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Eagle Eyes ongoing army log -- Libby's face, & some base


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really really nice clean paint

I love your theme.


I vote for a test on the war paint too.

I think it could work since your sm are not over detailled with cultural references.

I remember in the 90's the war paint of the scouts in Space Hulk and their mohawk and even chapter as the Dark, Blood and other angels were wearing some. It was kind of strange, a little Mad Max II.

Yes I'm old.  

But I do undertand the doubt of going in that direction. I think you should try on your next sm model and see how it feels.


Once again thumbs up for your work !!!


Yes! I'm old-school as well, and that scout with the stripe across his eyes was the first thing I thought of too! That was actually ripped right out of Bladerunner, but it totally called to mind a more savage marine. I am most def going to do some testing when I have time. 


And thanks for the kind words. I wish I had your greenstuff skills, and I'll be watching those squats, man. 

oh yeah the squat project is still in limbos since I can find the proper converting tool and have been traveling quite a lot these lasts months and couldn't really find time to work on them (pretty sure they're still banned from b&c). still debating of going old school or mechanicus on them.

I still don't have a proper modelling space either in Shanghai.


Been converting a test model on rainbow warriors for a Aztec sm theme so I kind of stuck in the same debate of going too litteral or not.


And I've been thinking about converting some Nurgle zombies the last few days which is a sign that my add/adhd is still here


here we go another French complaining and complaining and complaining...

Started some GS work in earnest on this dude. Didn't get TOO far because I had some problems with the gauntlet thingy. I had hoped to get them both done.


Covering up the seams on the wrists to cover the magnet joint. I plan on doing this for any and all hand/weapon options. His arms are actually a touch short, too, and this adds just a tiny bit of length which seems more natural.


Here's the back of the jump pack. I had the scroll on there already so it's cured. Added the skulls, horns to the crest thing, and covered the seams in the tops of the jet pack. Also did one half of the squiggles on the force sword. I might redo that, as it looks a bit wide. It's not too bad, though. We'll see.

Mocked up a few quick ideas for face paint options, based on internet research. Almost every pattern I found that looked remotely authentic had the chin component. That seems essential to the look. Many of them feature bars either across the eyes or just below. Most were fairly colorful, but I probably will not be going that route for obvious reasons. What do you folks think of these three options? A mix of them, all the same? Which one? Or do you have thoughts on other options as well? They can be pretty extravagant. I also thought about doing some "sugar skull" designs on certain models but that seems too modern (think of the skulls you see during the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations).

I think these are subtle, but still hint in the right direction. And the one on the left TOTALLY reminds me of the old scout models.


I found some old-school scouts online, for those of you who don't remember!


I personally like the idea of warpaint/tribal paint on scouts, I think they would have that kind of tribal nature within scout squads. Alone for days on end, you would become a little feral....

I have a unit of scouts scratch built from various scout parts, marauders and guardsmen which are very similar, quite wild in appearance with rough hand weapons and pistols, thinking of splattering them with some Adam Ant style mascara now thumbsup.gif

Those are good face paint schemes. Not a fan of the 'sugar skull' design (I haven't detected any fascination with death, the macabre, morbidity, mortality or fatalism from the stuff your'e written and made so far), but that's up to you.

Yeah, I don't think I'm doing the sugar skulls. While I was looking up pics though, there a ton of face paint designs like that. It's possible that the chaplains have some done up, but I don't plan on running any chaplains without helmets. 

I can see it being fine on Chaplains. I've definitely seen a beakie Chaplain with the skull painted on rather than being a skull-beakie.


You could even have a Chaplain with a regular helm in black with the skull painted on in white.


I can see it being fine on Chaplains. I've definitely seen a beakie Chaplain with the skull painted on rather than being a skull-beakie.



I can see it being fine on Chaplains. I've definitely seen a beakie Chaplain with the skull painted on rather than being a skull-beakie.


You could even have a Chaplain with a regular helm in black with the skull painted on in white.


Which I may end up doing, since I'm going to be kit-bashing a jump-pack Chaplain at some point. I have never really liked the look of painted-on skulls but I'll at least explore the option. 


Hmmm old school scouts

I even remember those bad boys


They were terrible models, IMO. What was up with the goofy renaissance-faire shoulders? I did like the face-paint on them, though.

A little minor progress last night. Finished the other side of the sword squiggles and now you can see the little horns on the pommel. These were so fiddly that I almost scrapped the idea. They kept falling off.

