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Chaos, so much Chaos


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Lately, I have been extremely lucky to obtain a large amount of Chaos space marines, some traitors guard and demons, for extremely cheap.

Here is a rough list



9 blood crusher

8 daemonic princes(1 forge world khorne prince, plastics, two metal)

1 blood thrister

4 soul grinder

1 metal skulltaker

20 flesh houmds(10 old metal chaos hounds, 10 dire wolves)

70 bloodletters

3 flamers

30 ish plague bearers



Traitor guards

50ish cultist/guard squads

command squad

3 heavy weapons



200 marines/bezerkers

30 Havocs metal

40 possessed(bits basically)

50 ish terminatrs

7 rhinos


3 helldrakes

20 bikers

10 spawn

5 raptors

3 preds

3 hell talons

6 obilts

Forge world khorne bez(10), FW Khorne dread, FW WE termi with WE special character(Zhufor, i think)

4 dreads

countless char and hero. 


Total for all about $700


Everything has finally been stripe, but my problem is deciding how to paint them. 

My plan is too take all the khorne and paint it for on parade in about three years from now, when my skills improve.   The rest is undecided.  I am torn between Night lords and my death guard warband. i do play competitively so a majorly will be for display.  I tried test minis, but still can not decide.  I want to know why you play the warband you do, and how you decided, maybe i can reason a choice for myself by seeing how others choose.  Thanks for reading.   


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