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choosing a chapter

blood of Sanguinus

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I have found this process quite long I knew I wanted to play blood angels but, felt like I wanted to play a successor as I wanted something different from everyone else. That led me into creating my own chapter, I painted up a couple of models and was pleased. However today I had an epiphany why do anything different from the original chapter, it's rich history would allow for me to still paint the units unique to me and stay within the fluff an  let's face it out of all the blood angels chapter they are top dog in my opinion. So I guess I just wanted people's views on what they think I  the best chapter and why, reasons why other chapter, in your opinion don't match up to other thank you all for your time and for me time to paint up the original  with the black trim of course

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Firstly welcome to Baal, Brother! Secundus (hehe), I don't believe there's a right or wrong choice here. Follow what you think will make you happiest, and you're right there is a rich history, and a sad one for the Blood Angel Chapter; but, the opposite can be created by your own if you're wanting that as well. In the end it's a hard choice but you'll make it! You can't go wrong with the Founding Legion, and that's why I did, for me nothing beat's the original, cursed Scions of Sanguinius! ;) 


Good luck/happy painting!

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Welcome Brother!

Likewise I was originally a Blood Angels player when I started in this hobby some 14 years ago. Since then I have reworked my force and went on to create a DIY Blood Angels Successor which I quite enjoy!

In the end, I always felt that the Fluff ruled and the army look/feel would come with. It's why I loved the Blood Angels and have put so much work into the Crimson Sons of Vengeance! Let us know about the process!

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The Blood Angels have, without a doubt, the very best Chapter fluff in the Imperium. We aren't all lame and disgusted with our bodies to the point of hacking bits off to be replaced by cybernetics, nor are we all goody-goody blue funboys with no real fluff short of, "Uhhhh... we got our asses handed to us by the 'nids." We aren't scouring the galaxy, searching for our brothers who turned to the dark side and might out us while living in a floating rock because we blew our own homeworld up. We aren't self flagellators in yellow armor, we aren't all albino with schtoopid mutant weirdos, we don't have lame claws growing out of our forearms, and we do not enjoy chowing down on a steaming bowl of dog food and rolling over for a nap.We are among the oldest lived space marines. We are possibly the only ones who appreciate, and create art. We have a true hero Primarch that died in the service of the Emperor. Our Primarch didn't have canines, he didn't have pallid skin, or one freaky eye; he had wings! He had precognition without dabbling in the chaos arts. The Blood Angels are proud, yet not self-important. They fight as well as any marine, yet at the same time hold themselves back to keep from falling into the abyss of the Rage. I could go on, but I'd be speaking to the converted...The popularity of marine armies waxes and wanes as GW focuses their baleful eye on each one. While our rules may suffer in light of the current armies, there will always be a core cadre of players who play them because they are just so dang bitchen' regardless of the rules.Oh, I almost forgot... the Blood Angels are red. Not some fairy lame color like blue or yellow. Not presumptuous goth black, or goth-lite gray. Not green (I mean, green?) or white (coming up with a primary color was too difficult for them). They are red; the color of blood and violence. In other words, the color of why it's good to be a marine!


There you go Brother, couldn't say it better myself. I'm new to the forums so I don't know how to atribute that quote to the guy that wrote it. But if your not signing up to the Blood Angels Chapter after that, you never will.


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Thank you collected blood angels when i was younger for a short time. I'm getting back into this hobby and have to say never wanted to collect anything else my DIY will be  put on hold for a bit and concentrate on the original sons of sanguinus Blood Angels any day I don't care on rules I'm always gonna be a blood angels player. 

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One big theme that attracts me to the Blood Angels is their generally positive attitude. Now this doesn't mean they go handing out flowers to loyal Imperial citizens with a big smile on their face saying how wonderful everything is going. Far from it. Rather, the Blood Angels FORCE themselves into a state of nobility and dignity, despite almost everything that has gone wrong with their chapter, Imperium, and even within themselves. Although their glorious beginnings as sons of the LITERAL angel of mankind mark them as saints in the glittering eyes of men, deep down inside lurks a force of evil that could very well have had their chapter vilified and erased from history. I mean, heck in the current state of affairs in 40k the chapters of Sanguinius, the rich history that follows them, and their legacy are dying. And we even KNOW for a fact that Sanguinius is not returning so we have nothing to look forward to except the end.

The Blood Angels have their inner daemon completely at war with everything the chapter holds dear: nobility, optimism, and hope for mankind, and he's not a weak one. Not only is this flaw a thirst for blood, but of violence, destruction and dare I say... chaos. It is a fact of astartes nature that everything they do is grounded in violence and warfare. Every second of every minute of every day is a struggle for an angel to maintain not only his sanity, but his basic combat discipline and organization knowing fully well that one day you will either die in nobility, or fall into your own inner hell. I mean jeez, their chapter tactic specialty thrusts them into the blood-hurricane of violent close combat. Not only do they murder that which is literally in front of them, they do it WELL. Everything is stacked against them as far as their flaw is concerned and I dare say, it's a fear that their own weakness of heart and mind puts loyal, Emperor-loving lives at risk. And oooh man when they fall they fall HARD. It's almost painfully ironic that Blood Angels live longer lives only to suffer that much longer.

