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BA Fandex

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Hey everybody,


I've been working on a BA Fandex for a couple weeks now.  Got it most of the way finished up.  However I don't believe I can post an actual link due to the fact that it has a lot of point values straight in line with the DA and SM Codices.  I am however looking for feedback and am hoping its ok to post just saying that I have one if anyone is interested.  PM me for the link.




How about a teaser:


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I really like the rules, very professional looking, and by and large I believe, fair with the points and rules. I will be trying to convince my friends to let me us this in the future. 


Some things I like: 

Axe Mortalis no longer being Unwieldy. Makes the most sense for that Dante

The Executioner's Axe staying Unwieldy. It is still an axe and there is no real reason that it shouldn't be unwieldy in my opinion. 

Giving Viratis Rending. Once again makes sense for the character. 

Lorenzo and his special rule is really great, and a fun nod to Space Hulk. 

Heroes, One and All is a great rule for the Sanguinary Guard.  

Spear of Telesto has an amazingly cool set of rules


Though if I can make some suggestions: 

Moving the last sentence of Angel's Wisdom to Fury of Baal. Seems to make a bit more sense. 

Not sure I like Blood Reaver or Heaven's Teeth having an AP value. 

Blood Song's change in stats. I think having it like the Sternguards guns really worked well for him. 

Banner of the Angel giving a 3++ is a bit to good, maybe a 5++ or 4++ 

I don't know what to think of Ex Libris Mortis, it is an interesting piece or war gear, but I believe would lead to some game breaking.  

I'm not sure what to think of the Blade Encarmine. I keep arguing with myself about if it should stay the same, or whether it should be AP 3 and then made AP 1 with the Bane of Chaos. 

The Grail is probably a bit to cheap. Being able to re-roll FNP is huge. I would probably increase by ten points maybe. 

Might need to add rules for the Wings of Sanguinius for Mephiston. 


Those are my initial thoughts. Absolutely loving the rules. Once again an amazing piece of work.  Emperor Protect. 

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Thanks for the suggestions ill let you know when i repost it with some modifications. The ex libris mortis is a nod to a blood angels forum ive going to for years.


... wow ... the 3++ on the Banner was a typo... should have been a 5+... oops

I want something more for Angel's Wisdom... seize the initiative on a 5+.... or too much?

Blood Reaver I was thinking Heavy Chainsword so ap5 seemed appropriate

Heaven's Teeth... might change to -

Might not be a bad idea on the blade encarmine

yeah don't know what i was thinking on the grail.... 5++ maybe?

added rules for Wings of Sanguinius... oversight

also added the 0-1 for DC, re-roll reserve on DoA, and Blood Chalice... which i also overlooked\


will repost soon



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So ideas for how to change the Ex Libris Mortis so it isn't as op?  Still really want to include it.  For those of you who've never been there Ex Libris Mortis is a Blood Angels Forum started by Blood Angel Brother Edward.  He has since passed and when I was up and coming in the Blood Angels many years ago he and his work was a huge inspiration as I know he was to many BA players who visited his site and forum.  So its a not to him and I really want it to stay in some manner but don't want it to be over powered.

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Might be over the top, but is a try: what about a army wide +1 to FNP rolls as long as the model with the book is on the table?

Going with your fluff, i'd say marines will fight with even more zeal and abandon knowing their names will be remembered forever.

Or the still missed Initiative bump, if is not already somewhere else, i'm still reading but wanted to snapshot an idea

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I'm totally digging it.  I dislike the 10 point increase to my fragioso, but hey, they are pretty cheap for how much damage they can potentially cause, so it's understandable.

I agree with a lot of the c&c.  Overall, nicely done sir.  Why stop at Sgt. Lorenzo when you can add Sgt. Gideon for the assault terminators?  Just a thought.  I think that was really cool of you to include Lorenzo, and his overwatch at full bs brings back some space hulk memories for sure.

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Ok so... here's what I've changed since last night...

If anyone remembers the 3rd/early 4th edition BA codex, Sanguinary High Priests were a thing... not just Corbulo... they had a rule called Sanguinius' Chosen... it was sort of a ranged hatred but restricted to models in the range not units.  So I've sort of brought it back replacing the Blood Chalices, to give a point to having the Grail Special Issue Wargear item... also from the same codex... changed the name and description of Angel's wisdom to Angel's Insight... to make a little more sense. 


I think thats it... so here goes PMs of V4... v3 was sort of a wash since i never posted it but had it made before i went to work last night so this will be labeled as v4

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Almost finished reading it, looks awesome, not overpowered (or i just don't see the possibilities yet) but full of character. Amazing work really.


For some random comments:

i'd say the Libris works very well in this incarnation

The Sanguinor might do with either 3 wounds or T4, both seem a bit much once i've gotten past the RAAAAAAARGH! moment and thought about it a little more

Sepharan looks overcosted to me, expecially compared to Lorenzo

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ya know I was thinking that Sepharan is missing something I originally had on him but I can't find the notes I had made... I'm going to leave the points where they are for now but might adjust if I can't think of what it was... I'm thinking his sword, imperialis, either had rending or instant death... but now am unsure...


and the sanguinor thing... just looked at that again... I think the 4w might have been a copy-paste error... what are everybody's thought on the sanguinor's stats?

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