I started an open right hand to match when he wants to use the sword. I'll likely also make a plasma pistol at least, and maybe some other options for a right hands. I tried sculpting the fingers twice with GS alone, and that didn't work out. So, now he's got paperclip fingers, filed down on the tips. After the GS cures I will build up the armor plating, and the soft ribbing on the palm. Who knows if this will work but they seem about the right thickness. They look a bit thick now, but I have to keep reminding myself that he's wearing an armored gauntlet. Sitting next to the sword hand, they really sculpt the fingers to be too skinny on marines. The jury's out on this one.


I like the idea of the scouts with warpaint on their faces, especially across the eyes.  It is straight out of RT and 2nd Edition which I fully endorse.  I agree with you on the weird sleeves though.  They looked crappy on the plastic scouts but there is an old WD cover with a bunch of scouts in that outfit that looked a little better.  The tattooed or painted face on the chaplain is an excellent idea as well.  I actually painted the skull on the face of my first chaplain mini a long time ago and I thought he looked great leading a squad of assault marines.  There is a BL story with a Silver Skulls captain with a skull tattooed over his face in silver ink that sounds really sweet as well.  

I like the idea of the scouts with warpaint on their faces, especially across the eyes.  It is straight out of RT and 2nd Edition which I fully endorse.  I agree with you on the weird sleeves though.  They looked crappy on the plastic scouts but there is an old WD cover with a bunch of scouts in that outfit that looked a little better.  The tattooed or painted face on the chaplain is an excellent idea as well.  I actually painted the skull on the face of my first chaplain mini a long time ago and I thought he looked great leading a squad of assault marines.  There is a BL story with a Silver Skulls captain with a skull tattooed over his face in silver ink that sounds really sweet as well.  


Sounds cool! I'll probably never run a Chaplain sans helmet, but that just might make its way into some fluff. And yeah, I totally remember that scout art. It was a really nice piece, actually. I think it was for the Space Crusade game back in the day, maybe? 

I got a wet palette for Christmas, which is awesome! To celebrate, I mixed up some of my mid-grade green highlight and finished the two remaining tacticals. I did some extreme highlights on the helmet less guy but it was thinned down so much it wasn't having a big influence. I opted to wait and do them all together.


They look great and you are going to love the new palette.  I have some unsolicited advice for you that I learned the hard way.  Use distilled water in the palette and add a drop or two of ammonia to it if you are going to leave water in it for a long time.  I had one from the craft store that got thrown away before learning these two lessons.  Now I have the smaller palette from P3 and it gets treated much better.

Here's what's on my table… Spent some quality time over the holiday putting together scouts and Sternguard vets in preparation for a campaign. Of course, I had to magnetize everything since I am a magnetard now. I can't help myself. Here are a couple of very messy shots of my workstation, sitting in front of the couch while I watched Dredd and a terrible kung fu movie called The Sorcerer and the White Snake.

I actually have heads on the scouts now but I managed NOT to get a pic somehow.


I have magnets in their shoulders and bodies, except on the HB dude because his hand on the HB wasn't firm enough. For him, instead, I dropped a magnet in his waist and prepped a spare camo cloak body that I will use if I do them CC/BP style sooner or later. I want everything to be swappable. I'm debating dropping magnets in the camo cloak rolls but I will probably just glue or sculpt them on. I will be taking them most of the time.


This pic is a bit blurry but you get the idea. I am using three sets of normal legs on the Sternguard to reduce the BPM ratio on them a bit. I did go ahead and hack the tabard out of the pair of legs on the far left there. It was a bit tedious but it worked. The area around the groin will be covered by the conveniently placed purity seals on the torso right next to it. That gives me 4 pair of Mk. 6 armor for legs. I used just one 'plain' torso that I will probably add something to at some point. I figure the sergeant can keep his tabard, and I will use the other tabard legs for character kit-bashes or remove the tabards from them later at some point. With these guys, I am putting in magnets in three sets of shoulders, for the heavy weapons options, plus the serg in case I ever want to give him CC weapons. The other two sets of arms will be glued, with magnets in the weapons so they can be swapped. I'm super pumped about the quality of this kit, along with the Vanguard and new Tacticals. I will also echo what many have said about the number of bits. It's astounding. So many heads, combi-weapons, etc. It's awesome.


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