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How to turn cultists into zombies


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I have 50 or so cultist models and I want to play them as zombies. How do you guys paint/model your cultists to be zombies. I know I could get some zombie models but I want to find a use for my cultists. I also would rather not have to do much clever converting work to 50 models
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...That's tough when ya don't wanna convert them! :) I'd buy a box of fantasy zombies and just mix them into your squads (round bases please) ...Or just say "these cultists are zombies" ...either way you should be fine. Or of course paint them bloody and pale!
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against non tau or eldar you can easily play time . 100 models 15 sec to set up each that 1500 sec for one round just to move . no saves , no attacks no moving of HQ casting of powers , checking the rule book for stuff . let say you start you do a 25 min turn[can easily get longer] then he does a 10 min one and then you waltz on to objectives with 60+zombis and go time.

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I am assuming this is DV Cultist miniature.  You could just paint them a greenish pale skin color(I use dnebd stone, dry brush of nurgling green, 1:1 mix of Devin mud and thraka green, with a light dry brush/highlight of nurgling green again.).  For the zombie part you could paint their eyes a lifeless white, blood effect on the mouth, guts expose, a few head swaps with Vampire counts crypt ghouls, clip off a few limbs, greenstuff head crabs, etc.  Zombies are everywhere in today media, and the sky the limit.  Finally you count just point at the cultist and say those are zombies or just say they all have rabies. 

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