Despite these damning flaws and state of affairs that mock what it means to be a loyalist Astartes, the Blood Angels still carry on as the true and literal angels of mankind. They fly on ivory wings, combating the blackness which seeks to consume them. They adorn themselves in shining gold and rich crimson, mocking the sour state of affairs their chapter suffered through in history. They blast themselves into self-damning close combat, defeating the most powerful and dangerous enemies mankind has ever known with blade and fury. They chain the daemons inside them: the Red Thirst, the Black Rage into a force of close combat beat-train known as the Death Company and unleash it upon those who would piss on the Throne of our Imperium.

It is my belief that the descendants of Sanguinius, like their father, will sacrifice everything (their legacy, their lives, their future) just for a chink in the armor of the enemies of man. And we all know it is through that chink that the Emperor slew Horus. THIS is what the Blood Angels are.

EDIT: As for the best chapter among the sons of Sanguinius: the choice is obvious... the Night Angels! tongue.png

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Zynk said it perfectly, is the reason i play Blood Angels.

I like space marines, but i'm no fan of grimdark at all costs, so finding a chapter that fights for a better future is a breath of fresh air.


Being more practical, i think the decison boils on one question: How much of you you want in the chapter?

Blood Angels have a very rich fluff, but lots of it. You're kind of locked in what you will collect; besides deciding if you want to lean more on the angel or vampire side of fluff there's not much room for fantasy.

A DIY force will let you pick and choose the bits you like from our main force, while leaving plenty of room for further personalization.


Is a tough choice if you ask me, but on the bright side, no answer is wrong!

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If you're one of the Sons of Sanguinius, then that's what's important. It doesn't matter if you wear the Legion colors, or the colors of its many children. So don't feel bothered by your choices.


That said, you're a Blood Angels fan. In some way, you are most likely touched by things of higher worth, of greater nobility. Therefore, when you make your decision, listen to the better portion of your soul, and let it speak through whatever you choose. It's what makes Blood Angels, Blood Angels, that listening to the Angelic Choir over the almost deafening growls of the Pit of Demons inside.

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I think truly the blood angels stand above all over chapters, if not just for the daily struggle they go through just to stay sane.  I think this steadfast behaviour is what really attracts me to this specific chapter, who else in the imperium smashes into hordes of enemies chainswords screaming tearing flesh from bone, and still not falling into the black rage. It's impressive to immerse your entire world into temptation and come out on top. I am not saying other chapters are not impressive in their own why but they don't make a dent in that glorious red power armour.  That's just the beginning through falling from the sky in drop pods, jetpacks and gunships deep into the enemy's hordes and still come out on top, it's just awe inspiring. 

 Then between all the area kicking and righteousness they manage to design, make and come up with some of the best artwork the imperium has seen it seems they do it all, it's only right in a way that they suffer from the flaw to ground them, (unlike those ultrasmurfs) 

Blood, guts and glory for Sanguinus and the empire.

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Best chapter? Clearly the Ultramarines! (Please don't hurt me... Mat Ward made me say it!)


I eventually repainted my forces as Angels Sanguine because I wanted something that stands out and looked good on the tabletop, it's a lot more eye-catching and unusual than plain old red, not that there's anything wrong with that of course. To be honest, as long as it's a Blood Angel variant, it still kicks ass!

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Blood Angels were long my first and only army I played. I considered creating own color scheme but I never came p with good one so I played as Generic BA.Now that I sold most my red power armor (those that could not be repainted without destroying decals), I will fully embrace Flesh Tearers. This area has 5 active BA player's besides me, so I got bored to see blood red everywhere. No active Flesh Tearers player's and I love their fluff. I tried Lamenters but I dropped the test model 4 times and broke it three times during painting process. That hinted I should try something else.. msn-wink.gif

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Plus we have some cool toys in our codex! Furioso's, Death Company, Baal Predators, Sanguinary Guard and Priests, Assault squads as troops.  Their is a lot of great units that we can field.  Our Rhino Chassis tanks are fast vehicles, so we can still move 12" and fire one weapon at full BS.  Our characters have interesting fluff as well.


Lots to love about our beloved chapter, and I think Rafen and Zynk summed it up.

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I actually started a blood angel successor not because I wanted a blood angels codex.

I just found this chapter which struck a note. Dug a little deeper, and then I found them more and more and more awesome.


They have the bleeding heart for humanity and the humans living in the imperium, and will gladly sacrifice themselves not only for the imperium, but for the humans living within it. All of this while combatting censure and prejudice from many others inside that same imperium, an inordinate amount of bad luck, and a negative, sorrowful disposition. But despite the setbacks, despite the prejudice from their battle brothers and the people they wish to save, and despite, as it later turned out, the eventual emergence of the red thirst and the black rage despite hopes that that had been engineered out of them, they keep on fighting, they keep on saving, they keep on sacrificing.


And all that got me painting marines. Back then, I wasn't even sure if I should stick with codex: Space Marines, or go for codex: blood angels. There was no mention yet of the flaw emerging with the Lamenters, and their succession from blood angel stock was no more than rumors and hearsay.


Since the latest codex and especially the Badab War books from forgeworld, a lot more info has come forth about the Lamenters, and it's very clear they're meant to be played with the blood angel codex. That's how I got here :)

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