gun's Toughness value whilst attached to the unit. The IC rule states that an IC attached to a unit counts as being part of that unit for all rules purposes. The Artillery section says that the Artillery's toughness value is always used. It's not a bonus to Toughness, it is a complete replacement of the model's base Toughness stat. Therefore, you can't ID an IC attached to an Artillery piece with a shooting attack unless the shooting attack has the actual Instant Death rule. At least that's how I read it.

I'm happy to be proven completely wrong here but some in-depth clarification would be very much appreciated

Never mind...this thread has shown me the light:


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