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trouble getting paint scheme down


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If you are covering the entire surface with the shade/wash, don't. You really should only be using the wash/shade in the recesses of the model. Then thin your original base color and clean up any tide/edge lines with this. Don't paint down into the recesses with the thinned paint so that you leave the darker color showing there.

For the most part, ill second Bryan Blaire's comment above.  the exception id offer is if youre using the shade/wash to alter the color you used as a base coat.  in this instance, id recommend repainting the colors over some of the solid areas and avoiding the recesses.  this way youre adding in some highlights right off.


sure, you could drybrush over the whole model, I do this a lot for dark angels colorings, but be careful (of course) with complex colorschemes....you know, quarterings, halvings and the like.


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