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Flesh Tearer Vets-Helmet colour question.


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If your looking for an in the middle option, for my BA Successor I went with Facemasks that are gold/blue/yellow and the rest of the helmet is the same color.


My only suggestion is if you do chose to paint them, pick the color appropriately as if it looks good with Blood Red it might not with Red Gore(or whichever color the flesh tearers use). As my Marines are painted Red Gore I went with more of an orange instead of yellow and the gold is burnished or a little dull looking which works great with the color scheme. Once I do my devs, itll be a very dark almost purple-ish blue.

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I have never seen coloured helmets for FT, but I have never really seen anyone field a FT army at the LGS.  I like Chaplain Blackord's idea though, you could go with a darker scheme of blue, a more dull yellow.  I would personally test a bunch of different helmet colours and see if they work with the FT colours.  You might find they look a little out of place and just stick with a black helmet.

You can always find other ways to personalize your devs or assault marines with your own personal flare.  For BA, I'm personally not a fan of any other helmet colour other than red.  Yellow is alright... and I hate the look of blue helmets.  It's all personal taste in the end.

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FT differ a bit from the standard BA scheme. For one thing they are few in number and don't have the usual companies.

All marines are expected to fulfill the different roles as needed, and FT doesn't strike me as a chapter that would waste time re-painting their helmet all the time tongue.png

They are also using markings more in line with the codex astartes.

As for myself I paint the helmet of all veterans gold (including veteran sergeants) to make them stand out. I can also mix and match freely at any time I need a veteran, doesn't matter if it's honor guard, a sergeant, sternguard or whatever.

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There is no canon on the matter. Go with what you like. According to Swallow's BA books, Seth's personal honour guard wear golden helmets(Wouldn't count that as canon though, since Seth's own appearance was retconned). The FT have black helmets in all the official artwork. I personally would probably paint a white vertical line across the helmets of my vet sergeants, since that fits their overall scheme.


@Cessna: According to the dex the Tearers use the same scheme as BA for their Sanguinary Guard and Death Company.

The FT army in Crusade of Fire features crimson Sanguinary Guard with black wings, but i doubt that's official. I doubt the Tearers has even got any Sanguinary Guard left. Seth expressed his contempt for the BA Sanguinary Guard's appearance in Blood in the Machine.

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For my part, I fully support adapting color schemes to make sure the army looks good.


In my case, I'm painting Knights of Blood. With their silver bodies and red helmets and shoulder pads, I opted to give them all red helmets (rather than red, yellow, or blue depending on squad). I thought it would make the army look to rainbow. Instead, the knee pad that has the squad symbol has a background in the appropriate color (the other knee is red). With that much unity overall, I felt pretty comfortable giving the vets reddish-gold helmets. I think it's a good look.

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Thanks for the advice fellas.  I did do my Sang Guard fairly standard with the exception of black wings and shoulder pads.  I think with my vanguard vets I will just keep using black helmets.  If I do an honour guard for Seth, I will do gold helms. Thanks all!

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I'm not sure about Sang Guard and D.Co. but the fluff on FTs does have their marines swapping out specialties all of the time based on needs and whims. I doubt they even both with specialty helmets when specialty positions aren't that big a deal to them. I'd paint all FTs the same scheme, baring Sang Guad and D.Co. which I'd make stand out (either standard style or some FT specific garb) since those two are really big deals even to FTs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm looking at doing flesh tearers my self in the new year, and I was wondering the very same thing. I came to the conclusion that i would just paint the squad type on their shoulder pads/armour and call it quits tbh. All the novels I have of them...they don't really care what their armour looks like or what they have to do, just as long as they get into combat or able to destroy the enemy. Pretty much a bunch of super powered, super crazy, barbaric, psychotic Hannibal's.....awesome lol
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They ALL have black helms

(But if you want them a different colour just do it)


no if's, buts, or question

 I forget where i read it, (I think it was a copy of the original rules for them) but the story went along the lines of they follow the BA Astartes rules to a degree they dont have any designation shoulder pads ie elite/assault/tactical, they took off so fast after being granted their battle cruiser they forgot to collect a lot of equipment . . they seldom live long enough to become Elites(they generally end up in DC sooner than most BA founding's, which were free points cost plus every unit had to roll at the start of the players turn  some (starting with the serg)  were put into a DC unit) they all have to be proficient at jump assault,tac,dev,and even tank/raven drivers/pilots. . . they prefer CC to blood thirsty levels, melta's and flamer's than normal



DON'T (didn't until being put in ba codex) have terminator armour (except for Amit).

