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BA Fandex

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So I took another look at the old rules for the Shroud. It provided frenzy to all BA within 12 inches of the bearer, but only when its stasis field was turned off. I don't remember the exact rules for frenzy but I' suggest that it be a banner-like item that can be used once per game. If one of the older Brothers could provide a summary of frenzy, it would be most helpful.

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Where do I check these rules out....Fandex are always fun to read




Ok so here's what I'm thinking so far for the Shroud.  Instead of a Chapter Relic you can pay for actually include Veteran Sergeant Cleutin as an upgrade character for a unit of honour guard.  Similar in stats to both Lorenzo and Sepharan but in power armour, no jump pack.  Don't know about weapons right now, arbitrarily going with MC infernus pistol and MC power axe.  I'll have rules for the shroud itself by tomorrow afternoon (work tonight and overtime in the morning).

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What happened to the Furioso Librarian Dreadnought?


Not a huge fan of Red Thirst or the changes to Death Company Dreadnoughts. I don't like dice rolls dictating how I move my models. Also, someone could field 30 Death Company and 6 Death Company Dreadnoughts which is over the top as they could still get scoring elsewhere. Not to mention if you add Astaroth in there things could get really crazy.


Everything else looks pretty cool. Adding Lorenzo was a good call and the Relics and Warlord Traits are good. I'm in the middle of doing my own Blood Angels fan dex so it's cool to see what other people are thinking.

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What happened to the Furioso Librarian Dreadnought?


Not a huge fan of Red Thirst or the changes to Death Company Dreadnoughts. I don't like dice rolls dictating how I move my models. Also, someone could field 30 Death Company and 6 Death Company Dreadnoughts which is over the top as they could still get scoring elsewhere. Not to mention if you add Astaroth in there things could get really crazy.


Everything else looks pretty cool. Adding Lorenzo was a good call and the Relics and Warlord Traits are good. I'm in the middle of doing my own Blood Angels fan dex so it's cool to see what other people are thinking.


oops... Libby dread was just forgotten, added now and with options

DC dread shenanigans addressed, 0-3 maximum (is this agreeable?)

maybe increase astorath's points cost, current one was just an arbitrary number open to suggestion

and the Red Thirst was sort of a throwback to the 3rd Ed Codex.  Wanted there to be a down side to the flaw, suggestions, how are you portraying it in yours?

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I like this a lot so far. I am a huge fan of The Sanguinor fluffwise but he always bugs me in the crunch. 280 points even at AP 1 swings and armorbane terrifies me. Especially since he has a T4 and gets auto bogged in against t6. He also gets hurt bad by any MC shenanigans which are too common these days. Maybe Fleshbane AP 2? AP 1 is really just to hate on vehicles.
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The Fury of Sanguinus

Monstrous Creature


  6    4  6 6  4 5 4  10 2+


special Rules

Jump Pack, furious Charge, Rage, fleet, Fearless, FnP 6+



Artificer armour


Fury of the Righteous : When this models loses it's first wound, it gains Hatred. In addition - for each wound lost, this model increases it's Feel no Pain save and attacks by 1

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DC dread shenanigans addressed, 0-3 maximum (is this agreeable?)oops...


I think that's better.



maybe increase astorath's points cost, current one was just an arbitrary number open to suggestion

and the Red Thirst was sort of a throwback to the 3rd Ed Codex.  Wanted there to be a down side to the flaw, suggestions, how are you portraying it in yours?


This is in mine:


Blood Angels within 12" of an enemy model (not a vehicle) roll a D6 at the start of their movement phase. On a roll of 1-2 they suffer the effects of Red Thirst and gain Rage and Fearless until the start of their next turn. Models that are under the affect of Red Thirst that fire in the Shooting Phase can only fire Snap Shots.

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I have so many death masks left over, its a shame I can't give them to all of my veteran sgts... Oh they would be feared alright!  I'd start giving them to everyone that can have one for 5pts a pop! Libbys, chappys, the works.  Oh the possibilities.

