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How much assembly before painting?


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Hey everyone, just a few questions for you all. I'm new to Marines and have not had a chance to paint any yet. My first army is Tyranids and I only have experience painting them so far.


- How much should I assemble before painting/priming? (For infantry, flies, tanks?)

- What methods are easiest for a newer player?
- Are there any suggestions or tips people can give me in their experiences?


Thanks everyone!

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I can give you some advice on infantry, since its the main type of forces I run. 


On assembling: I recommend you assemble the torso, legs and heads. You can put them on the base if you want or not, depends on how you prefer to paint, its also easier to prime without the base on. When you have those 3 pieces assembled you prime them and paint them. Then add the arms, paint them; add the pauldrons, paint them and finally add the back pack.


On painting: Painting marines can either be really simple to extremely complicated.


- For simple: Its easy to apply a basecoat, a second layer of a brighter colour, wash it down and then highlight. Let me give you an example from my own Ultramarines: I apply a basecoat of Kantor blue, then I layer it with a mix 1:1 of Kantor Blue and Caledor Sky. For the wash I apply a mix 1:1 of Kantor Blue and Abbadon Black mixed with water, I apply this only to the recesses, the places where shadows would naturally fall. And finally for the highlights, take a mix of Kantor blue, Caledor Sky and Calgar blue 1:1:1 and apply it only to the edges of the armour. This is a very fast and simple way to paint them, perfect for armies since it doesnt take much effort and looks great.

- For complicated: There are various degrees of complication to either just adding much more depths inthe colour with various diferent mixes to the extremely complicated NLS* method (similar to the NMM** technique). You can find guides for that on the internet, like this one: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com.es/2011/04/astorath-conversion-painted-librarian.html I would only recommend this for high-quality exposition minis as painting an entire army this way takes waaaaaaaaaaaay too long.


As far as details go the armour of a Space marine has a rich amount of space to add symbols and heraldry, so go nuts. Again in the details things can be extremely complicated or hilariously simple (but effective).


I hope this helps.

I have found to speed up painting and give crisper color separation is to assemble parts that will be the same base colors. I also don't assemble parts that will cover other details. Everything gets mounted separate so you can turn it all about.

As I said, I havent painted any vehicles yet since Im a footslogger kind of guy, but if I had to I would probably assemble a bit and then paint as I go along assembling so nothings stays unpainted. And for dreads I would paint the body before giving them arms.

I do much the same for vehicles. Paint everything that will have a different base coat separate. It is also easier to tape off areas for two tones when the model is in pieces. Once base coat is finished glue together for finish details so everything flows across the model.



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