DON'T (didn't until being put in ba codex) have more than one tank

DO have an unusually high number of dreadnaughts DC but only one furioso

DO have  Rhino's, Razorbacks


to use 3 baals in my list i've done fluff to say they "borrowed" some baals they found after a battle alongside their BA brothers, and promise to give them back as soon as they can afford the time to deliver them back (or are broken or no longer effective ;-)) sadly they got painted black by mistake by an over efficient techmarine




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also found this  . . . OUT Dated but interesting

A Flesh Tearers army is chosen using the list in Codex Blood Angels, with the following exceptions and special rules:

Limited Resources: As Flesh Tearers forces tend to have little in the way of armoured vehicles, only one tank (Predator, Whirlwind, Vindicator or Land Raider) may be chosen for each detachment. You are, however, unlimited in the number of Rhinos and Razorbacks you may choose to take.

The Call of the Black Rage: Flesh Tearers suffer from the genetic defect of the Black Rage even more so than the other Blood Angels successor Chapters. Its veteran fighters are very prone to its affects and frequently suffer the curse before a battle. When rolling for the Death Company, the first model removed from a unit must always be its Sergeant. In addition, Command, Veteran and Terminator squads roll again on a roll of 5 or 6 rather than just a 6.

Death Company Dreadnoughts: There are many renowned heroes within the ranks of the Flesh Tearers, and whilst the Sanguinary Priests have had some successes in restraining the Black Rage of the ancient warriors entombed within the Dreadnought hulls, it is inevitable that, sooner or later, they will succumb to Sanguinius' Pain.

Only one Dreadnought or Furioso Dreadnought (one in total not one of each) may be taken within a Flesh Tearers army. However, you may take as many Death Company Dreadnoughts as you wish, within the normal limitations of the Force Organisation chart and the points value of the army.

DEATH COMPANY DREADNOUGHT   Points WS BS S Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour A

Type: Walker.

Crew: One Space Marine.

Weapons: Two Dreadnought close combat weapons (bonus attack already included in the profile above), one storm bolter and one meltagun.

Options: The storm bolter may be upgraded to a heavy flamer at an additional cost of +10 pts.

Note that Death Company Dreadnoughts have no vehicle upgrades (extra armour is redundant and they are too crazed to use searchlights or smoke launchers).


Tear Attack: A Death Company Dreadnought can use its two close combat weapons to tear apart enemy vehicles and therefore rolls 2D6+Strength when working out armour penetration against vehicles.

Black Rage: A Death Company Dreadnought must move towards the enemy as fast as possible, and must assault an enemy within range in the Assault phase.

Rampage: It is nearly impossible to stop a Death Company Dreadnought once it is in battle as it simply ploughs into the enemy, disregarding any danger or damage. The Dreadnought therefore ignores any 'Crew Shaken' or 'Crew Stunned' results on the Damage table.

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They ALL have black helms

(But if you want them a different colour just do it)


no if's, buts, or question

I forget where i read it, (I think it was a copy of the original rules for them) but the story went along the lines of they follow the BA Astartes rules to a degree they dont have any designation shoulder pads ie elite/assault/tactical, they took off so fast after being granted their battle cruiser they forgot to collect a lot of equipment . . they seldom live long enough to become Elites(they generally end up in DC sooner than most BA founding's, which were free points cost plus every unit had to roll at the start of the players turn some (starting with the serg) were put into a DC unit) they all have to be proficient at jump assault,tac,dev,and even tank/raven drivers/pilots. . . they prefer CC to blood thirsty levels, melta's and flamer's than normal



DON'T (didn't until being put in ba codex) have terminator armour (except for Amit).

DON'T (didn't until being put in ba codex) have more than one tank

DO have an unusually high number of dreadnaughts DC but only one furioso

DO have Rhino's, Razorbacks


to use 3 baals in my list i've done fluff to say they "borrowed" some baals they found after a battle alongside their BA brothers, and promise to give them back as soon as they can afford the time to deliver them back (or are broken or no longer effective ;-)) sadly they got painted black by mistake by an over efficient techmarine





Just saying, not trying to cause an argument but in flesh of Cretacia there are at least 10 suits of terminator suits.

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Yes mr smilie making his own fluff :-). At the end of the day they are in the BA codex so you can take anything in there. I was just showing the original rules and back story out of interest I've no interest in arguments either


Model and paint them however the owner sees fit is my motto as long as legal wysiwyg on the table

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