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BA Fandex

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I would like to see more, although I don't like how the Sanguinor has the Red Thirst from a fluff perspective, is that a typo as he already has furious charge and fearless.

PM'd and as you'll see my Red Thirst works different... although whats in that version is now outdated I'll post up a new version and send out PMs when its ready with the modifications i've made

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I was trying to find a way of portraying the almost animalistic nature of the flaw.  While yes they are in a frenzy of sorts their unit cohesion and higher reasoning would suffer.  Examples, Mephiston, while yes he overcame the black rage he would still be subject to the Red Thirst but under its effects his ability to properly utilize his psychic talents while not entirely negated would be hindered by the effects of the flaw.  A Tactical squad under its effects would have to reorganize and form up after its effects have worn off.  While the individual may seem "fearless" the unit will be effected negatively as well as positively.  There are reasons why its called "the flaw" after all, its not something the Angels are proud of, Sanguinius himself was ashamed of what his genetics were causing his noble sons to do.  I understand the reasoning behind giving units affected by the Red Thirst fearless I just don't think its the best rule for it.  Its not so much about making it easier for them to run away as it is, the effects of the flaw wearing off and now they have to reform.


Hmm, that's an interesting take and I can see that. I don't really think the rules application gels with what you are going for though. If you want to show how they don't fight as a unit because they are more concerned on an individual level, might be better to do a -1 to assault results (they are killing a lot of dudes, but aren't fighting in unison to drive their opponents back) or a penalty to sweeping advances (either a flat modifier or just a straight up D6 with no Initiative bonus). I think those better reflect what you are going for. Just my 2 cents.

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I was thinking about how currently our LRs have deep strike, is this something people would like to see removed or modified so its not ridiculous because a LR can be destroyed by falling on a grot


I don't think it should be removed. I always thought that if you hit an infantry unit it should be treated as a tank shock with the option for Death or Glory! If you hit another vehicle, it would be a mishap as normal.

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I was thinking about how currently our LRs have deep strike, is this something people would like to see removed or modified so its not ridiculous because a LR can be destroyed by falling on a grot

I don't think it should be removed. I always thought that if you hit an infantry unit it should be treated as a tank shock with the option for Death or Glory! If you hit another vehicle, it would be a mishap as normal.

My thoughts exactly. Combat Drop

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I have so many death masks left over, its a shame I can't give them to all of my veteran sgts... Oh they would be feared alright!  I'd start giving them to everyone that can have one for 5pts a pop! Libbys, chappys, the works.  Oh the possibilities.


Looks like you nerfed the chappy's and reclusiarchs so that they don't give the re roll hits and wounds on the charge to death company, and just gave them zealot instead.  Maybe a typo?

I missed this post earlier.  I did nerf "liturgies of blood" however DC all have access to lightning claws under my rules.

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Ok just finished uploading and PMing the latest update, mostly just polishing and clarifying.  Changed Red Thirst slightly (still not totally happy with it but its getting there), added Vet Sgt Cleutin, altered Sepharans weapons to account for his cost (found my notes, can't believe I didn't remember that), added Combat Drop to all LR Variants (sort of like Drop Pod but cant do it turn one and will only mishap if it hits a vehicle or building if it hits infantry its a tank shock, and a few other minor changes (just points that were wrong due to copy and paste errors, oh and added the 1-3 per slot for SPs.


Everyone that had the v4 should now have v5, if you don't, let me know, or if you're not interested in receiving further updates let me know.

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I was thinking about how currently our LRs have deep strike, is this something people would like to see removed or modified so its not ridiculous because a LR can be destroyed by falling on a grot


I don't think it should be removed. I always thought that if you hit an infantry unit it should be treated as a tank shock with the option for Death or Glory! If you hit another vehicle, it would be a mishap as normal.


Well technically you can tankshock and ram out of reserves already....  

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About the raiders deep strinking, i've always thought was a quite stupid rule tacked on to justify non Lucifer engines.

If you ask me i'd rather see them having Fast than imagine a LR falling from the sky.


Not that i'm too fussed anyway. I've split stuff between BA and BT. My Angels use Stormravens, Crusaders with Crusaders

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I don't have my codex here at work but did the stats for the chaplain change? iirc chaplains had 4 BS and only 2 wounds (not sure about their attacks).

Right now they seem identical to Reclusiarch except that reclusiarchs has terminator armour options and can take chapter relics. But the Reclusiarch costs 20 points more to get these options?

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WS 6 BS 4 S7 A 4 I 4 HP 3 Armour 13/12/10

Melta Gun, Heavy Flamer, Blood Talons


Special Rules

Rage, It will Not Die, Furious charge, Hatred, Fleet, Rending


Red Thirst - At the begining of movement phase, roll a D6. On a 6, Moriar immediately moves 6+D6 towards the nearest enemy unit he can harm, cannot shoot this turn and must assault it if possible. 

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WS 6 BS 4 S7 A 4 I 4 HP 3 Armour 13/12/10

Melta Gun, Heavy Flamer, Blood Talons


Special Rules

Rage, It will Not Die, Furious charge, Hatred, Fleet, Rending


Red Thirst - At the begining of movement phase, roll a D6. On a 6, Moriar immediately moves 6+D6 towards the nearest enemy unit he can harm, cannot shoot this turn and must assault it if possible. 

Like the stats and special rules, will also obviously add None Shall Stay My Wrath.  Also liking the Red Thirst but will likely use a different name for the rule (already exists on other units.)


We thinking HQ that doesn't take up a slot and can't be warlord (or takes up slot just can't be warlord).  or upgrade for DC dread?

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Ok will be posting up v6 tomorrow afternoon.

Changes include but are not limited to:

minor rework to Red Thirst (took off additional attack but added fleet)

minor rework to the Shroud of Sanguinius (took off fleet but added additional attack)

changed wording (but not effects) of Descent of Angels - for clarity

changed wording (but not effects) of Blood of the Angel (Spear of Telesto) - for clarity

added Moriar (similar to Wolf_Pack's given stats and rules)

added new relic - Light of Terra (basically a Volkite Charger from the HH betrayal book but Assault 4 and MC'd)

changed the points of the Land Speeder Storm to that in the SM dex (another Copy-Paste error)

Changed the wings (relic) to be a bit more interesting

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