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Other Rogue Thousand Sons Sorcerers


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Since the Thousand Sons gave rise to sorcery and the psycho-magical connection with the warp, could it have given rise to OTHER rogue sorcerers since the time of Ahriman who could feasibly become so legendary of figures? It's always been a fantasy of mine to own an army of Thousand Sons who form an independent cell or cabal. (108 Thousand Sons marines, 27 Thousand Sons Terminators, Terminator Sorcerer (leader), and one or two other sorcerer disciples.)


Could there be a Sorcerer to rival Ahriman in infamy? Where in the galaxy would a Thousand Sons cell operate? What other things could a master Sorcerer be after in the galaxy? Would a rogue Sorcerer want to or be able to make a sojourn to Magnus's new realm within the Eye of Terror? And the most interesting question is... would a Thousand Sons sorcerer ever worship Slaanesh or Nurgle rather than Tzeentch? (this is more of a lore question)

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The answer to your question is: It's your army, write your background.


The Thousand Son sorcerer in the short story "The Masters, Bidding" in Treacheries of the Space Marines, tells of his upbringing well after the events of the Heresy and the Rubric. It's easy for me to imagine that somewhere, someone is disillusioned enough to strike out on their own and try to find a different path. I imagine if such a sorcerer did the right things often enough, they may attract the attention of Slaanesh or Nurgle, to the degree that they can draw upon the lore of that other god. Tzeentch may have a mighty and terrible retribution in store for such a sorceror, or some other plan that they will someday fulfil, knowingly or not.

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Other codecii and such can 'counts-as' Mephy, or Tiggy, fluff has done it also in some old Deathwatch BL novels where a Libby from a BA successor is as strong as and has done the same gone-through-the-rage thing as Mephy. I love the character that Ammonius references, it's a great example of how we get new blood in the legion. One of my sorcerers is kinda based off of this idea but then I realized that personally I just like the feel of the Long War more from a 'I was there when Prospero fell' kinda perspecitves. So my current Sorcerer Lord is the youngest in the legion and second most powerful after Ahriman (it's just that no-one realized it at the time because he was still not super-trained and experienced) tongue.png Now, 10,000 years later he's a badcensored.gif and not the weenie he was at the time of the heresy. Plus he's trying to conquer Dark Mech forge worlds to expand the armies of Tzeentch all to conquer the entire galaxy for the changer of ways.

There's a short, poorly written example of my own fluff but it seems to be along the epic kinda lines that you are wondering about, nothing wrong with it, go bananas. Oh, and bugger the other gods, all is dust.

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Since the Thousand Sons gave rise to sorcery and the psycho-magical connection with the warp, could it have given rise to OTHER rogue sorcerers since the time of Ahriman who could feasibly become so legendary of figures? It's always been a fantasy of mine to own an army of Thousand Sons who form an independent cell or cabal. (108 Thousand Sons marines, 27 Thousand Sons Terminators, Terminator Sorcerer (leader), and one or two other sorcerer disciples.)


That's likely not a million miles away from what most Thousand Son warbands are. It's mentioned a few times that most sorcerers take their Rubricae warbands (and maybe some allies/disciples) and sell their services to other warbands in the hunt for relics or lore.

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You should read Ahriman: Exile.


Ahriman was not that legendary in the sense that he was generally known (at least before that book). I doubt any non-primarch traitor legionnaire was known by name outside the annals of Holy Terra, and perhaps a few chapters. Yes, there would be quite a few sorcerers out there that would rival Ahriman in reputation, but not in power. We still don't know what happened with Hathor Maat (one of my absolute favorites! :D ), or most of the others from the cabal that cast the rubric...and most of those ones aren't even named!


There would be a distinct power difference between 'proper' Thousand Sons sorcerers and recent renegade ones I believe. Proper Thousand Sons has Tzeentch coded into their very geneseed, while newer renegades only have a shallow contract with him.

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