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Next Chaos Supplement?


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So seeing as the "Teacher's Pet", Space Marines, had their codex released barely a month ago I guess we could have guessed that they would be headlining the Supplement Rumour news with a number of them likely to come out in quick succession.

We as chaos, obviously, had to wait for more than a year and our supplement still isnt even in Hard Cover yet. 

So what do you guys think? What will be the next supplement and can we expect another one before the end of the year?

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I think we'll be getting nothing until next year, and I reckon it will be either Iron Warriors, Night Lords or Word Bearers. I doubt they'll ever release Monogod supplements.

...I'm hoping for Iron Warriors next.



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I haven't heard anything regarding another CSM supplement, so I'll bet that there will be nothing before January.  Especially since Iron Hands, Imperial Fists, and now Ultramarine (Tyranic War Vets) are at various stages of rumor/fact.


I'd almost guess Word Bearers as a good possibility.  They could slap in rules for KP and/or Erebus and a couple of dongles that boost daemon deep striking or reserve manipulation.  Plus the WB are extra daemony, which seems to mesh with the new CSM units from the main codex, so there's that.


EC could pretty easily get a supplement.  A few named dudes, expand the wargear to have sonic weapons available for Havoks and Terminators, that'd probably get the job done OK.  Maybe team Nurgle could get a similar treatment.  Nothing like what would be needed to tweak Tzeentch though.

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On a semi-related note, when is the Black Legion supplement out in hardback? I noticed the Tau one is out soon, so that suggests a turn around time of about 6 months, but I didn't know if we've heard anything more concrete.



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As to the next one, some of the guys down the shop were saying that they'd heard there's a new Wolves book next year, and the Thousand Sons supplement was the same month. I think they said April.



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Releasing a TS supplement at the same time as the SW 'dex would be a pretty good marketing move.  The jokes write themselves.


Also; a TS book just won't be able to fix them.  Not without a heap more rules and stuff than have been in any of the other supplements.  For me, pure Thousand Sons means having the ability to bring crazy magic power in every FOC slot.  GW seems to think that Thousand Sons just means a little added luck in not getting killed and half-wit magic user who'd have been better off toting a melta gun, cause at least the melta gun isn't going to cause his brain to explode. A supplement ain't gonna fix that disconnect.

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To be fair, rules aside, a TS warband is one of the ones better represented in the current codex. There are not many of them left, and most of them ar just rubrics so they need to rely on renegades, cultists, daemons and other allied forces for their needs in battle. Heck even Amons fleet in Ahriman: Exile was consisting of people with lots of various allegiances...

As for an Alpha Legion supplement...why bother when Sicarius does such a good job at being a 'honorary Alpharius' with his infiltrating tactical squad and reserve roll bonus... tongue.png

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Shocking that we might have to wait another 6 months...by the time the Nurgle or Slaanesh ones comes out (if they even come out) 7th Edition will probably be rolling along. Really hope the Alpha Legion rumours had some merit to them...they seem to have run dry though. Mostly hope for Raptors made troops and hopefully something to salvage the Warp Talon problem we have.

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