Looks like you nerfed the chappy's and reclusiarchs so that they don't give the re roll hits and wounds on the charge to death company, and just gave them zealot instead.  Maybe a typo?

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Your teaser is interesting, and well made. I would like to see more :)


I have a question about DC Tycho compared to Captain Tycho. Since he loses the IC special rules (as in codex 5th) I can't figure how to play him. I was thinking that you could fix that, os is it covered by the Death Company special rule?

Or maybe someone could just explain me how to play DC Tycho? :)

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DC dread shenanigans addressed, 0-3 maximum (is this agreeable?)oops...


I think that's better.



>maybe increase astorath's points cost, current one was just an arbitrary number open to suggestion

and the Red Thirst was sort of a throwback to the 3rd Ed Codex.  Wanted there to be a down side to the flaw, suggestions, how are you portraying it in yours?


This is in mine:


Blood Angels within 12" of an enemy model (not a vehicle) roll a D6 at the start of their movement phase. On a roll of 1-2 they suffer the effects of Red Thirst and gain Rage and Fearless until the start of their next turn. Models that are under the affect of Red Thirst that fire in the Shooting Phase can only fire Snap Shots.


I really like this, i'll do the snap shots and range of yours if thats alright, although might do +1I and +1A and -1Ld instead of rage and fearless

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might also reduce the Sanguinor's wounds back to 3 and then give fleshbane armourbane.... thoughts


and this is what I came up with for the Shroud of Sanguinius:

Once per game Cleutin may deactivate the energy field protecting the Shroud and all friendly units from Codex:  Blood Angels gain +1WS and Relentless (and/or Fleet let me know your thoughts) until the beginning of your next movement phase.  However, if Cleutin is removed from play for any reason place a counter or other suitable marker (a coin would work well for this) where Cleutin was before he was removed.  That marker is now a Primary Objective.  The Blood Angels player must control this objective to claim victory.

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I like this a lot so far. I am a huge fan of The Sanguinor fluffwise but he always bugs me in the crunch. 280 points even at AP 1 swings and armorbane terrifies me. Especially since he has a T4 and gets auto bogged in against t6. He also gets hurt bad by any MC shenanigans which are too common these days. Maybe Fleshbane AP 2? AP 1 is really just to hate on vehicles.


I think you misunderstand the Blade Encarmine is a chapter relic that any unnamed model can take, the sanguinor still just has a Glaive Encarmine (not that in later updates of the Fandex it will say (Sword) after it lists his Glaive)  so most of the time the Blade Encarmine should just be S4... i only went the AP1 Armourbane road due to it being a flaming sword

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I really like this, i'll do the snap shots and range of yours if thats alright, although might do +1I and +1A and -1Ld instead of rage and fearless


Feel free to use what you like. Why the -1 Ld though? If someone is hyped up and angry why would they have a greater chance of running away?

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I really like this, i'll do the snap shots and range of yours if thats alright, although might do +1I and +1A and -1Ld instead of rage and fearless


Feel free to use what you like. Why the -1 Ld though? If someone is hyped up and angry why would they have a greater chance of running away?

I was trying to find a way of portraying the almost animalistic nature of the flaw.  While yes they are in a frenzy of sorts their unit cohesion and higher reasoning would suffer.  Examples, Mephiston, while yes he overcame the black rage he would still be subject to the Red Thirst but under its effects his ability to properly utilize his psychic talents while not entirely negated would be hindered by the effects of the flaw.  A Tactical squad under its effects would have to reorganize and form up after its effects have worn off.  While the individual may seem "fearless" the unit will be effected negatively as well as positively.  There are reasons why its called "the flaw" after all, its not something the Angels are proud of, Sanguinius himself was ashamed of what his genetics were causing his noble sons to do.  I understand the reasoning behind giving units affected by the Red Thirst fearless I just don't think its the best rule for it.  Its not so much about making it easier for them to run away as it is, the effects of the flaw wearing off and now they have to reform.

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