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Renegade but non Chaos list


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Hi guys !


I've recently gotten the Codex Chaos, and I was musing the idea to make a Renegade chapter which does not pray any of the Chaos deity, not unlike the soul drinkers chapter. Their motive for secession would be that they would feel like the Imperium does not stand for what the Emperor had in mind. They would act as rebels, incitating disruption from within the Imperium, with hit & run tactics.


As such, I would not use any daemon or daemon-related units or vehicles. Ideally, I would like to give them a very "Knightly" feel, very close combat-oriented, less shooty, and I'm not opposed to use psykers as well.


What units would you recommend to keep that Knightly feel, while avoiding daemons ?

- I don't mind using cultist, as they could stand for the populace they freed or coerced to join the rebellion

- I would think that having a secure Masters of Deceit trait is the way to go, so would you recommend Huron or Ahriman ? What are the advantages of each ?

- I beleive I would also go for either Mark of Khorne or slaneesh for the close combat improvement

- The bikers are interesting because they get the close combat weapon + bolt pistol, they have more attacks than regular marine bikes, and they would feel like modern cavalry

- What means of delivery (transport, deep strike ?) would be best to carry the marines on the battlefield ?


I'm all ears ;)


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A codex sm army using BT rules and bikers with grav guns would work better .


As chaos goes .


huron >ahriman . the first one is cheap , but not awesome . the other one  is not awesome and not cheap


MoK is most of the times a not needed upgrade . If you want to use mos , then runing NM is probably better , but as you probably wouldn't want to , I guess markless csm would be the best.


as bikers go . either small 3 man units to use as suicide melta or bigger squads to act as bodyguards for a Lord .



chaos marine do not have a good option to carry them in to battle .

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Jeske is probably right with this one-or go with the classic Space Wolves "Chaos" army, because with the ACCEPT ANY CHALLENGES, NO MATTER THE ODDS! rule (Champions of Chaos, because that's litterally how it works.  Your guy will have to challenge that hive tyrant, doesn't matter if you only have a close combat weapon) you run the risk of your champions (sargents) and HQs Pokevolving into Daemon Princes or Spawns.


The Black Templar army will net you a pretty good Close Combat type army, with more favorable Challenge Rules, and with the ability to take an embeded power weapon (can't be Challenge Blocked) and you can 'horde up' and take dedicated Landraiders as transports if I'm not mistaken-good landraiders.


And as ANY other Space Marine book, you get access to drop pods, which Chaos for some reason doesn't have.

Hell, I think just about every other Space Marine army now gets the option of NOT having a Champion/Sargent guy excepting Blood Angels (who get dedicated assault space marine squads who can lose the jumppacks for a fast transport discount-or dedicated landraider transports) and have Real Khorne Beserkers (Deathcompany)

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Huron is nice as an HQ for a rebel army. I will get some terminators too.


Also about the CSM, yes, take unmarked CSM squads with the stick of 'fear not my brothers' (max 10 per squad, they still have codex org I assume) in rhinos. You can even proxy razorbacks with rhinos with havoc launcher, not as good but still useful.


You can also take obliterators and can thank for this to GW introducing the centurions in the C:SM dex.


I will stay away from anything with the daemon word, marks and cult troops, aswell as chaos/heresy era weaponry but that's up to you.


You will have hard times winning battles, but if is not for tournaments you have a chance.


From the modelling side of things, this can be a great project. You can represent their struggle to get supplies mixing marks of armor salvaged from different chapters, crude bionics, lots of battle damage, wear and tear.

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Regardless of its many flaws and arguable virtues, there is one thing that can be said for the chaos marine codex. It is a Chaos marine codex, and whatever strength and individuality it has stems from that distinction. Marks of chaos. Cult units. Daemonic units daemon princes, weapons, engines. Daemonic allies. If you do not care for chaos, if you do not want the touch of the daemon on your forces, then you are left with the regular space marine codex minus anything good or interesting about it.


Just because you do not serve the imperium does not mean you are a chaos marine, and it does not mean you should use the chaos marine codex. Put another way, codex space marines doesn't have 'loyalist' or 'imperial' in the name, but codex Chaos space marines does have the word 'chaos' in its name, and that word comes first, before 'space marines', not after. That should tell you what you need to know.

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I wouldn't go with the CSM codex if you're just doing non-Chaosy renegades.  If nothing else, you'd be stuck trying to figure out why the lack of available spare parts for the assault cannon means that you switch to using an antique reaper AC that was discontinued however many thousands of years ago.

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