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Cultists in a Night Lords Army?


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I wanted to start a Night Lords army and was thinking that the best way to get started would be with Dark Vengeance, but I'm worried that the Cultists might not fit with the Night Lords fluff as they aren't really into the whole worshipping thing. I'm concerned about the viability of using the chosen for the very same reason. Any thoughts?

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Having a bunch of mortal meat shields who happily throw themselves at the enemy because the death waiting for them if they advance is nothing compared to the living hell they'll face if they retreat seems pretty Night Lordish.
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Yeah. Put them big metal collars and chains, paint the clothes as dark rags. Maybe mixing the warhammer fantasy flagellants (with the rigth weapon options) with cultists. In short, make them slaves. Tortured slaves willing to die rather than live another day under their masters desires.

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Go for the Penal squad from Victoria Miniatures. They seem like they are justo ut of prison...which would be a fitting place for Night Lords to find recruits in...



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Night Lord cultists are an excellent means of producing some truly horrific, characterfyul conversions: tortured, mutilated, half flayed slaves who are herded forward into the enemy for the pleasure of their captors sounds about right. You could even link them directly to your warband's background: the Night Lords seem to almost psychically "feed" off of the terror and pain they inflict; maybe the cultists serve as a kind of replenishable larder in that regard :)

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Like folk have said consider them ship slaves armed with spud, sorry, autoguns and herded into the firing line. I made mine from Catachan guardsmen.


If your going ship slaves might I suggest giving them red hands as a throw back to the old Nostramen gang custom of tattooing condemned members.

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The Sinner's Red wouldn't go to slaves though. It would go to those who were deemed as committing an unforgivable failure and are now forced to seek atonement through service until death.


Personally, I'd say take some prisoners, make them look like they've been through hell and that now they're so willing to escape that they'll run into the guns of their former allies than face what is coming behind them.

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I have been tempted to mod some flagellants from fantasy into my cultists as well. Meatshields who would rather eat a bolt shell than go back to the bowels of the ships they were dragged from. The flagellants just have that crazed and harried look a lot more than the cultist models do. Makes perfect sense to me, and the flagellants combined with some choice weapons and other bitz would be a great modeling/conversion opportunity.

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Yeah, the modelling aspect of that can be great. I love it, and I will do. However, pondering bout it, actually I don't think that the Night Lords would send slaves to the fight. Ever.


They're about to unleash themselves onto the prey, not to send garbage to do the job.


Anyways, you can expect some slaves/tortured people from me, in a couple of months.



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Well they might not send them to fight, but they'd sure rather some puny humans die than their precious legionaries. I wouldn't think of cultists so much as an offensive unit in this context, as more of a set of ablative wounds. Or even backfield objective holders, leaving the true sons of Curze free to destroy the imperium while their slaves do the boring :cuss like securing locations.

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Yeah, the modelling aspect of that can be great. I love it, and I will do. However, pondering bout it, actually I don't think that the Night Lords would send slaves to the fight. Ever.


They're about to unleash themselves onto the prey, not to send garbage to do the job.


Anyways, you can expect some slaves/tortured people from me, in a couple of months.



Lord of the Night. Buy it. Read it. Love it.
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I have it, I've read it. I love it.






He was a lone astartes, it's not the usual modus operandi, imho.

I'm working on some elite infantry cultists, army guys/blood pack like. I don't see them going unappreciated/impossible to see in a NL army. 


I would love to see that.

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All depends on the direction the warband took. Some NL would happily use captives and send them back towards their own. Nothing more demoralizing than shooting comrades.

Others would look at cultists as inferior and just getting in the way.

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I wonder if it would be possible to model a group of cultists as semi feral, ragged children the warband abducted in their raids on Imperial worlds.


That ought to mess with the heads of the Imperial forces that have to gun them down quite nicely.

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I wonder if it would be possible to model a group of cultists as semi feral, ragged children the warband abducted in their raids on Imperial worlds.


That ought to mess with the heads of the Imperial forces that have to gun them down quite nicely.


Ooooh, that's fittingly nasty. I love it.

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Modus operandi of my war band:

Night Lords war band arrives on remote agricultural planet, with human foot troops. They terrorise and enslave the majority of the local population, forcing any rudimentary PDF / young adults out into the countryside to form resistance bands. Night Lords commit more and more despicable acts of brutality on the enslaved population, forcing desperate acts of resistance. Carpet bombing areas with people thrown out of Thunderhawks is a favourite 'amusement' of the Night Lords.

As time goes by the resistance groups have to commit their own acts of brutality to keep on fighting (such as killing any of their members who attempt to give themselves up to save family members - not that the Night Lords would keep to such promises anyway, or killing their wounded to escape detection). Eventually the Night Lords approach the last few survivors, brushing aside any feeble attempts at resistance. Then full horror is revealed - the only reason the Night Lords came to the planet was because of those young adults, and all the desperate acts they have committed in resistance were doomed to fail. Their loved ones suffered more because they resisted. In fact, the very reason that they survive is because they eventually dominated and terrorised their own comrades - the Night Lords creed!

Minds shattered and incarcerated on Night Lords ships with too few food supplies, the self-loathing and flames of vengeance merge into vicious arguments and battles for supremacy and food. By the time the Night Lords arrive at another planet, the last remaining people are black-hearted killers, damned for all their deeds, and embracing their new destiny as the foot soldiers of the Night Lords. Their curse is to reenact that cycle upon another unsuspecting planet - and often the worse atrocities come from the soldiers not their Master (much to their amusement).


I use Delaque gangers (and the excellent extra minis from Heresy Miniatures) to represent my foot troops. The goggles represent shielding their eyes from sunlight after living on a Night Lords ship for months/years. They are meat shields and objective sitters, worthless chaff to be thrown away should it serve my Chaos Lord's purpose. cool.png


* think original film of Red Dawn

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