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The Black Psalm


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If I write it then I'll do it...


This is going to be my long term project log of four armies up to and including the four FW daemon lords. Honest. I'll really do it. Promise...


The premise is that The Illustrians Chapter were corrupted during the Abyssal Crusade and became the Black Psalm, a warband that believes they are on course to releasing the four first daemons - the original offspring of Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle. Whether this is true or whether they have been manipulated into simply releasing four powerful daemons is up for debate, but they believe it and that's what they are trying to do.

To help them in their goal, the gods have seen fit to 'bless' the various leaders with possession to a greater or lesser degree, the idea being that these daemons hold the keys to unlock the various doors behind which the 'first' lie.


Extended fluff will find its way here sooner or later...


The make up of the army is going to be based around 2 detachments of deliberately antagonistic gods as per the old animosity rules - Tzeentch and Nurgle, Slaanesh and Khorne - and will be based around the numbers of the gods fluff.


Each force will contain a relevant number of characters equal to one less than the gods number, the final 'character' being the daemon lord. (i.e, 8 tzeentch, 7 khorne, 6 nurgle, 5 slaanesh) and each unit will comprise the gods number of models.

Each will include a Daemon Prince and one other HQ, the rest of the characters will be aspiring champions of their units, and each will have as many Gifts of Mutation as they can have.

Each unit will have the appropriate mark and icon.

Each force will a single relevant cult troop.


So that will be it in terms of infantry, but to round out each gods force to roughly 2000 points then various unaligned extras will be included (spawn, obliterators, vehicles etc)


For modelling I wanted a truly 'renegade' force, so I've gone out and bought 60 power armoured units - CSM, Berzerkers, Vanguard Veterans, Space Wolves, Death Company, Sanguinary Guard and Raptors - and this weekend I will be putting all the legs in one tub, the torsos in another, the arms in another, the heads in another and the backpacks in another and completely randomising the assembly. If I pull out chaos legs, he gets an imperial body, if I pull out imperial legs, he gets a chaos body and so on.

The cult troops will be as GW intended, more or less.



I want this force to be down to the bare bones, either through self sacrifice, internal war, or just general depletion over the years as my fluff evolves so I want them to use all manner of space marine equipment.


So there you go. Pics inbound sooner or later. 




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Here is around 80 (I found a few more sprues kicking about my attic) marines of all denominations decanted into various pots.


This is going to be fun!


I've settled fluffily on having the 2nd HQ in each force being a Dark Apostle.

Any suggestions on suitable god themed apostles? I'll use the stock GW one probably, and maybe the chosen with the mace from the DV box. I was toying with idea of using Vilitch from the fantasy range as the Tzeentch one, but he's maybe too fantasy and looking at his back I doubt I'd be able to squeeze a backpack on there.


Also, has anyone any idea how make a palanquin for a Nurgle character? I know Epidemius has one, but I wouldn't really know how to convert a fat space marine sitting down as my greenstuff-fu is non existent. I was thinking more in the style of the Dwarf shield bearers or High King. A small Chaos Warshrine would be perfect if any has any ideas.


Ooo, and finally, once upon a time someone put up a link to a website selling thousand son style terminator bits which I just can't find any more if someone would be so kind as to put up the think? Cheers!

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